Friday, April 30, 2010

Need to rant?

Anyone need to get something off their chest?

I'm all ears.....Need to rant?
ok on peoples silly questions on Y/A....

';am I pregnant??'; I dont bloody know, and I didnt really need to know all about ur menstrual cycle, go out and BUY A TEST!


';any more news on poor Maddy'; her name is MADELINE and if your that concerned do something more productive than asking about it every 2 mins!

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh :))Need to rant?
ah how do PUPPY, we miss Data. Can you bring my green people home? I need to direct traffic at the Acedemy in Flint.

Report Abuse

yeah, bluddy violations, bluddy this, bluddy that, bluddy housework, bluddy shopping, bluddy bills,

bluddy hell shall i shut up now or what?

No thanks, I got rid of mine earlier.
no not me right now..but thanx for asking
hey girl

thanks for asking but it's 9:14 a.m. the day is still early check back at 3:30 pm or so, I am hoping that the day goes smooth. I am starting to be extra happy 1 more day till friday. WOoo HOoo

I hope everyone's day is wonderful

i holla ;P
Nope, one chilled bunny here but thanks so much for asking.
Gas prices suck so bad here in California at $3.59 yet when i go to my friend house in NV her gas prices is $2.89 i so need to move out of this state.. Thanks for the ear.
no ive been doing that at work ive been a real witch there lately
aaaaagh! i had half of my religious studies GCSE today and i didn't even finish the paper! i've failed! (yeah, rs is compulsory coz my school is a 'humanities' school)

and tomorrow i have (these aren't GCSE)a geog exam, a french oral and a JSLA p.e exam. shoot me now! i'm doomed!
i think im good for right now..but thanks anyways! ill elt you know
this 400kg. weightlifting bar heeeeeeeelllpp.
only some grey hairs,,
yeah some jerko ';reporter'; type reported me for no reason last night

And the last 3 questions i posted never got posted...what a waste...
this jane fonda b***h thought that no one would noe what she did or even remember it to begin with. she had the b***s to come up here and ask us our personal info. i wouldnt have it. then my xbf wont f****ng talk to me. i dont know why with his little gay a**. i cant wait until next week and i really want to go with this boy, but i dont know how to go about it.....thanks, now i feel better. luv lots!!!!
I'm OK at the moment. Thanks for the offer
so much i'm too lazy to type it, but just wanted to say what a thoughtful gesture this is :)
Yes! I hate the world and everyone in it !!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
Yes, I could'nt wait to get out of bed and answer questions! Urrrgh this addiction is crazy!

Why do people on here email you and cuss you out,wish bad things on you etc...when their Questions I replied to were offensive?When someone offends me I offend them back,hey if they can't run with the big dogs get the frick off the porch!

...ahhhhh,thanks I feel alot better now..%26gt;=)
Yeh! Bloody British weather, where`s the bloody sun
  • eyeliner
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    Everytime I turn it on-%26amp; i get a message from a person, it dies..Well, not everytime but a startd a couple dayss agoo....WHAT do i do???please dont say ';go to the store'; that pretty obvious...Pleasee e heeellppp mmmeeeeeee


    -victoriaMY SAMSUNG RANT KEEPS DYING!!!!!! HELP!!!!?
    You will have to go to a store.

    Look on for one with a authorize repair center their really nice and always help me.

    Christian Bale rant????!!?

    HAHA!! Okay, so you all know Christian Bale's crazy, like 7 minute long, rant that's been plastered all over the news and internet? The one where he's throwing F-bombs left and right at some photography person on the set of his latest movie?? Well someone already made a techno song out of it!! It's hilarious!! What do you guys think??

鈥?/a>Christian Bale rant????!!?
    It's so funny. The person who made this remix is hilarious. My only beef is this: does it get Bale off the hook? I think he's absolutely awful and a bully. What he did to that poor guy was horrible. I like the remix, but it makes Bale's tantrum seem trendy when it was downright tacky.Christian Bale rant????!!?
    I'm not into techno music, but I did like the song.

    Bale just shows what an *** he is. I also wonder what Bryce Dallas Howard was thinking while he was yelling like that. Poor thing was right there while he did this crap. The guy stepped in to check the lighting that is it. Wasn't like he started to move furniture. The director of T4 is also a wimp. He should have stepped in right away instead of letting it go on like that. There is absolutely no excuse for the way Bale acted.
    Cool vid. The ';rant'; was also hilarious. And btw, what moron walks onto the set while filming? Especially if its a difficult scene. That guy deserved to be yelled at. What if it were like the scene where Jack Nicholson yells out, ';you can't handle the truth';, but then some shmuck walks in front of the camera and ruins the scene? Anyway, that dude needs to pay attention or find another job.
    Ha! That fools got some issues to work out! As I recall he once got arrested a year ago because he was violently abused one of his family members but maybe he's just like that because the one chance he got to be famous was taken from him by Heath Ledger who gave an outstanding performance as the joker in The Dark Knight!
    I think that Christian Bale is class act.

    Yahoo Answers Rant?

    It really pisses me off when you take the time out to help someone and answer there question only for them to reward the most pointless answer.

    For example this person asked if Everton and Liverpool could ever share a football stadium.

    There was quite a few good answers.

    My reply was:

    No chance will that ever happen. That would be like asking rangers and celtic to share a stadium.

    Difference in Italy with both Milans, this was something which was done years and years ago, politics of football were completely different then. They have learned and naturally accept that they share a stadium with each other.

    No chance it will happen with any of todays teams imo.

    winning answer was

    No ******* Chance !!!!!!!!!

    Anyway this is only one small example, it happens over and over. Why bother.

    How do you feel about this.Yahoo Answers Rant?
    Yes, I agree with you too. Sometimes it doesn't make sense but unfortunately there isn't anything you can do about it. It's kind of like some of the questions that are posted that make no sense at all. I think for some this is just a game and not a way to help people %26amp; ask legitimate questions.

    PattyYahoo Answers Rant?
    Yup! Lots of times, it's a points gaming issue. Their buddies answer the question - and then get the points. It's maddening.
    Who ever said life was fair?
    I agree w/Bobby G its a friend thing just to help each other get extra points.
    Life isn't always in favor of you.

    All I'm saying is that is just the way things happen. It pisses me off too, but I realize that sometimes it happens. By the way, my comment wasn't an attack against you. I can understand how it could be interpereted that way, but I didn't mean it like that.
    Yeah, I feel the same. How about answering a question and some jerk takes your answer and makes it his own but written differently? Or you put a site to where they can look it up and someone just copies it down and claim it as their own?

    So many questions, so little time to answer. Just do your best to answer and let it go, I say.

    I like asian girls more than my own race- Should I start ranting on asian people and pretend i hate them?

    Why would you do something stupid like that?I like asian girls more than my own race- Should I start ranting on asian people and pretend i hate them?
    Oh it's YOU, the homophobic moron.

    Well sure go for it, if it turns you on dude.

    F**** Walmart (RANT)?

    seriously. i am an employee there and im sick of getting treated like white dog crap. for anyone who knows what a d day is i got one. and for those of you who dont its called a ';decision making day'; which means that you have to write a paper saying why u want to work for them andhow you are going to change what you did wrong.

    anyway. it was over a wic check, the customer signed it in a light color and when walmart copied it it didnt show up.

    wtf dude.F**** Walmart (RANT)?
    Walmart sucks and treats its employees horribly. As one of the nation's largest employers it holds a lot of responsibility for the terrible wages and benefits corporations get away with in this country.

    An interesting read is ';The Bully of Bentonville.'; I suspect they don't sell it at Wal-MartF**** Walmart (RANT)?
    Well, there are PLENTY of people out there who want/desperately need jobs. If you're not going to follow protocol (I assume you knew that checks should be signed with either blue or black ink) why would you be upset? You were the one who messed up. Your lucky all you have to do is write a short paper. Not sure in which state you live, but many states are ';right to work'; states, meaning you can be fired for no reason at all. You show up for work one day and your boss doesn't like your hair style, so he lets you go with no reason, and you can't do anything about it.

    Be thankful you have a job--there are PLENTY of people out there who would gladly take a cashier job at Wal Mart.
    I don't see what is so wrong with that? I wouldn't write a whole paper, but just state that you were wrong and say next time I will be more cautious.

    You should have made sure it was signed in blue or black ink.
    LOL. sounds like your particular walmart is over staffed. it sucks when the company takes advantage of the system to make excuses to fire employees.
    LMAO. I've worked at WalMart for five years. (I work in my store's bakery). I know working there can be frustrating because it's such a busy store.

    Just try to be more careful.
    i work at walmart tooooo

    but my walmart doesnt take wic checks

    im sowwy :(
    im not being rude but are you pregnant??!? im confused on why you would post this here!!
    put this on the walmart blog.. we here are pregnant and dont really care about your screw up at walmart check out lane

    The sprint rant!!!!!!!!?

    i will be getting the new sprint rant =] *stoked!* and i want to know what colors are available. i live in omaha. idk if location matters on the availability of color but.yah..what colors are available????The sprint rant!!!!!!!!?
    It comes in black, red and purple. The purple one can only be brought from Best Buy.
  • eyeliner
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  • Wrestling fans....rant here?

    This is a question that I put up just for people who love to go off on wrestling related rants. John Cena ticks you off? Tell me why. You hate WWE?....go ahead and blast it! You want TNA to fire Don West...say it!

    Just a question for you all to blow off a little steam with, I guess.Wrestling fans....rant here?
    I'm tired of all the little girls with their glittery signs ';I鈾ohn Cena'; or ';future Mrs. Cena'; He will not EVER marry you, you're 14 years old, get over yourself. You're not hot either.

    Why do we still care about UMAGA? Can anyone tell me what kind of TALENT he has? He grunts. I liked him much better as Rosey or Jamal... whichever of the 3 minute guys he was, that was definitely a more entertaining role for him.

    What is the big GD deal about Randy Orton? He stands there with hands in the air and looks like he stuffed a tennis ball in his speedo. Get over yourself Randy, you are not all that. If it wasn't for your dad and grandpa, you'd be doing underwear ads for K-mart.

    If I have to listen to ONE MORE plug about Mick Foley's damn CHILDREN'S BOOKS I'm going to blow a gasket.Wrestling fans....rant here?
    I am sick of non wrestling fans coming here and start talking smack about wrestling. Im sick of people going to wrestling shows or watching wrestling and the next day complaining about it.
    I love John Cena and especially MVP
    first of all, LMAO slayer.

    okay time to rant. (:

    -kevin thorn can't wrestle, fire him.

    -shelton benjamin is a great wrestler, yet he hardly ever gets title shots. he should be wwe champ.

    -stop bringing back legends! no one cares about them anymore.

    -john cena needs to lose the title. he's had some sort of a title for like 3 years now. give some one else a chance!

    -ken kennedy is annoying.

    -the great khali does not belong in the wwe. he sucks.

    -santino marella is STUPID. he allowes me to take a bathroom break during raw every week. he sucks.

    okay i'm done. (:
    Bobby Lashley sucks... at ONS he attacked Umaga before the bell rung. Shane O and Umaga were just coming out to watch Vince destroy Lashley in the match...what has he even done to get a WWE title match, beat Shelton Benjamin....Crime Tyme beat Shelton, they should get a WWE title shot 2... They would do better than Lashley will do, besides we all know Orton will get the title, just let him get it now!
    Im sick of decent wrestlers not being given pushes. I mean look at Matt Hardy he's been in this business a long time and not once has he had a major title or even had a chance at one! Jeff Hardy has been given more title shots and titles then i can count on two hands and my feet just because he has multicoloured hair and is a high flyer! Matt Hardy doesnt do so many high flying moves because of his leg injury but he still deserves the shots! Matt had a fairly good singles career when Jeff was out being the Cruiserweight champ and things but as soon as jeff comes back its all about The Hardy Boyz again! Im fed up of it because he must feel like a bag of crap!

    As a random rant im annoyed Funaki is Smackdown's ultimate jobber always being beaten up by the new big guys and never given proper matches. He showed his skill in the triple threat cruiserweight match last week and he was only given that because it was in the town where he has lived for the last 20 years!

    *Rant over*
    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.
    this is a cool question! i like to rant=]

    ok. john cena pisses me off so much. how can he beat all these people? i know that the winners are predetermined but its just soooo annoying. like were supposed to believe that john cena could beat people like shawn michaels and mick foley. its ridiculous! grr thats why i hate john cena. and his gimmick is so stupid. i cant wait until the fall when he makes his movie and we dont have to see him on wrestling yay.

    and another person that pisses me off is ashley. she is so stupid. she cant wrestle at all. and she cant act either. like when jillian hall hurt her ankle backstage and she was supposed to be crying and it sounded like she was laughing. and now she is missing MONTHS of wrestling to be on survivor? she should be practicing her sad accuse of wrestling, but she is obviously just using the wwe to try and be famous. thats why she was in playboy too. oh %26amp; playboy said that her issue had a dissappointment of sales hahahahahahhahhha. ok and another thing, i dont get why people dont like jeff hardy? he is such a great wrestler and has so many great moments. all those amazing tlc matches! he also did so many risky moves just for the fans to be entertained. and hes a hell of alot better than john cena!

    ok i think im done.
    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    Cena sucks.

    vinces dick.

    and the only reason cena wins is cause vinces little girl always gets what she wants.HA!

    Funniest Coaching Rant???

    Which professional football coach has had the funniest interviews or saying?Funniest Coaching Rant???
    Jim Mora's ';PLAYOFFS?';Funniest Coaching Rant???
    Dennis Green hands down.



    The Jim Mora ';Playoffs?'; rant was a pretty funny one.

    However the funniest one was by Sam Wyche when he was coaching the Bengals. A bunch of fans were throwing stuff on the field and the game had to be stopped. Wyche got on a microphone to the P.A. system and told the people to stop, saying something like ';You don't live in Cleveland!';
    OMG, the best came this year

    ';I'm a man, I'm 40, Come after me';

    That is the best EVER!!!!
    Well, THEY ARE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE! That's why we took the damn field! You play to win the game, and don't talk to me about PLAYOFFS! It's division one football, brother, and I don't care if I have the dumbest team ever. I've still got to shop for the groceries, especially if they want me to cook the dinner.
    Denny Green

    They are who they thought they
    #1.鈥?/a> - John Chaney

    #2.鈥?/a> - Jim Mora

    #3鈥?/a> - Hal Mcrae...awesome!

    #4鈥?/a> - Avery Johnson
    Arizona's after last year game vs. the Bears was pretty funny..
    Dennis Green's meltdown last year after the Cardinals blew it against Chicago was a classic.

    I always liked Jim Mora's ';PLAYOFFS?'; squeaker, too.
    They are who we said they are! we let them off the hook ( Dennis Green)

    But for all levels of football the OSU Cowboys coach

    come after me, Im a man

    He's a good kid
    Ditto on the Mora %26amp; Green rants.

    But, lest we forget the 2 who give the greatest sound bites...Bill Parcells %26amp; Herm Edwards. Especially when they were addressing the NY media! Both of them had the ';I don't give a 'f''; attitude towards the media. Priceless!
    They are who we thought they were!

    haha, classic.
    Oklahoma State football coach ';Come after me, I'm a man, I'm 40';. I think they are going to replay that a lot. I think it's because of his voice. I know Jim Rome plays it all the time.
    Mike Gundy .. from OSU.. classic.. ';so get your facts straight!';

    ';if your child goes down the street and someone makes fun of him because he dropped a pass in a pickup game or says hes FAT and he comes home crying to his mom.. you'll understand!';

    ';where are we at in society.. COME AFTER ME, IM A MAN, IM 40! ';
    Now, you all will know about how old I am. I say John McKay had the best interviews when he was coaching the Tampa Bay Buccaneers during their 0-14 season. When asked after a game:'; What do you think of your teams execution?';.

    He replied: ';I'm all for it.';

    When coaching at USC, he was asked why his tailbacks carried the ball so often. He answered, ';Why not? The balls not heavy.';
    beyond a shadow of a doubt, it was Jim Mora's ';Playoffs?'; rant.

    Dennis Green's was funny, but I still don't understand what he was saying.

    And honorable mention to Rick Pitino's ';Larry Bird is NOT walking through that door'; speech; as well as the clown for OK State, ';I'm a man - I'm 40 years old- Pick on me'; speech.
    Well I dont wanna show my age, but Bum Phillips rants back when he was coaching the Houston Oilers are classic.

    I also gotta give props to Denny Green's meltdown.

    I used to get a huge chuckle watching Bill Cower spit on everyone during his sideline meltdowns.
    Jim Mora Sr.



    Dennis Green

    ';They are who we thought they were!';
    The tirade by Ditka towards Harbaugh after his interception on an audible is pretty good,but best was Buddy Ryan after reporters asked him if he tried to knock out Luis Zendejas after the Bounty Bowl and he said ';That guy was terrible we were trying to keep him in the game';then the reporter asked if he was going to go after him again he said';Well if SHE doesn't want to get hit SHE should run to the sidelines';I MISS BUDDY.
    ';We went for it on fourth down because we think kicking a field goal is running up the score';

    ';Tom and Randy were still in the game in the fourth quarter with us up by 45 because you can never be too sure that a game is in hand';


    One more rant?

    Just one more rant before I leave this particular forum to rot and fester. I find it funny that there are some who cannot take as well as they give. I find that to be cowardly and two faced. As far as those who claim that professional wrestling sucks, do you research history at all? The reason I say that is simply professional wrestling has been around for 150 years and will be around long after UFC and MMA and whatever else those ';sports'; want to themselves to be labeled as. At least professional wrestling doesn't claim to be something its not.

    Personally I am not suprised that there are those who feel the need to be bad apples and see how far they can push before getting pushed back and then copping an attitude when someone calls them on it.

    I hope everyone eventually leaves Yahoo! Answers and moves on to other areas of the web where they can post legit questions and get legit answers and not crap questions about why you like Shawn's Hickenbottom.One more rant?
    big Angry

    You get A Star

    this section is full of fine ppl

    and quite a few im sure even God couldnt figure out

    ive only been on here a month and I've had my share of battles

    heck in in a feud right now with blitz1 for being a punkazz who cant take a joke

    and that truth guy

    what a maroon

    Who the bolldy HELL is shawn hick hick hickenbottom anyway Shawn Micheals????

    I got to lost of other sections already myself

    Rock and Pop they fight like cats in heat up in there too


    Current events otherwise know as McCannville want fighting go there!

    are a few of my fave haunts outside of wrestling

    also Mythology and Folklore is cool

    have a good one Big AngryOne more rant?
    we stay in this section because we like wrestling, yes theres stupid idiots in this section but theres stupid people in every section, and thanks for defending the wresting world
    Anywhere you go on the Internet you will find trolls and bad apples that want to spout garbage and ruin everyone's fun. The anonymity of the Internet seems to bring out the worst in people. Yahoo Answers is no exception.

    The one thing that those of us what actually want to have a decent conversation should always keep in mind is to ignore the idiots. They are everywhere, and they are plentiful. But the truth is that once no one pays any heed to them they will go away, because it is no longer fun for them if they are no longer in the center of attention.

    And if things get really bad, just report them.
    great point!
    LOL..Shawn's Hickenbottom.

    It's a shame to see you go, you're one of the few sane users here.

    I bid you farewell.
    agreed and starred
    It's very sad.These desperate bastards come here and disturb our peace.They all just crossed the line with me!

    Now they're on my bad side.
    Ya but wrestlin' is just a foney white boy game. Leavez the real sportz to da brothaz mo fo.

    ALL WOMEN: MEL GIBSON'S alleged anti-JEW RANT?

    It has been reported that when Gibson was arrested this week he said that all wars are caused by the Jews and he supposedly asked a police deputy if he was a Jew? Are you okay with Gibson expressing his opinion? I personally have no problem with it. How about you?ALL WOMEN: MEL GIBSON'S alleged anti-JEW RANT?
    I have no problem with it. Everyone has there own thoughts and hey freedom of speech! Totally agree with you.ALL WOMEN: MEL GIBSON'S alleged anti-JEW RANT?
    That doesn't make me like Mel any more. Not that I liked him to begin with.
    No one cares what actors think once they fall off the A list.... And I believe he fell off a long time ago didn't he?
    I didn't hear that... so I don't know if it is true or a rumor. However, I do know he was drunk. Let's hope that whatever things he said were the alcohol talking %26amp; not him.

    I like Mel Gibson, and it's always a shame to see someone you like act in an unbecoming manner. He may be a celebrity, but he is human just like the rest of us... I'm sure the majority of us have gotten drunk %26amp; said or done something they shouldn't have before. We're just fortunate enough not to have our mistakes become national news.

    As far as I'm concerned, the only people that he should be apologizing to is his family. He has 7 kids that now have to deal with their dad's public humiliation.
    It just goes to show that you can produce blockbuster, religious movies and still remain a prejudiced person. He is becoming more and more a copy of his father's anti-semitic views, and strict, consrvative Catholic stance.

    How does he see the Jew, Jesus?
    I think we should all stop worrying about what Actors say and do. Don't care who they are -- we seem to respect/disrespect them because of their status. Enough already.
    He is a devout Catholic. Religion tends to make anyone irrational and sometimes crazy. He was also heard on TV saying that his wife is protestant so she will not be allowed in Heaven. If that ain't irrational then I don't know what is.

    Flashed samsung rant for cricket.?

    i ordered a samsung rant from ebay to get flashed to cricket and i was wantin to see if anyone knew if i would be able to text or get on the internet after i got my phone flashed.Flashed samsung rant for cricket.?
    yeah i have the rant flashed to cricket.

    you can text and have internet

    but you cant send or recieve picture messages

    you can recieve if you check online thoFlashed samsung rant for cricket.?
    actually it all depends on how it was flashed.

    down here where i live cricket is becoming a major carrier

    and flashing is very popular.

    there are basic flashes, which are just talk and text

    and there are full flashes, which is everything, as if it were an original cricket phone
  • eyeliner
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  • Do you hate when somebody???? asks a question on here like that.. and then rant about something?

    i do!Do you hate when somebody???? asks a question on here like that.. and then rant about something?
    YES I DO!,

    its worse when people try to answer your questions and they start to rant on about pointless stuff

    oh i woke up this morning and i had a rash on my balls

    TOO MUCH INFORMATION!Do you hate when somebody???? asks a question on here like that.. and then rant about something?
    yeah that is prettty lame
    Rants are reportable.
    you mean like you just did?
    Yes!! And usually it's one with about 1000 words, and no-one can really be bothered to even answer them
    definetly yeah

    Can I rant about clones?

    I got cloned once, I replied all five questions to that clone with:


    Yep, I'm Mr. Popular.

    Hey anyone seen my clone? I never saw him ever since, I wonder why.

    Hey, notice that 99.9% of all the clones are Anti-Islam? What a coincidence eh?

    Yeap, I was popular enough to get cloned ^_^VCan I rant about clones?
    Yes I was cloned as well and answered the clones questions and she reported me and I lost 36 points, Clones are bad news

    May God bless youCan I rant about clones?
    could this be self pity
    i get cloned also ,I'm a popular .. how LUCKY am i to let some idiots try to be like my magnificence,splendor,glamor, charm....etc ? ^_^ V

    how poor they are ;p
    You know, there is a town near were I live called Clones.
    Better you than me. I'd rather not be accused of something my clone did in a case of mistaken identity.
    we should clone. then they;ll prove whether animals and humans were more influenced by genetics or by upbringing
    okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, you brag alot about yourself,no offense though.

    hehehe pink panda ya right:)
    Clones suck!

    Is the Pope鈥檚 latest message just another rant and rave?

    Pope Benedict XVI rebuked his fellow Germans and other Western societies this Sunday, saying they often shut their ears to the Christian message. ';Put simply, we are no longer able to hear God 鈥?there are too many different frequencies filling our ears.';

    Is the Pope just saying his version of organised religion (Christianity) is the right one, and all of the other religions (frequencies) have got it wrong?Is the Pope鈥檚 latest message just another rant and rave?
    Sure seems like it. But who listens to the pope?Is the Pope鈥檚 latest message just another rant and rave?
    The Pope held a rave? Sheesh...that's the second one I've missed.
    The pope just stated the obvious!

    Look on this board!
    The Pope never rants. He is highly intelligent and well-educated and says exactly what needs to be said. Obviously he believes that Catholicism is right or he wouldn't be Pope, just as I believe it is right or I wouldn't be Catholic.
    I trust the Holy Father Pope Benedict.

    When God quietly speaks, some people are too busy sinning to hear what he has to say.

    God bless his Pope.
    It's good to ask questions where they will return the answers you want. Too bad you are so ignorant and misinformed. I doubt he is say that at all. He is saying there are too many distractions from the religious way.

    Just because you do not agree with him does not always make him wrong. It is like the socially retarded geeks that blame Bush for everything.
    He means what he says. We have tuned God out overall and need to learn to listen to Him. ';Be still and know..';
    Its all about MONEY!

    The Vatican ana the poop need more customers!
    probably all want to be seen as leaders

    Pregnancy bump rant!?

    I apologise before I write this post, I think my hormones must be getting the better of me! I am 14 weeks pregnant with my first baby, which we are so excited about. I am 5';2 and weigh 7.5 stone and am quite petite. I have always been this slim and eat like a horse so I guess I should be lucky. Since I have told people at work that I am pregnant, I have regular weekly comments about how skinny I still am and where is my bump etc, and people saying that there stomach is bigger than mine etc etc. It is really getting my back up because for 1, I think is is probably too early for me to have a noticable bump yet and 2, why is it when you're pregnant do people think they have the right to say whatever they want about your body! grrrr I am trying not to let this get to me but it really is to the point that I feel cross whenever someone says look how skinny you are! What can I do? Has anyone else been in this situation?Pregnancy bump rant!?
    Don't worry... you'll get your baby bump.

    Sometimes people just don't think. You'll learn quickly that having kids is a very competitive job (if you let it be). Everyone is always trying to compare how old their baby was when they did this or that.

    You're only 14 weeks, and petite... everyone carries differently. Don't let it get to you.Pregnancy bump rant!?
    Everyone is different. Every women carries differently. I was just the opposite of you..I too am slim, small, whatever..5'3'; and 110. I always seemed to show right away, and I got HUGE! People used to always comment on how BIG I looked, how I looked like I was having twins, etc. That too can be irritating.

    I think us women are just funny like that. We want to compare our bellies, our pregnancies, our labors, our births, our babies. You wioll always find people who will tell you things like..'; my labor was only an hour..first baby...or my baby was walking at 10 months..why isn't yours..or my son was potty trained at 15 months..why isn't yours...'; You just have to take all those comments with a grain of salt. If your pregnancy is healthy..if YOUR doctor is not concerned about weight gain, or your baby's growth, then you shouldn't be concerned either. We are all so different, and we need to just be happy with those differences. Think of it this may end up with NO or very few stretch marks..I got HUGE and I got a lot of stretch marks..uuggh...:-)
    Let me just say, I would love it if people were telling me how skinny I look. If you are 14 weeks and as small as you say, you should be starting to show a little. The fact that you aren't is of no consequence, because everyone is different, but that is the reason so many are commenting. Take it in stride. At least no one is telling you how big you are yet...wait until you get further along. People love telling you how big you are when you are pregnant. It's like it is the only time anyone is allowed to call you big. LOL. Congrats and enjoy your pregnancy.
    I know what you are going through. There are three of us at work that are pregnant, all around the same time. Everyone kept commenting to me that I didn't look pregnant and when I was going to start showing. The pregnant women even were getting grumpy with me because they were showing and I still looked like I wasn't pregnant (and even looked skinnier than prior to pregnancy because I was so sick, I lost 15 lbs.) I didn't really start showing until like week 17 and even then you wouldn't know unless you knew I was pregnant. My clothes seemed to all stop fitting on the same day, and now I'm starting to get pretty big at 25 weeks. For now, I would just ignore people, it's hard to do, but it's not worth getting worked up over. Most women don't show till later on so don't fret, people are just opinionated and you'll probably still get plenty of their opinions when you do start showing. The worst part for me was when I just looked like I was chubby rather than pregnant. I started wearing maternity shirts early so people would realize I was pregnant, not fat :)
    Who cares what they think! Anyways just because your pregnant doesn't mean that you should gain a ton of weight and have a huge belly, that's the worst thing to think when your pregnant. I'm the same size as you and my doctor told me that i should only gain no more than 25 pounds because of my height. As long as your doctor is saying your healthy and your weight is progressing at a good passe there's nothing to worry about. When i was pregnant with my son i had a young girl come up to me and ask me ';how old are you young lady';!! I was only 18 but still i was 4 yrs older than her, because of my size people automatically looked down on me. She's lucky she was under age or she would have gotten the best of me! But i ignored it. Tell them if they have something to say than say it to you otherwise they should keep their mouth shut.
    I didn't show till about 6 months due to the fact that I am overweight. Just ignore them. Alor of people give unwanted advice. Just smile and walk away.
    I am also 14 weeks and I have had a bump for a long long time (even though I have lost nearly 10 lbs....I am average weight and height....5'4'; and 123 lbs) but everyone woman is different. I don't know why people say mean and rude things. I know it hurts and especially when your nerves and hormones are enough to deal with. Dont' worry about it. Your bump will come in plenty of time and then it will get tough having it around all the time. It is such a precious time so don't let others get you down. You'll start showing soon enough probably in another week or so. Just look at it this way; You probably won't have much fat to lose after the baby is born. :)
    I didn't ever really start showing. I just looked like I got a little fatter. People still made comments to me and I ended up gaining almost 60 lbs and was underweight before pregnancy. I was actually induced due to small uterine size but my daughter was fine. She was 6lb5oz and healthy. Unless your doc is concerned, don't worry about it. If anyone comments do one of five things 1. ignore them literally turn your head and talk to someone else 2. smile and say uhhuh 3. tell them it is none of their business 4. Tell them that you are under a doctors care and he says you are fine 5. tell them that you think your child is an alien. Of course you could always turn around and tell them ';yes you do look more pregnant than I do.....huh....interesting'; that just depends on your personality.
    u should have a bump

    Matt Damon rant on Palin?

    I'm sorry but i watched that video a good 3 or 4 times and he is simply ignorant. He is ranting about Palin having no experience? He should look at his candidate. And so what if she governed Alaska? Whats wrong with that? And he's scared? He should be, but not because of Palin. What did you think of it?

    For those of you who have not seen it.鈥?/a>Matt Damon rant on Palin?
    Anytime one of these hollywood elitists open their ignorant mouths, it can only help the GOP.

    Matt Damon rant on Palin?
    You do realize that before Palin was chosen...Karl Rove blasted at the possibility of Obama choosing Tim Kaine, Governor of Va. let's compare the facts

    Tim Kaine: Gov of Va. population over 7,000,000. for 3 years

    Sarah Palin: Gov of Alaska pop 626,000. for 1 year, 9mos.

    Karl Rove's own words were that Obama is saying by picking Tim Kaine that he is telling the public that......';this is a political choice...I'm (obama) really not concerned if this person is capable of being president of the U.S.';

    And now his own party gives us Palin. Well i guess he's telling the public that they don't care if this person is ready to be the president of the U.S. , right?????? Or does that only apply to possible V.P.'s that have MORE qualifications??
    Considering that Palin's main qualifications include a pretty face and a tube of political ';lipstick';, I think any rant that gets voters thinking about the future of this country is a good rant.
    I agree, with Matt Damon. Why because the republicans are saying that Obama has no experience and look at her, she was the governor of small place in Alaska.

    Yeah, If anything to McCain she'll sure take us.

    Pregnancy bump rant!?

    I apologise before I write this post, I think my hormones must be getting the better of me! I am 14 weeks pregnant with my first baby, which we are so excited about. I am 5';2 and weigh 7.5 stone and am quite petite. I have always been this slim and eat like a horse so I guess I should be lucky. Since I have told people at work that I am pregnant, I have regular weekly comments about how skinny I still am and where is my bump etc, and people saying that there stomach is bigger than mine etc etc. It is really getting my back up because for 1, I think is is probably too early for me to have a noticable bump yet and 2, why is it when you're pregnant do people think they have the right to say whatever they want about your body! grrrr I am trying not to let this get to me but it really is to the point that I feel cross whenever someone says look how skinny you are! What can I do? Has anyone else been in this situation?Pregnancy bump rant!?
    Don't worry... you'll get your baby bump.

    Sometimes people just don't think. You'll learn quickly that having kids is a very competitive job (if you let it be). Everyone is always trying to compare how old their baby was when they did this or that.

    You're only 14 weeks, and petite... everyone carries differently. Don't let it get to you.Pregnancy bump rant!?
    Everyone is different. Every women carries differently. I was just the opposite of you..I too am slim, small, whatever..5'3'; and 110. I always seemed to show right away, and I got HUGE! People used to always comment on how BIG I looked, how I looked like I was having twins, etc. That too can be irritating.

    I think us women are just funny like that. We want to compare our bellies, our pregnancies, our labors, our births, our babies. You wioll always find people who will tell you things like..'; my labor was only an hour..first baby...or my baby was walking at 10 months..why isn't yours..or my son was potty trained at 15 months..why isn't yours...'; You just have to take all those comments with a grain of salt. If your pregnancy is healthy..if YOUR doctor is not concerned about weight gain, or your baby's growth, then you shouldn't be concerned either. We are all so different, and we need to just be happy with those differences. Think of it this may end up with NO or very few stretch marks..I got HUGE and I got a lot of stretch marks..uuggh...:-)
    Let me just say, I would love it if people were telling me how skinny I look. If you are 14 weeks and as small as you say, you should be starting to show a little. The fact that you aren't is of no consequence, because everyone is different, but that is the reason so many are commenting. Take it in stride. At least no one is telling you how big you are yet...wait until you get further along. People love telling you how big you are when you are pregnant. It's like it is the only time anyone is allowed to call you big. LOL. Congrats and enjoy your pregnancy.
    I know what you are going through. There are three of us at work that are pregnant, all around the same time. Everyone kept commenting to me that I didn't look pregnant and when I was going to start showing. The pregnant women even were getting grumpy with me because they were showing and I still looked like I wasn't pregnant (and even looked skinnier than prior to pregnancy because I was so sick, I lost 15 lbs.) I didn't really start showing until like week 17 and even then you wouldn't know unless you knew I was pregnant. My clothes seemed to all stop fitting on the same day, and now I'm starting to get pretty big at 25 weeks. For now, I would just ignore people, it's hard to do, but it's not worth getting worked up over. Most women don't show till later on so don't fret, people are just opinionated and you'll probably still get plenty of their opinions when you do start showing. The worst part for me was when I just looked like I was chubby rather than pregnant. I started wearing maternity shirts early so people would realize I was pregnant, not fat :)
    Who cares what they think! Anyways just because your pregnant doesn't mean that you should gain a ton of weight and have a huge belly, that's the worst thing to think when your pregnant. I'm the same size as you and my doctor told me that i should only gain no more than 25 pounds because of my height. As long as your doctor is saying your healthy and your weight is progressing at a good passe there's nothing to worry about. When i was pregnant with my son i had a young girl come up to me and ask me ';how old are you young lady';!! I was only 18 but still i was 4 yrs older than her, because of my size people automatically looked down on me. She's lucky she was under age or she would have gotten the best of me! But i ignored it. Tell them if they have something to say than say it to you otherwise they should keep their mouth shut.
    I didn't show till about 6 months due to the fact that I am overweight. Just ignore them. Alor of people give unwanted advice. Just smile and walk away.
    I am also 14 weeks and I have had a bump for a long long time (even though I have lost nearly 10 lbs....I am average weight and height....5'4'; and 123 lbs) but everyone woman is different. I don't know why people say mean and rude things. I know it hurts and especially when your nerves and hormones are enough to deal with. Dont' worry about it. Your bump will come in plenty of time and then it will get tough having it around all the time. It is such a precious time so don't let others get you down. You'll start showing soon enough probably in another week or so. Just look at it this way; You probably won't have much fat to lose after the baby is born. :)
    I didn't ever really start showing. I just looked like I got a little fatter. People still made comments to me and I ended up gaining almost 60 lbs and was underweight before pregnancy. I was actually induced due to small uterine size but my daughter was fine. She was 6lb5oz and healthy. Unless your doc is concerned, don't worry about it. If anyone comments do one of five things 1. ignore them literally turn your head and talk to someone else 2. smile and say uhhuh 3. tell them it is none of their business 4. Tell them that you are under a doctors care and he says you are fine 5. tell them that you think your child is an alien. Of course you could always turn around and tell them ';yes you do look more pregnant than I do.....huh....interesting'; that just depends on your personality.
    u should have a bump
  • eyeliner
  • bloom-
  • Matt Damon rant on Palin?

    I'm sorry but i watched that video a good 3 or 4 times and he is simply ignorant. He is ranting about Palin having no experience? He should look at his candidate. And so what if she governed Alaska? Whats wrong with that? And he's scared? He should be, but not because of Palin. What did you think of it?

    For those of you who have not seen it.鈥?/a>Matt Damon rant on Palin?
    You do realize that before Palin was chosen...Karl Rove blasted at the possibility of Obama choosing Tim Kaine, Governor of Va. let's compare the facts

    Tim Kaine: Gov of Va. population over 7,000,000. for 3 years

    Sarah Palin: Gov of Alaska pop 626,000. for 1 year, 9mos.

    Karl Rove's own words were that Obama is saying by picking Tim Kaine that he is telling the public that......';this is a political choice...I'm (obama) really not concerned if this person is capable of being president of the U.S.';

    And now his own party gives us Palin. Well i guess he's telling the public that they don't care if this person is ready to be the president of the U.S. , right?????? Or does that only apply to possible V.P.'s that have MORE qualifications??Matt Damon rant on Palin?
    Anytime one of these hollywood elitists open their ignorant mouths, it can only help the GOP.

    Considering that Palin's main qualifications include a pretty face and a tube of political ';lipstick';, I think any rant that gets voters thinking about the future of this country is a good rant.
    I agree, with Matt Damon. Why because the republicans are saying that Obama has no experience and look at her, she was the governor of small place in Alaska.

    Yeah, If anything to McCain she'll sure take us.

    Okay; how about your worst day ever...share, rant, try to keep it clean?

    The worst day of my life was the day my mother passed away. It was really tough but we all knew she didn't want to be kept alive on the machines. My dad and I decided she had been tortured long enough and chose to let her go on her own.

    She was in a coma but I think she knew we were there and she squeezed my hand shortly before she died.Okay; how about your worst day ever...share, rant, try to keep it clean?
    The day I lost my ex....I've been feeling pretty bad ever since...and sometimes I even cry when i remember the things that happened that day...Okay; how about your worst day ever...share, rant, try to keep it clean?
    My worst day evur would be the day i lose evrything!!!! Until then, there'll always be somone who's got it worse
    i'm not in the mood to write about it.........
    The day my son broke his arm....
    my family forgot my birthday, my girlfriend broke up with me, my best friend in the whole world died, my guitar broke, i almost got fired, and i got a $200 phone bill. : (
    I got arrested for something I didn't do. Very humiliating because I promised my whole life that I'd never go to jail. But come to find out, I was arrested by mistake.
    I made a sheet castle yesterday with tacks, cause obviously i'm not going nail sheets in the wall, and when I went back in the room, every part of my masterpiece had fallen.

    Fugging tacks...I've had pretty bad days, like the time they told me I had a fatal disease, but this has to be worse.
    One day I got up and I should have just stayed in bed.

    This is what happened.

    My mom tried to wake me up to go to class, but apparently I decided to sleep talk and told her I wasn't going to my first period class. I woke up, hours later and realized I missed my first two classes. I rolled out of bed, and drove down to the light rail station (the train I take to campus) and all the parking was full. I drove accross town to another station and found a spot. I then realized that I'd missed my third class. So I waited for two hours, then got on a train towards school so I could show up for the last class I had that day, but the train stopped halfway to the campus, because a train ahead of us had hit a truck. I sat on the train for two hours and missed my last class.

    So then I got right back on the train and headed back to my car. When I got there, I realized I had a flat. I started to get everything out to change it and realiized that I didn't have a tire iron. I had to ask everyone around if I could borrow their tire iron, but it took an hour to get one because everyone thought I was crazy. When I finally got one, I started to change my tire. I was wearing white so I was geting all kinds of dirty. Then when I'm almost done, a man comes up and tells me he's gonna finish for me. I told him that it was fine, I had it under control, and that there was no need for him to get dirty too. He pushed me out of the way and did it anyway.

    I finally got home at nine o'clock that night dirty and wishing I'd just stayed in bed. Hands down the worst day I've ever had!
    The day my precious kitty didn't come home
    today rank right up there for worst days but tomorrow will be better
    Worst day ever was 9/11/01. I'll never forget that day for the rest of my life.

    Sprint phones... rant or rumor?

    Which should i get and why...

    rant, rumor, or rumor 2

    i cant decide thanks!Sprint phones... rant or rumor?
    rumor 2Sprint phones... rant or rumor?
    I like the Rumor everyone that I suggested the phone to has loved it. People that have switched to the Rant from the Rumor said they didn't like it.
    that's funny, i am trying to make the same decision too! LOL. i personally like the Rant better well i do in Purple. :) hope this helped! =D

    their so pretty i want one!

    RANT!!! i love that phone! i know everybody thinks the Rumor2 is cooler, but i love the rant!
    definitely the rumor 2.
    I say get the Rant device.
    Rumor 2 it's much cooler.

    F**** Walmart (RANT)?

    seriously. i am an employee there and im sick of getting treated like white dog crap. for anyone who knows what a d day is i got one. and for those of you who dont its called a ';decision making day'; which means that you have to write a paper saying why u want to work for them andhow you are going to change what you did wrong.

    anyway. it was over a wic check, the customer signed it in a light color and when walmart copied it it didnt show up.

    wtf dude.F**** Walmart (RANT)?
    Yea, I know friends who worked for them, one quit and the other got fired. Yea, normally I'd say find another job, but, yea nows not the time, and I can imagine how frustrating it is for you, but hang in there %26amp; deal. Give them what they want %26amp; consider it humoring them and go with the flow.F**** Walmart (RANT)?
    I kind of understand where they're coming from. On official documents, such as WIC checks, the customer is supposed to sign it in blue or black ink only. But then again, if they would have trained you correctly, you would have known this. Either way, you have to write that paper, or find another job. With the economy how it is right now, you're lucky to even have a job. Write the paper %26amp; remember, blue or black ink only. Lol.
    Take comfort in the fact that there are many unhappy workers at walmart.

    the place has a terrible labor record and I hope that congress passes card check so you all can form a union

    Im gonna rant join me?

    i love lip gloss

    i love lip gloss

    i love lip gloss

    i love lip gloss

    i love lip gloss

    i love mine because i love them what about you describe ur lip gloss and why you love it

    lip gloss freak!!!!!!!!!!!:PIm gonna rant join me?
    Ha ha! I love mine because it's minty and makes my lips look really smooth. And it doesn't distort the color. lol But I barely wear lip make up. Usually just on dates and in the winter when my lips are chapped.Im gonna rant join me?
    i love lip smackers lip gloss

    i love lip smackers lip gloss

    i love lip smackers lip gloss

    i love lip smackers lip gloss

    i love lip smackers lip gloss

    I don't use lip gloss :c

    I've joined you

    mine because it suits me
    haha nice

    George Bush rant.?

    I didn't want any complaints of swearing in the big list, but George Bush is just a B A S T A R D isn't he. Has a bigger

    B A S T A R D ever walked the earth in the 21st century. He's done so many things wrong, how the hell does he sleep at night? How does he think he's a good president? Osama did a terible thing with 9/11, but surely Bush as given the order to kill more innocent people in Iraq then were killed on 9/11, They both need to be arrested, and share a cell togther for the rest of their lives.

    and he said Nelson mandeler was dead, he doesn't even read the papers, he was at the unvailing of his new statue only a few weeks ago. I think his death would make the front page of every paper. Doesn't he just take a look, just a quick scan of the mornings head lines at breakfast.George Bush rant.?
    You know how he sleeps at night? He gets coked up, drunk and passes out. Lets just face it .. i've heard from many people who work in the government .. 9/11 was and inside project to get America to choose Safety over Liberty, which goes against what we stand for. My brother was stationed in DC the time of all of this .. there was no plane that hit the pentagon. 9/11 helped a lot of people out. Next we're going to Iran, yeah, believe it .. my brothers friend has already been sent there. There many troops already there. Proof here

    How about the Amero .. check it out on CNBC

    How about the 900 concentration camps all over the untied states?

    check them out here. Bush rant.?
    He is definetly the devil walking on this earth in my opinion.

    I cannot stand hear his voice when he makes any speech or comment.

    It's so incoherent and total bullshit, it's painful.

    Has anyone calculated the time he has spent physically in Afganastan or Iraq? I would say a few hours at the most.
    Let's hope our president is smarter than to place stock in newspaper headlines . Crimeinitaly , you can't rely on ';news'; .

    It's like playing ';spin-the-bottle'; when there are those like Dan Rather using counterfeit documents on C BS at election time ..wait a minute that what this is all about ? Elections ? Did I fall for this - or what ? Truth be told - these ';George Bush - did - it'; - rants are becoming comedy to my ears . The man is perceived as having the power of God , or at the very least - Superman- able to leap tall buildings at a single bound ; and effect weather ; the supernatural ; nature ; sickness %26amp; health ; sexual orientation ..and if that weren't enough - the power to , to simply whip others into joining up with terrorists ..all with a stroke of his fountain pen . What a guy , huh ?

    I no longer watch him when he gives televised speaches, because his lack of ability to string two complete sentences together (even when they are written down for him!) is too aggravating and depressing.
    You're being too kind to the man.
    was he drunk again?

    Just a rant, its about race and why black people feel the way we do sometimes?

    This was an answer I posted to a question about why dont white people get there own month or have a collage fund, I feel kinda bad cus I blasted this guy and i dont think he meant any harm in asking his question,

    I wouldnt care I have bigger issues to deal with than white people establishing a foundation strictly for themselves,

    It strikes me as funny though, white ancestry brought africans here as slaves, had them enslaved for over four hundred years, gave them a so called freedom with little to no resouce,education, support or finance, treated them as less than second class once they were freed from enslavement,

    wouldnt treat their decendants as equals until the last fifty years or so(even that was and is on a limited basis) and now wonder why those same decendants are so quick to use the so called race card, act out when mistreated, have a lower self image, and no sense of connection with the harritage they once had or the country they are now supposed to love and support,Just a rant, its about race and why black people feel the way we do sometimes?
    I don't see any reason for you to apologize for getting angry now and then. You and your people have a great deal to be angry about. I have long wondered just how ANY of you reach adulthood without going completely insane! I'm fairly sure that if I were subjected to the sort of things many of you have had to deal with on an almost daily basis since childhood on, I would have gone stark raving crazy pretty early on. I was fortunate to have had parents who taught me that people are not their race, they are individuals. Every race has many, many good people in it, and every race has its bad apples. The only logical stance is to treat people one-on-one, which is what I've always tried to do. You hang in there, my friend, you SHALL overcome.Just a rant, its about race and why black people feel the way we do sometimes?
    I think the longer people, black and white, hold on to racism, the longer we will have to deal with it. Coming on here to Yahoo is not helping. People are getting in an uproar and writing ignorant things constantly and others are responding to it. I am guilty of responding too, but enough is enough. Black and white people are constantly shoving racism in each other faces and nothing will get solved that way.
    No I don't think you should apologize!

    What ';I'; think is funny is that white folks seem to totally forget the reason why we have a month and a foundation and a station ';BET';.

    Not too long ago TV was ALL WHITE and VH1 played all white videos accept Michael Jackson.

    When we auditioned for things or tried to get into a college, the WHITE judges would choose all white no matter if the black person was equally or more qualified.

    So we had to get our own s h i t!

    Now white folks especially the young ones that weren't even alive when this was happening, and we're only talking about the early 80s, want to complain about what they think they don't have.

    That shows how there is still a bit of jealousy and greed going on among the white race.

    I mean D A M N! Can we have something??????????

    Don't hate, congratulate!
    Believe it or not, I think most of us white people would really like it if race ceased to be an issue. If everyone were thought of as equals and Blacks, Whites, Yellows, Reds and all the mixes inbetween to have happy and productive lives.

    I think what we don't like are special privileges for some, no matter what those priviliges might be. I think most of us don't particularly like to hear the word ******* being used in Black music, comedy and cinema by Blacks; and then being told how terrible the word is. That word would have died 30 years ago, were it not kept alive basically by Blacks. How do we teach OUR children it is a bad word when used by the people it refers to? The same for Ebonics. It is very difficult to get ahead in the world if all one speaks is a very poor form of English, and PC tries to make it a racist comment if one says that!

    I know my great grandfather lived only a few miles from Kentucky, in So. Illinois, he fought in the Civil War and was wounded. My family never had slaves, but we are lumped together. A Grand Uncle was killed hours after the Armistace was agreed upon in 1917, should I seek money from the German government for that. Should all the peoples of the world, who were previously slaves be entitles to ';extras';? OR should we all work towards a sort of blending within our culture.

    Frankly, I see so many blacks who have made an equal place in the American culture (Connie Rice and Colin Powell, of course, but many others in all trades and professions), that when I hear some of the complaints about what happened 400-150 years ago, I feel it is a real cop out and the people are not willing to work hard for what they get.

    Maybe no one else feels as I do, but now I've had my moment to vent. Best wishes to you and your family.
    I am just tired of many White people whining and complaining when they aren't the center of attention. It is not all about them! They say ';Black people are always complaining and using the race card,'; but then they get on here and do the same d*mn thing!

    And Dulcie: The only person I blame for my problems, is myself. I take full responsibility for everything that I do in life. Those who like to blame others for their problems are cowards and very child-like in my opinion.
    The problem is that america hasnt addressed its past. Sure white people want to forget about color, so do black people. But we have the same last names. black people dont come from Europe.

    that whole slavery thing kinda messed up our history thing you know.

    so you can here black people walk around and say they are over the whole race thing, but most people at some point in lives want to trace their roots.

    when we cant do that, i naturally leaves us to remember our past.
    NO. You are so correct and you have a wonderful voice for what most Black people are thinking. It is just over the past 40 to 50 years that things have been changing, but it seems they are going backwards too. Just take a look at the sickening posts when it comes to race issues.

    I wonder how much longer will it be before Jehovah destroys the most of them at Armageddon. I'm so sick of them and this racism garbage. You should see the problems I face today in the town where I live. A bigoted bunch of slobs, and I mean about 99% of them. Very hateful and evil, but when you're down and out and need help, none of the same big blabbering bigoted mouths are there to help. They are there to hurt but never there to help after the hurting has taken place.

    I just don't like them much anymore, not as humans, but their sickening way of thinking and their constant debilitating conduct. They are so evil and the thing is, they know it.

    Great points by the way.
    What I don't understand is why black people claim that they have low self esteem, and blame white people for enslaving them when it is obvious that they weren't around back then and neither were the white people they blame for that matter.

    If you don't want white people to play the race card then why do black people do it? It goes both ways. Just about every single race has been oppressed at some point or another. Just ask the people who live in the south and still think they should have won the civil war. It happened, it's over, move on.

    The Weekly Rant #1?

    Uggh. There's this girl in my cheer group. She's the most annoyingest thing ever and always tries to tell me what to do. Like, i did a high kick today so i could stretch out for my toetouch, and she says in a really rude voice '; you like high kicks huh! '; im always polite, even though i hate her. so i said '; im just stretching out..'; and she goes '; how come you were doing it in GYM TODAY HUH? '; ( my friend jermey was joking around about how he's going out for the cheer squad and he wanted to see my high kick. ) Geez, she's SO rude. i feel like telling her to **** off and not worry about what IM doing. SO my question is: Why are some girls SO rude?The Weekly Rant #1?
    prob because she's jealous or insecure or she's just looking for attention. I think you should tell her to **** off, she need's someone to say something to her, take her off her high horse.The Weekly Rant #1?
    this is the way they are and will remain so...just IGNORE them coz they need a very expensive therapy...

    been there

    Christian Bale Rant.?

    Could someone please provide me with the words from the Christian Bale rant? I may have to learn it and recite it as it is in fact the best thing EVER!Christian Bale Rant.?
    Why don't you already have the words if you think it's the best thing EVER (and I assume you know that ever is all of time - past present and future)

    OMG! Gonna rant here for a minute..........?

    I just took a box down to the Post Office to find out how much to ship it to the state right next to me. The box weighed 5 pounds, and is 23x24x25 big. It's full of styrofoam peanuts. They wanted to charge me $55.00 to ship it!!! I was FLOORED! 8.00 for the weight and 47.00 cause of the size of the box??? I am in the WRONG business evidently! I wanna STEAL money from people doing the same thing! Thanks for letting me complain lol.OMG! Gonna rant here for a minute..........?
    As a letter carrier I must say that the new rate increases using shaped based rates is STUPID. The powers that be in the US Postal Service are trying to drive it into the ground.OMG! Gonna rant here for a minute..........?
    Good disguise you'll need it incase the Post Office is looking for you!

    Report Abuse

    the reason they charge that much is because its the size that takes up all the room in the mail van, and all the mail that cant fit in their... i agree it is too expensive, and i would find another way to ship it.
    No problem Rant on ;-)
    Wow!, probably be cheaper to drive it over their.
    The size of it means they can't fit as many packages of the same weight on the truck. So basically it amounts to taking up valuable space they could fill with many other package that cost money. Maybe try UPS? this is also a first for me I assumed they always went by weight but now it seems they charge by volume as well. Must be desperate to make more money or maybe the Post Office was wrong double check with another Post Office just to be sure. First I heard but I do know oversized and I mean huge (not yours) boxes do come with a penalty.
    hey, if you get to rant on this site, I will too.

    I'm tired of questions that aren't questions. there are blogs specifically designed for that.

    and I'm tired of old run out questions ';rate the avatar above you';

    let's get some new jokes together guys, and ask great questions, okay? so this place is fun again
    Rant away. They are using 'security' as an excuse to line their pockets!
    Ok. . .nice story. Now go play...
    Yeah, once you start getting that large you'd rather go with UPS. Because that is a fairly large box. Of course I sympathize with you dear, it's way too much money to shell out for shipping peanuts made of synthetic thingamabobs.
    Dude whatever. That's f---in' bullsh--! USPS might as well bend us all over and stick it to us in the a--. What about UPS or FedEx?
    you are not wrong
    Your welcome.

    Backstabbing Friend Rant?

    Hey guys, this is just a rant but man what should I do? I have a ';friend'; and I think we've all had these kinds of friends, but this really irks me. I liked this friend a lot and trusted her with everything, but I guess I trusted her too much to the point where I lost 4 about-to-be-relationships and $47. It really P.Os me especially the money. I ask her for my money back. It's been three years, she knows and then she starts giving me excuses again. Apparently when I said that I was going to talk to her parents about this, she started to say that she won't let me harrass her mom and her... um lol? I don't think its harrassment do you? I was depressed at the time and I stupidly trusted her too much. I don't think she understands how much of a b**ch she was, but I think a face-to-face talk with her and her parents tomorrow will clear everything up.

    Have you ever had a friend like this before? I'm curious...Backstabbing Friend Rant?
    i have had friends like that like my one friend raven she always used to borow money from me and to be quite honest i dont really have any money and raven now owes me 25$ and i told her if she dosent give me the money before i get into high school shes going to owe me 50$ and most of my old stole stuff from me i know it really sucks!Backstabbing Friend Rant?
    Dude, dont get the money... Is it worth it to try to ruin something for 47...?Just end the friendship, but tell her she can keep the money. She has nothing on you then.
  • eyeliner
  • bloom-
  • Samsung Slyde/Rant m540?

    I am getting this cell phone and the plan i want is with koodo. but all i see is it with sprint. if i get the Samsung phone with the koodo plan, will it say sprint on it and why? is sprint one of the makers of the phone and they teamed up with samsung or what? I'm so confused! =SSamsung Slyde/Rant m540?
    I think its because Sprint owns that phone. Like you can only get certain phones through certain providers.

    Missed muslim rant?

    did anyone see last wednesdays lotto draw? there was a guy wearing a crucifix doing the draw %26amp; not one muslim (or other religious group for that matter) was `offended` by this! are they losing there touch or dont they watch the lottery? im as surprised as the rest of youMissed muslim rant?
    I'm a Muslim and I have never felt ';offended'; by anyone wearing a crucifix, star of David, Turban, Sikh bracelet, Amish Hat etc etc etc. Why should i be offended by people wearing symbols of there faith. Its the P.C. do gooders that have a problem with it. Not Muslims. Muslim countries have christian neighbors that live side by side in respectful peace always have done. My aunt wears a cross should i be offended? Why should i?


    The first lottery winner was not a Muslim. She was a 51 year old grandmother from lowestoft named Stephanie Spinder. Does not sound like a Muslim name to me, strange it does to you. But then your only making up stuff anyway. Nice try, no cigar!!!!Missed muslim rant?
    Simply go to the national lottery web site anyone can check who is correct you or me. And they will see that its Mrs. Stephanie Spinder. What makes you think i live up north? I dont. Making up facts again are we. Bad habit you have isn't it.

    Report Abuse鈥?br>

    Free for anyone to see Mrs. Stephanie Spinder in black and white not Asian, not a Muslim, not taken from The Sun. Straight from the horses mouth. I owe you nothing. Nice try though.

    Report Abuse

    WHy would muslims be offended by that.

    I don't get what your point is.
    Muslims don't watch the lottery, cos its similar to gambling and cos if they won, it would be like winning money you did not earn, also Muslims never have nor will they ever be offended by people wearing crucifix, and i have no idea where you got that impression from, the British media, portrays a different light then they actually are, cos they don't get offended by others religion. and the woman who was banned from her wearing her crucifix was done so by the British Airways, who have nothing to do wid Islam. Get ur facts straight
    Tbh I don't think it's the Muslims that rant about the cross... it's the looney leftie lentil munching pc brigade, that for some reason needs to suck up to certain groups backsides.
    It's England..if the foreigners don't like it they can go
    incase you havent noticed England is a christian country
    Sorry there practicing Muslims do not we do not care wheather a christin or whoever wears whatever they want !!
    I don't get offended by other's religious beliefs!
    Why the heck should anyone give a flying f@rt?
    well i hve christian frnds who wear da cross y shud i be offended by dat?????? or offended by the guy wearin crucifix n neways its not wat muslims believe in so y shud they be offended in ANY way?
    1. Muslims don't gamble.

    2. Why would that be offensive? You might find offense at seeing a Muslim woman with a headscarf, however you shouldn't expect the same from everyone. After all, some of us use our brains to think.

    gebobs: if it flies plz aim in the other direction! 8-O
    Muslims don't gamble. I don't think there were many watching, and even then, they're not as uptight as some other people.
    gambling and the sign of the cross.

    bloody presenter might as well have done some coke and raped my granny on air.

    On behalf of all muslims (of which i am not)

    I would like to complain to Terry Wogan in a short but annoying letter to points of view.

    Let that be the end of it!
    there is no reason of getting offended by this !!!

    we respect all religions and their believes and beleive in freedom in religious practice !!! we have christain neighbour and we are at peace with each other ,and infact are very close friends!

    New Samsung Rant Sprint Help!?

    Okay, anyone know someone who owns the phone or if you own the phone, tell me if you like it. Im getting red but i dont know if i stick with the rumor . So what do you think is better? Is the camera good?

    Interesting phone? PLEASE HELP! BEST ANSWER GETS 10 POINTS!! :)New Samsung Rant Sprint Help!?
    The rant has a much more crowded keyboard. And number pad. My friends mom got the Rant and i tried it out. It was very crowded but other wise its OK

    Rumor is cool. It is much more spacey. Fun, nice.New Samsung Rant Sprint Help!?
    had the rumor and decided to upgrade to the rant. I LOVE it, Its heavier and sturdier which means it isnt as fragile The features knock the rumor out the box I have one con there are no themes with the rumor u can change the background color the rant u cant the keyboard is BETTER than rumor

    Report Abuse

    A lil rant on N-word music?

    Im really sick of this guy and he must be reported every time u see a racial slurr from himA lil rant on N-word music?
    you know what the problem is, and how do we stop this, but he could just keep creating ID's.A lil rant on N-word music?
    Well you need to report him and move on. Paying attention to them or ranting about them is only giving them what they want. It makes them want to do it more... straight up just leave it alone... it's childish.
    who r u torkin abwt ? :s bt newayz ur probly ryt .. x
    unfortunately some ppl have no other purpose in life but to spread hate...its a fact we are gonna have to deal with...just keep on reporting him....he's an ignorant a ss who probably gets beat up on the daily....
    Who are you talking about? lol
    ignore him..he wants you to react
    Look... here's a fact.

    Anyone who is racist doesn't have a life and is hateful because they wish they were someone.

    I've reported that guy b4...

    Don't take the racist comments to heart, I think he's a loser.

    Yea he is an idiot!! lol he sent me alot of emails that were very disrespectful!! he has changed his name a bunch of times cause he keeps getting reported i seen him today with a new name. ... he will just keep doing it!! i have went back and forth with him but it dosent matter he is an A$$!! so just try to ignore him an maybe he will go away. I hate racisim i think its ridiculous its just skin color everyone is equal but unfortunetly he has issues and thinks differently so F*ck him!!
    dont take it personal

    move on
    Its funny to me how people see rap as something that only blacks can do. White kids all listen to it, but sometimes if whites are really into hip hop they get remarks. I am a rich white kid and while many of my friends listen to hip hop, I still get the question every so often. ';Why are you trying to act black?'; This question just ticks me off and I know it especialy makes lots of blacks mad to hear. How can you act a skin pigment? Tiger Woods, Barack Obama, and Nas don't all act the same. Its just kind of ironic how some people act.
    Just Reported him Punk probly got KOd in one punch by some African American kid he tried to pick on in school causing him to be the laughing stock of whatever cracker *** town he can't crawl out of.
    Where talking about a guy named n****r music sucks, I read his question and I reported him, racist are always gonna be around and think the way they think, the only thing that we can do is ignore them, because all they want is attention and they don't deserve mine

    Fancy a rant ?

    Go better out than in.Fancy a rant ?
    my chemistry teacher quit so now I haven't got a teacher for the one subject that I most need to pass to get into uni, and I've got an exam in January (its not that far away) and most of what he's taught us didn't make any sense anyway (he always rushed through it)

    anyway how are you?Fancy a rant ?
    Industrial Civilization SUCKS!

    Thanks...better out than in.
    How long have you got?

    Let me have a go at one thing in particular that has bothered me this week...

    I'm at uni now and I'm instantly branded a drunken know it all cocky student...

    I don't drink and I don't like many people, I'm not social and am not a bloody know it all!

    I hate students!



    I also think that politicians at Remembrance today should have stayed and given respect to the parades of people giving respect, rather than disappear after a few seconds of airtime, acting like they care...

    I have to stop ranting, bad for my health and safety.
    to start with,,, I hate getting woken up on a sunday morning by sales people ringing to ask me if i want to by blinds. that puts me in a mood for the rest of the day.... i could go on but i'd be here all day
    No, but I'll willingly let out my frustrations by screaming...


    Much better.

    Thank you
    I don't know if I could have a rant with myself...

    But you want to know what is on my mind?

    ';I come from a land down under!!';
    um. i dont what ur saying lol
    I hate people who lipsync! I hate people who laugh at other people's mistakes! I hope I get high grades on my card! I hope I get to meet AMY LEE this summer vacation! anyway.,,,:)
    huh?? don't get it.... Hey ifyou get a chance look over messages..please..
    yes, i would like to rant about my friend, she refuses to come out with us, she just wants to stay in, but then she gets bored staying in and invites us round one at a time cause she doesnt like many people because her dad will get annoyed and she thinks we will make some sort of contact with anything her brother owns, which would be ok except her house makes me ill because they hang up 6 airfresheners in every room and spray the whole house constantly and it makes me really ill.

    And so i just say i dont really want to go to hers because im not up to it because i am already ill (with a chest and throat infection) and she keeps nagging me to go and if i did go when i get there she just wants to stay in and watch dvds, the same ones she loves over and over again, which just gives me a headache and she does not want to go literally accross the road because it is too hot, or too cold or it is raining or there is a lack of rain and her mother does not want her going out because somehow she will die for it.

    i love her to pieces but she has also become a really angry person and iscolated herself by not even wanting to hang out at lunch times but stand outside her next lesson alone for the entire time, or if i finally get her to come sit in the common room she will just not talk, especially if this guy i sometimes talk to is there, she hates hm, she knew him in middle school and he was really childish back then but is trying to be nice now but she insists that nobody can change.

    ok i will stop now, thanks :)
    Well, if that's a picture of a ';rant'; then I sure so '; Fancy'; it.
    i'm usually pretty good at鈥?br>

    i don't get it.
    Don't, rants and chants are not allowed as per community guidelines.
    Yes I do - I feel both physically and emotionally drained, I'm starting with cold/flu, and to top it all off, I had my level 6 account suspended :( today is not a good day :((
    I wish the neighbours dog would quit getting onto our property and crapping all over our lawn! The kids keep coming to the back door covered in dog c**p, and I wouldn't mind if it was our dog! Its not as the dogs don't go to the toilet where the kids play!

    I mean if he doesn't want the dog he should just rehome it, I mean he chucks it out his yard and locks it out with out water or nothing and then the dog comes over to us beacause it is lonely ( I don't blame the dog!) Then the dog howls and barks at the other animals we have at our place ( we are rural) so folk complain to his us about HIS Bloody dog barking!!!

    Oh shoot it is at the back door again................
    RANT - thanks I feel better now.
    I really wish she would just shut the **** up about her wieght. She is not fat and if she complains to me about it one more time, the only person around who is bigger than her, I will flip **** on her bitchy ***! And what the **** is up with her ******* ******* fake ******* accent. A british boyfriend does not give a ******* slut like her an Australian accent! She should just shut the **** up!
    ok, Bumumble just ate my dinner, am bloody starving, now what am i going to eat
    Why is it that every time something goes missing in this feckin house its always me that has moved it!! I know i havent though AAAAAAaaaaaaaaargghhhh ...thanksxx
    I don't know what your asking about
    my fooking blogs have fooked off and i don't know how to set up IM. son wants to kick me off the PC now and i have to go to fooking work grrrr.

    Mini rant lol

    Samsung Rant Help.......?

    The other day i found a rant a restaurant table. I activated onto my account after it was disconnected and i bout it a charger and the usb cord. I just want to know is there any thing else that comes inside the box when its bran new other than the owners manuel?Samsung Rant Help.......?
    The only thing is missing is probably the 256mb micro SD card and the second battery door(either the original or the second one with the tattoo). The one in top of me is wrong since that the usb cord is an accessory.Samsung Rant Help.......?
    maybe a usb cable for syncing it with the computer

  • eyeliner
  • bloom-
  • Airsoft Rant???????....:-)?

    Im just bored cause i broke my ankle. And i just wanted any airsofters out there to rant about there least favorite brand,gun etc.Airsoft Rant???????....:-)?
    I've always wanted to show a kid that says, their Aftermath, Cybergun, or Crossman airsoft gun is the best in the world because it hits so hard, a Systema PTW with a Silver Cylinder installed. ($1000+), and then demonstrate and explain to them why FPS is not everything. I hate hobbytron. They are HORRIBLE. They just really don't know what they're talking about. I'd love to go to a paintball field and just rape everyone there with a Systema(tho i'd look like a total d-bag compared to everyone else) and of coarse it'll shoot 6mm paintballs.. though it'd most likely break with those things. Then I'd say '; WHAT NOW BIOTCHES. AIRSOFT %26gt; PAINTBALL... and then buy a $700 paintball marker.Airsoft Rant???????....:-)?
    i hate hobbytron and airsplat

    unreliable as hell

    and i dont like how the m4 is so overused
    I also hate hobbytron so much. I ordered a bunch of stuff from there and it was all garbage.

    Would you support the creation of Yahoo! Rant?

    Actually that has merit. That way the radicals could go and rant at each other and leave the rest of us to have a decent debate on politics and other things.Would you support the creation of Yahoo! Rant?
    Sure and get the trolls off of hereWould you support the creation of Yahoo! Rant?
    No, most people do it all ready.
    I thought I was there already.
    yahoo already came out with it its called, Yahoo Mash! kinda different and ununderstandable if you ask me, but it may take off!

    do you want an invite?
    This isn't it? Not sure.
    I want one.

    I'd like the old boards back.
    God knows you have it down pat! Correcting people via email cause ya just have to say ';I KNOW EVERYTHING AND YOU IDIOTS KNOW NOTHING';. I am smart, I am smart, I am smart. Yawn. Ya, keep telling yourself that, son.
    Ever heard of Craigslist? Their rants and raves is an even bigger cesspool than this.
    Naw, craigslist rant section is entertaining for about 2 min. then it just get's old. Not to mention if you counter point someone with a rant, you NEVER get anywhere since they are usually the type to not listen to reason, and lastly they usually just turn into a bitchfest where everyone gangs up on one person. Rants! section = unneeded negativity.

    Samsung rant...........?

    okk so i finally got ringtones to it after alot of work but now it wont let me set them for text messages does anyone know how to do it?

    thnxSamsung rant...........?
    lol wrong section mate!

    menu%26gt;settings%26gt;phone settings%26gt;phone profiles%26gt;normal%26gt;edit%26gt;(right)%26gt;message alert tone

    you can select from any sound file on your phone

    Samsung Rant Turning Off.?

    Question sums it up pritty good...happenes a few times a day...what would you do/is this a known problem?

    Thank You! : )Samsung Rant Turning Off.?
    Replace the battery? or call customer service?

    Diatribe, rant or tangent...?

    which best describes what you do most often?Diatribe, rant or tangent...?
    Tangent.Diatribe, rant or tangent...?
    Rant..all the way..
    A ranting diatribe while off on a tangent.
    uhhhhhhh, rant?

    Samsung Rant or Rumor 2????

    I'm probably gonna either get the Samsung Rant or the Rumor 2 and just want some opinions on these. What are pros and cons? I'd use it mostly for texting probs. Also how often do you have to charge it I'd like a phone with a good battery since the one I have sucks. Thank you.Samsung Rant or Rumor 2????

    The good: The Samsung Rant has a full QWERTY keyboard, a megapixel camera, EV-DO, stereo Bluetooth, music player, GPS, and access to Sprint's 3G services. It also has the easy-to-use One Click interface from Sprint.

    The bad: The Samsung Rant suffers from awkward navigation keys, and we would've liked some dedicated music-player controls.

    The bottom line: Despite a few niggling design issues, the Samsung Rant is an excellent messaging phone for Sprint messaging fans. CNET gives it a rating of 7.7/10

    LG RUMOR 2

    The good: The LG Rumor2 has an easy-to-use design with a vibrant display and a spacious keyboard. It offers solid call quality and extensive e-mail and messaging support.

    The bad: With a low-res camera and no 3G support, the LG Rumor2 offers no improvements over the original Rumor other than the support for corporate e-mail. The navigation controls and numeric keypad buttons are slick, and the e-mail syncing is unreliable.

    The bottom line: The LG Rumor2 is a great option for a messaging phone, but LG missed the opportunity to make it both new and improved. CNET gives it a rating of 7.3/10

    Also, whichever phone you decide to get, you can extend the battery life if you dont charge it until the phone has very low charge. Good luck!Samsung Rant or Rumor 2????
    well one of my friends has the rant and the only thing i say is the keyboard is a little hard but you get used to it pretty quick. and the battery is pretty good.

    im not sure about the rumor 2 but i know the rumor(first one) is pretty good.

    idk much about it. but yeahh
  • eyeliner
  • bloom-
  • Your Rant For 4/3/07?

    i hate when people clearly do things to disrespect or offend me... but what i hate most is that i can't do what i really want to do about it.

    i know it sounds like a lame rant, but i'm so angry right now, i can't get a straight thought goingYour Rant For 4/3/07?
    One does not understand your question, but respects your opinion.Your Rant For 4/3/07?
    A rant? You call that a rant?

    Honestly, youngsters today, they wouldn't know a rant if it came up and bit them. They sit there in front of the telly doing nothing and think they're ranting.

    When I was your age i was up at 5 o'clock every morning to walk 6 miles to school, and then had to do a job after wards before walking 7 miles home. I still had time for a decent rant, I can tell you.

    If you had a decent wash, and got your hair cut and stopped listening to that pop music that dissolves your brains you might be able to get your school work done on time. not that you get decent schooling anymore, not like I did even though it was 8 miles away.

    Now THAT was a rant.

    Samsung Rant question ...?

    How do you delete the ';Send to Recent'; text list on a samsung rant .. I tried but i don;t see any options to do erase ..Samsung Rant question ...?
    you cant :/ someone made a post about it on the sprint forums. i have a few i would like to delete too %26gt;.%26gt;