Friday, April 30, 2010

Pregnancy bump rant!?

I apologise before I write this post, I think my hormones must be getting the better of me! I am 14 weeks pregnant with my first baby, which we are so excited about. I am 5';2 and weigh 7.5 stone and am quite petite. I have always been this slim and eat like a horse so I guess I should be lucky. Since I have told people at work that I am pregnant, I have regular weekly comments about how skinny I still am and where is my bump etc, and people saying that there stomach is bigger than mine etc etc. It is really getting my back up because for 1, I think is is probably too early for me to have a noticable bump yet and 2, why is it when you're pregnant do people think they have the right to say whatever they want about your body! grrrr I am trying not to let this get to me but it really is to the point that I feel cross whenever someone says look how skinny you are! What can I do? Has anyone else been in this situation?Pregnancy bump rant!?
Don't worry... you'll get your baby bump.

Sometimes people just don't think. You'll learn quickly that having kids is a very competitive job (if you let it be). Everyone is always trying to compare how old their baby was when they did this or that.

You're only 14 weeks, and petite... everyone carries differently. Don't let it get to you.Pregnancy bump rant!?
Everyone is different. Every women carries differently. I was just the opposite of you..I too am slim, small, whatever..5'3'; and 110. I always seemed to show right away, and I got HUGE! People used to always comment on how BIG I looked, how I looked like I was having twins, etc. That too can be irritating.

I think us women are just funny like that. We want to compare our bellies, our pregnancies, our labors, our births, our babies. You wioll always find people who will tell you things like..'; my labor was only an hour..first baby...or my baby was walking at 10 months..why isn't yours..or my son was potty trained at 15 months..why isn't yours...'; You just have to take all those comments with a grain of salt. If your pregnancy is healthy..if YOUR doctor is not concerned about weight gain, or your baby's growth, then you shouldn't be concerned either. We are all so different, and we need to just be happy with those differences. Think of it this may end up with NO or very few stretch marks..I got HUGE and I got a lot of stretch marks..uuggh...:-)
Let me just say, I would love it if people were telling me how skinny I look. If you are 14 weeks and as small as you say, you should be starting to show a little. The fact that you aren't is of no consequence, because everyone is different, but that is the reason so many are commenting. Take it in stride. At least no one is telling you how big you are yet...wait until you get further along. People love telling you how big you are when you are pregnant. It's like it is the only time anyone is allowed to call you big. LOL. Congrats and enjoy your pregnancy.
I know what you are going through. There are three of us at work that are pregnant, all around the same time. Everyone kept commenting to me that I didn't look pregnant and when I was going to start showing. The pregnant women even were getting grumpy with me because they were showing and I still looked like I wasn't pregnant (and even looked skinnier than prior to pregnancy because I was so sick, I lost 15 lbs.) I didn't really start showing until like week 17 and even then you wouldn't know unless you knew I was pregnant. My clothes seemed to all stop fitting on the same day, and now I'm starting to get pretty big at 25 weeks. For now, I would just ignore people, it's hard to do, but it's not worth getting worked up over. Most women don't show till later on so don't fret, people are just opinionated and you'll probably still get plenty of their opinions when you do start showing. The worst part for me was when I just looked like I was chubby rather than pregnant. I started wearing maternity shirts early so people would realize I was pregnant, not fat :)
Who cares what they think! Anyways just because your pregnant doesn't mean that you should gain a ton of weight and have a huge belly, that's the worst thing to think when your pregnant. I'm the same size as you and my doctor told me that i should only gain no more than 25 pounds because of my height. As long as your doctor is saying your healthy and your weight is progressing at a good passe there's nothing to worry about. When i was pregnant with my son i had a young girl come up to me and ask me ';how old are you young lady';!! I was only 18 but still i was 4 yrs older than her, because of my size people automatically looked down on me. She's lucky she was under age or she would have gotten the best of me! But i ignored it. Tell them if they have something to say than say it to you otherwise they should keep their mouth shut.
I didn't show till about 6 months due to the fact that I am overweight. Just ignore them. Alor of people give unwanted advice. Just smile and walk away.
I am also 14 weeks and I have had a bump for a long long time (even though I have lost nearly 10 lbs....I am average weight and height....5'4'; and 123 lbs) but everyone woman is different. I don't know why people say mean and rude things. I know it hurts and especially when your nerves and hormones are enough to deal with. Dont' worry about it. Your bump will come in plenty of time and then it will get tough having it around all the time. It is such a precious time so don't let others get you down. You'll start showing soon enough probably in another week or so. Just look at it this way; You probably won't have much fat to lose after the baby is born. :)
I didn't ever really start showing. I just looked like I got a little fatter. People still made comments to me and I ended up gaining almost 60 lbs and was underweight before pregnancy. I was actually induced due to small uterine size but my daughter was fine. She was 6lb5oz and healthy. Unless your doc is concerned, don't worry about it. If anyone comments do one of five things 1. ignore them literally turn your head and talk to someone else 2. smile and say uhhuh 3. tell them it is none of their business 4. Tell them that you are under a doctors care and he says you are fine 5. tell them that you think your child is an alien. Of course you could always turn around and tell them ';yes you do look more pregnant than I do.....huh....interesting'; that just depends on your personality.
u should have a bump

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