Saturday, January 9, 2010

Homeless rant?

Just had to get this off my chest as it made me angry, I work in an office in Manchester and a man came in today to water the plants as he signed in he attempted to start conversation by saying and I quote

'Walking through the centre today, saw a (cue raised eyebrows) homeless man, begging'

I didnt know what to say so responded with 'oh was he selling the big issue?'

'No' the guy said 'he was just sat on the street begging'

What is the huge issue and negativity about people begging on the street, where exactly are they supposed to go. homelessness is a huge isue in the UK and isnt going to go away any time quick.

Occasionaly people become homeless through drugs but arent these the sadest cases. I truely can't understand why people are so negative about people that have no home, no money and sit all day in the freezing cold.

all options of life are closed to them, u can get a job without an address, u cant get benefits without an address. Its so messed upHomeless rant?
I agree, not everyone is homeless through choice. I heard of a girl who left home at 16 because her stepfather was sexually abusing her, (Her mum refused to listen to her) but as she had nowhere else to go she slept rough.

People are quick to judge when they haven't been in that situation!.Homeless rant?
It is one of the worlds greatest problems and no one wants to do anything about it.

If we take into account the social conditions that are the main causes of homeless people including wars, alcohol, drugs, gambling apart from mental conditions non related to drug and alcohol diseases. Then it is the people who profit from the humans who fall victims to the psychoses of dependency. I should also include cigarette smoking as well.

The blame should rest with those who profit the most as if it wasn't made available for sale the issue would decrease.

Then the world could then put all those unwanted extra health and social benefits into those who are falling victims to climate change famines.
Cant agrre with that,

you can get a job if you BEG enough !
Because most people are homeless by their own doing.
I know what you mean it is a mess. I try and give them some money whenever i can.
Sadly , One word Ignorance. There are various reasons for homlessness. addiction, dysfunctional family backgrounds to name a few. A lot of people who are fortunate enough to have a good family/friend support do not even start to consider the underlying causes and never think it will ever happen to them. At the same time don't be fooled into thinking that the Big Issue is there to help people. It is a charlatan organisation purely there to make profit for people at the top. I can't elaborate on that for legal reasons.
I totally agree with you. It's a disgrace that there are people in this country who have nowhere to live, whilst our politicians and leaders are lording it up in their mansions. There is enough wealth in this country to ensure that everyone has a place to sleep and something to eat. What needs to be changed is peoples attitude towards homeless people. Whether or not they ended up on the streets through their own fault, they are still people like everyone else, not second class citizens or ';vermin';. It makes me so angry that people are reduced to begging in a country where kids are allowed to become obese, and our air is polluted by people with huge cars that cost the amount as a house.

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