Saturday, January 9, 2010

Get it off your chest Anything Rant & Rave just get it out?

i am ranting and raving my friend hung himself last nite he was 22. ive come on here to take my mind off things why why why why ? has he done this.Get it off your chest Anything Rant %26amp; Rave just get it out?
i want my mum to be happy, please let my mum be happy

pleeeeeeeeeeaseGet it off your chest Anything Rant %26amp; Rave just get it out?
Why does Richard Madeley have to be such a prat?!
I hate beans, god do i hate them.

There, I feel better now.

I need a new route to work!
The people who live across from me must have atleast 30 grown cats and a good 20 kittens all running wild!!! Most r scared to death of people! Most have all runny eyes and skinny! I called the animal shelter and cuz we live in a little town of 800 people- they said the police dept is suppossed to pick them up and bring them in- I called the police dept and they asked if I could catch them and bring them to them? It seems like NOONE wants to help these poor little kittens and cats! Not even their owner or the shelter!!!! I cant stand to see any animal hungry or suffering! Needless to say my cat food bill and eye drop bill is outrageous!!!!!! Gosh I really do feel better! Thanks for listening friend!
  • eyeliner
  • bloom-
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