Friday, April 30, 2010

Matt Damon rant on Palin?

I'm sorry but i watched that video a good 3 or 4 times and he is simply ignorant. He is ranting about Palin having no experience? He should look at his candidate. And so what if she governed Alaska? Whats wrong with that? And he's scared? He should be, but not because of Palin. What did you think of it?

For those of you who have not seen it.鈥?/a>Matt Damon rant on Palin?
You do realize that before Palin was chosen...Karl Rove blasted at the possibility of Obama choosing Tim Kaine, Governor of Va. let's compare the facts

Tim Kaine: Gov of Va. population over 7,000,000. for 3 years

Sarah Palin: Gov of Alaska pop 626,000. for 1 year, 9mos.

Karl Rove's own words were that Obama is saying by picking Tim Kaine that he is telling the public that......';this is a political choice...I'm (obama) really not concerned if this person is capable of being president of the U.S.';

And now his own party gives us Palin. Well i guess he's telling the public that they don't care if this person is ready to be the president of the U.S. , right?????? Or does that only apply to possible V.P.'s that have MORE qualifications??Matt Damon rant on Palin?
Anytime one of these hollywood elitists open their ignorant mouths, it can only help the GOP.

Considering that Palin's main qualifications include a pretty face and a tube of political ';lipstick';, I think any rant that gets voters thinking about the future of this country is a good rant.
I agree, with Matt Damon. Why because the republicans are saying that Obama has no experience and look at her, she was the governor of small place in Alaska.

Yeah, If anything to McCain she'll sure take us.

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