Friday, April 30, 2010

Backstabbing Friend Rant?

Hey guys, this is just a rant but man what should I do? I have a ';friend'; and I think we've all had these kinds of friends, but this really irks me. I liked this friend a lot and trusted her with everything, but I guess I trusted her too much to the point where I lost 4 about-to-be-relationships and $47. It really P.Os me especially the money. I ask her for my money back. It's been three years, she knows and then she starts giving me excuses again. Apparently when I said that I was going to talk to her parents about this, she started to say that she won't let me harrass her mom and her... um lol? I don't think its harrassment do you? I was depressed at the time and I stupidly trusted her too much. I don't think she understands how much of a b**ch she was, but I think a face-to-face talk with her and her parents tomorrow will clear everything up.

Have you ever had a friend like this before? I'm curious...Backstabbing Friend Rant?
i have had friends like that like my one friend raven she always used to borow money from me and to be quite honest i dont really have any money and raven now owes me 25$ and i told her if she dosent give me the money before i get into high school shes going to owe me 50$ and most of my old stole stuff from me i know it really sucks!Backstabbing Friend Rant?
Dude, dont get the money... Is it worth it to try to ruin something for 47...?Just end the friendship, but tell her she can keep the money. She has nothing on you then.
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