Saturday, January 9, 2010

Nothing to do? feel free to rant?

be creative :DNothing to do? feel free to rant?
It's Hot in here, I'm in chicago;鈥?/a>Nothing to do? feel free to rant?
Can i rant about my recent concerns?

I can? Okay i hope your ready for this;

I'm very stressed right now, and it might sound silly but i really

don't want to go. See, it's my aunt's father in law's 90th bday

on august 3rd. We are having a party at my aunts house. As

you can imagine, all of my family is going to be there including

me. I normally manage to avoid family get togethers because

my family is so dysfunctional that i just can't take it. The last

time we had a family get together was exactly one year ago

to this day. It was my first cousins wedding and i was in the

wedding by default so i had to attend. I left as early as i could

though, it just really tears me up inside. Basically, when i was

little my brother and i were best friends with our first cousins.

Even though they are about 3 years older than us. But our

friendships grew apart when they started getting into drugs.

Hardcore drugs, that they eventually became addicted to and

wound up in jail several times along with detox centers and

they were sent out of the country to try to begin a new life. I

have not spoke to them in a very long time, and when i do

i can tell what they think of me, because i turned out to be

such a goody two shoes.. they feel like I'm judging them and

i don't deserve to talk to them because i don't know what they

have been through. Anyway, the whole situation is very

awkward and its hard for me to even make small talk.

Normally i end up sitting alone or with my brother away from

the crowd, which to me.. seems awfully rude, but i can't help it.

Also i have nothing to wear, but besides that.. the anxiety i get

before attending these things is crazy, and my nerves are

making me sick. I can't wait till it's over, yet i don't want it to come.
thank you, I feel like the only person in the USA that sees middle/working class slipping into oblivion with repeated layoffs, downsizing, and outsourcing, I don't know what this country has turned into, Corporate gun fodder???

Okay thanks for space for ranting.
Why am I called a homophobe and a racist? homophobic implies that I have a fear of gays, I don't fear them I just don't like them. As for racist, I prefer to think of myself as ';Racially Sensible'; lol
i dont really have much to say. kinda wish i was playin soccer right now but i have soccer practice tomorrow so i guess it works out in the end. lol. what do you want to rant about?
i think america is going to slowly collapse....becuz of the medical issues, taxes, and obesity
I wish I knew an italian gangster...
I would NEVER rant! Why, that would be against the swell rules...
miley cyrus is hot
i'm heartbroken. is that ranting?
i think president bush should

die in a hole his mother peed in.

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