Friday, April 30, 2010

George Bush rant.?

I didn't want any complaints of swearing in the big list, but George Bush is just a B A S T A R D isn't he. Has a bigger

B A S T A R D ever walked the earth in the 21st century. He's done so many things wrong, how the hell does he sleep at night? How does he think he's a good president? Osama did a terible thing with 9/11, but surely Bush as given the order to kill more innocent people in Iraq then were killed on 9/11, They both need to be arrested, and share a cell togther for the rest of their lives.

and he said Nelson mandeler was dead, he doesn't even read the papers, he was at the unvailing of his new statue only a few weeks ago. I think his death would make the front page of every paper. Doesn't he just take a look, just a quick scan of the mornings head lines at breakfast.George Bush rant.?
You know how he sleeps at night? He gets coked up, drunk and passes out. Lets just face it .. i've heard from many people who work in the government .. 9/11 was and inside project to get America to choose Safety over Liberty, which goes against what we stand for. My brother was stationed in DC the time of all of this .. there was no plane that hit the pentagon. 9/11 helped a lot of people out. Next we're going to Iran, yeah, believe it .. my brothers friend has already been sent there. There many troops already there. Proof here

How about the Amero .. check it out on CNBC

How about the 900 concentration camps all over the untied states?

check them out here. Bush rant.?
He is definetly the devil walking on this earth in my opinion.

I cannot stand hear his voice when he makes any speech or comment.

It's so incoherent and total bullshit, it's painful.

Has anyone calculated the time he has spent physically in Afganastan or Iraq? I would say a few hours at the most.
Let's hope our president is smarter than to place stock in newspaper headlines . Crimeinitaly , you can't rely on ';news'; .

It's like playing ';spin-the-bottle'; when there are those like Dan Rather using counterfeit documents on C BS at election time ..wait a minute that what this is all about ? Elections ? Did I fall for this - or what ? Truth be told - these ';George Bush - did - it'; - rants are becoming comedy to my ears . The man is perceived as having the power of God , or at the very least - Superman- able to leap tall buildings at a single bound ; and effect weather ; the supernatural ; nature ; sickness %26amp; health ; sexual orientation ..and if that weren't enough - the power to , to simply whip others into joining up with terrorists ..all with a stroke of his fountain pen . What a guy , huh ?

I no longer watch him when he gives televised speaches, because his lack of ability to string two complete sentences together (even when they are written down for him!) is too aggravating and depressing.
You're being too kind to the man.
was he drunk again?

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