Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sunday rant?

Ok, so there's shootings in London, car bombs in Bahgdad, suicide bombings in Pakistan, helicopter crashes in Afghanistan, and god only knows what else in this self destructing world we live in. How sad I am at these pitiful human traits. But you wanna know what really got up my nose from reading the Sunday papers this morning? It's the fact that some young oik who has managed to get some talent of kicking a football round a pitch, and yet he is paid 拢25,000 (yes, twenty five THOUSAND pounds) a WEEK by his old premiership club, even though he now plays in the Championship league. Above all the human self destruction, we got to put an end to this OBSCENE money being paid to (by and large) self righteous, pompous, egotistical, selfish (I could go on) T W A T S.Sky tv, ticket prices, greedy agents, super rich no-marks - ALL OF YOU, IT'S GOT TO STOP NOW. I'm on 拢22,000 per YEAR, wife, 2 kids, mortgage, car. You lot don't know you're effin' born. There now - that's off me chest.Sunday rant?
A g r e e ! !Sunday rant?
I'm applauding you. I'm standing up and applauding you. I feel a mass boycott coming on.
whats a w.a.n.k.?
I agree with you on that one.Well said that man.
Well said.

You work for a living, earn your money.

What do they do?

They play. And earn, you're right, obscene amounts of money for it.

I couldn't agree more.
Three cheers! And they can't even play football well.
Look at it this way, if the players dont get the money, the money goes to the rich bas**rds who ow the clubs.
Goin' yirsel big man! Football is the biggest waste of time and money there is!
You should take up football or robbing banks.

But I am with you, what about Beckham then.
Quick somebody get this man a drink!!....We all feel the same mate. But it's sunday mate you should be chilling and relaxing not getting wound up!! It's Bleedin Monday AGAIN tomorrow!!!
my god there seems to be violence everywere
The fools that pay for the tickets are the real wanks.
Like most people here, I agree. But it's not altogether the players fault! After all, if someone offered you that kind of money to do something you are good at and enjoy doing, would you not take it? Nope, it's the clubs, and ultimately you and me who sanction those obscene amounts of money on young, and sometimes foolish men. Not so much me! When the prices went up and up, I stopped going to football matches in person. It's not the same watching the games on TV, but it sure as hell is cheaper! And when some player gets caught doing something stupid, I know he didn't use MY money in doing it! The answer, stop going!
Baldyoldgit - I agree with you. 拢22.000 a year is crap when

you think what these footballers are paid. But I tell you wot

got my goat this mornin - Front Page news about two Liverpool

Premiership idols (papers words - and yes say nor more it WAS

the News of the World) throwing the dolly out of the pram. THEN

you turn over the page to read that Blair is actually starting to

bring half of our army home. Since the Iraqi war began all we

have heard about is how dreadful Blair is for sending our boys

in and to think that a couple of footballers have taken priority over

the Iraqi war news its abominable. Still I suppose that is why its

a Snoozepaper and not a Newspaper. (I blame the hubby - he

bought it)!!! AND yeah the other guy was right - you should be

sitting down relaxing it is MONDAY tomorrow.
What Was That Did Someone Say 2 Points?
well done! do u feel better now? i do agree with u !
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