Friday, April 30, 2010

Just a rant, its about race and why black people feel the way we do sometimes?

This was an answer I posted to a question about why dont white people get there own month or have a collage fund, I feel kinda bad cus I blasted this guy and i dont think he meant any harm in asking his question,

I wouldnt care I have bigger issues to deal with than white people establishing a foundation strictly for themselves,

It strikes me as funny though, white ancestry brought africans here as slaves, had them enslaved for over four hundred years, gave them a so called freedom with little to no resouce,education, support or finance, treated them as less than second class once they were freed from enslavement,

wouldnt treat their decendants as equals until the last fifty years or so(even that was and is on a limited basis) and now wonder why those same decendants are so quick to use the so called race card, act out when mistreated, have a lower self image, and no sense of connection with the harritage they once had or the country they are now supposed to love and support,Just a rant, its about race and why black people feel the way we do sometimes?
I don't see any reason for you to apologize for getting angry now and then. You and your people have a great deal to be angry about. I have long wondered just how ANY of you reach adulthood without going completely insane! I'm fairly sure that if I were subjected to the sort of things many of you have had to deal with on an almost daily basis since childhood on, I would have gone stark raving crazy pretty early on. I was fortunate to have had parents who taught me that people are not their race, they are individuals. Every race has many, many good people in it, and every race has its bad apples. The only logical stance is to treat people one-on-one, which is what I've always tried to do. You hang in there, my friend, you SHALL overcome.Just a rant, its about race and why black people feel the way we do sometimes?
I think the longer people, black and white, hold on to racism, the longer we will have to deal with it. Coming on here to Yahoo is not helping. People are getting in an uproar and writing ignorant things constantly and others are responding to it. I am guilty of responding too, but enough is enough. Black and white people are constantly shoving racism in each other faces and nothing will get solved that way.
No I don't think you should apologize!

What ';I'; think is funny is that white folks seem to totally forget the reason why we have a month and a foundation and a station ';BET';.

Not too long ago TV was ALL WHITE and VH1 played all white videos accept Michael Jackson.

When we auditioned for things or tried to get into a college, the WHITE judges would choose all white no matter if the black person was equally or more qualified.

So we had to get our own s h i t!

Now white folks especially the young ones that weren't even alive when this was happening, and we're only talking about the early 80s, want to complain about what they think they don't have.

That shows how there is still a bit of jealousy and greed going on among the white race.

I mean D A M N! Can we have something??????????

Don't hate, congratulate!
Believe it or not, I think most of us white people would really like it if race ceased to be an issue. If everyone were thought of as equals and Blacks, Whites, Yellows, Reds and all the mixes inbetween to have happy and productive lives.

I think what we don't like are special privileges for some, no matter what those priviliges might be. I think most of us don't particularly like to hear the word ******* being used in Black music, comedy and cinema by Blacks; and then being told how terrible the word is. That word would have died 30 years ago, were it not kept alive basically by Blacks. How do we teach OUR children it is a bad word when used by the people it refers to? The same for Ebonics. It is very difficult to get ahead in the world if all one speaks is a very poor form of English, and PC tries to make it a racist comment if one says that!

I know my great grandfather lived only a few miles from Kentucky, in So. Illinois, he fought in the Civil War and was wounded. My family never had slaves, but we are lumped together. A Grand Uncle was killed hours after the Armistace was agreed upon in 1917, should I seek money from the German government for that. Should all the peoples of the world, who were previously slaves be entitles to ';extras';? OR should we all work towards a sort of blending within our culture.

Frankly, I see so many blacks who have made an equal place in the American culture (Connie Rice and Colin Powell, of course, but many others in all trades and professions), that when I hear some of the complaints about what happened 400-150 years ago, I feel it is a real cop out and the people are not willing to work hard for what they get.

Maybe no one else feels as I do, but now I've had my moment to vent. Best wishes to you and your family.
I am just tired of many White people whining and complaining when they aren't the center of attention. It is not all about them! They say ';Black people are always complaining and using the race card,'; but then they get on here and do the same d*mn thing!

And Dulcie: The only person I blame for my problems, is myself. I take full responsibility for everything that I do in life. Those who like to blame others for their problems are cowards and very child-like in my opinion.
The problem is that america hasnt addressed its past. Sure white people want to forget about color, so do black people. But we have the same last names. black people dont come from Europe.

that whole slavery thing kinda messed up our history thing you know.

so you can here black people walk around and say they are over the whole race thing, but most people at some point in lives want to trace their roots.

when we cant do that, i naturally leaves us to remember our past.
NO. You are so correct and you have a wonderful voice for what most Black people are thinking. It is just over the past 40 to 50 years that things have been changing, but it seems they are going backwards too. Just take a look at the sickening posts when it comes to race issues.

I wonder how much longer will it be before Jehovah destroys the most of them at Armageddon. I'm so sick of them and this racism garbage. You should see the problems I face today in the town where I live. A bigoted bunch of slobs, and I mean about 99% of them. Very hateful and evil, but when you're down and out and need help, none of the same big blabbering bigoted mouths are there to help. They are there to hurt but never there to help after the hurting has taken place.

I just don't like them much anymore, not as humans, but their sickening way of thinking and their constant debilitating conduct. They are so evil and the thing is, they know it.

Great points by the way.
What I don't understand is why black people claim that they have low self esteem, and blame white people for enslaving them when it is obvious that they weren't around back then and neither were the white people they blame for that matter.

If you don't want white people to play the race card then why do black people do it? It goes both ways. Just about every single race has been oppressed at some point or another. Just ask the people who live in the south and still think they should have won the civil war. It happened, it's over, move on.

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