Friday, April 30, 2010

F**** Walmart (RANT)?

seriously. i am an employee there and im sick of getting treated like white dog crap. for anyone who knows what a d day is i got one. and for those of you who dont its called a ';decision making day'; which means that you have to write a paper saying why u want to work for them andhow you are going to change what you did wrong.

anyway. it was over a wic check, the customer signed it in a light color and when walmart copied it it didnt show up.

wtf dude.F**** Walmart (RANT)?
Yea, I know friends who worked for them, one quit and the other got fired. Yea, normally I'd say find another job, but, yea nows not the time, and I can imagine how frustrating it is for you, but hang in there %26amp; deal. Give them what they want %26amp; consider it humoring them and go with the flow.F**** Walmart (RANT)?
I kind of understand where they're coming from. On official documents, such as WIC checks, the customer is supposed to sign it in blue or black ink only. But then again, if they would have trained you correctly, you would have known this. Either way, you have to write that paper, or find another job. With the economy how it is right now, you're lucky to even have a job. Write the paper %26amp; remember, blue or black ink only. Lol.
Take comfort in the fact that there are many unhappy workers at walmart.

the place has a terrible labor record and I hope that congress passes card check so you all can form a union

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