Saturday, January 9, 2010

Warning: Rant.?

BEING GAY/BI/LESBO IS NOT A CHOICE. I cannot choose to be Bi. I cannot choose to be Bi because I want attention. I cannot choose to be Bi because I want an excuse for something. I am what I am. I cannot change that.

My being an Agnostic is a CHOICE. My being a Bisexual IS NOT. I cannot choose my sexuality any more than my gender or hair color.

PS. Any religion that condemns an entire sub-group of people simply for being who they are does not belong in a modern nation. Indeed, most successful ancient, early civilazations were at least tolerant of if not worshipful to homosexuality - the early Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, and Japanese all considered male-male love and/or sex to be the purest for form of love and fertility (adding the male to the male, twice as much seed - get it?).Warning: Rant.?
If you were born as you are, there should be no need to then justify this condition as a choice, especially by this baloney about male to male, etc. being considered by the ancients as the purest form of love.

It was a very common and acceptable form, but one occasioned by circumstance, and not sought for the sake of purity by any means.Warning: Rant.?
For some people being gay is a choice. Just look at gay porn stars who only do it for the money. But I agree with you that for some people it is not a choice. Everyone's gay at least some of the time though (even the Christian Nazis).
I certainly understand and wish you well.

I don't think many will agree with you that homosexuality is the purest form of Love. God's Love is the purest in my humble opinion. Sex is a result of physicality and has little to do with Spirit. The act is an animalistic act, ego based to procreate.

The sperm swims and dies if it has no egg to attach and penetrate. Only one will be permitted. The rest die. On a rare occasion two attach. Twins are formed. So your analysis may not be so brilliant. Thanks for the information and validation that my information is correct. Right from the horses mouth is the best way to get it. Desire may be a born trait, but fulfilment of the act is a choice. There is a reason you were born that way. If it were normal, all would be that way.

This is not a put down. Just a stated opinion.

Rev. TomCat
I fully believe the whole gay/bi/lesbo thing but i'm not gonna hate ppl who are lk that. in fact i have friends who are like that. they know how i feel but we're still friends....and guess what i'm a Christian. idk i believe everyone has a choice for what they are. it's lk drug addicts they don't feel they have a choice but to do drugs but if they really wanted to bad enough they can stop. if you wanted to be straight i believe you could....if you wanted to go full gay i believe you could. everythings your choice its just a matter of how bad you want it.
Just to point out something, you can choose a hair color because they make hair dyes, but natural color, nope!

But, since this is warned as a ranting question, I have to say one thing that refers to us all. Child. Screaming. I hate the straigh people who breed and there are 5 littles brats running around screaming. None who behave because the parents are too lazy to use birth control and disaplind the kids. Then, they take them out in public and exxpect us to listen to the shite that comes out of the kids mouth. Not to mention, they are dragging money out of us, the tax payers, to support there children. That just makes me furious!
Listen... take it from someone who is going to commit suicide.... don't let these things get in the way of living the way you want to live. And I take it that you are singling out Christianity... don't. That religion is beautiful.. the problem is that there are people who belong in that religion warping it's message of universal love. God has better things to do than to worry about who we ****.
whoo i agree!
Personally, I'm straight. But I totally think it's fine to be bi or gay. like you said, it's not a choice, you just feel that way. i totally respect anyone's opinion on that.
Rant away my homosexual friend. Be secure in the knowledge that homosexuals will be in heaven before the Christian condemners. Any religion that teaches and preaches hate, bigotry and ignorance is not a religion that worships God in the true sense.
well, hummm...ok, i think girls are hot. I am not against gay people. live and let live. but, in all logic I disagree that it is not a choice. I think it is a choice. because you do have a choice! You can or can't plain and simple. I've always thought women were sexy...but I chose not to be with women. So there you was my choice ;0) That being said the reason why some religions condemn homosexuality is because simply put it is not natural. I'm sure you'll have some rebuttal for that. Not sure what it would be. But, the fact will still remain that same sex relationships are not natural and nature did not intend for them. If nature/god did intend for same sex relationships then there would be some kind of way for 2 men or 2 women to reproduce. But, obviously god didn't intend for that and that is why a whole religion is against it. i guess anyway.
Right on! Keep fighting the good fight!
Pro 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.

Pro 3:7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

Pro 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Peace be with you
Most know it's not a choice, and usually the ones that say it is are only trying to antagonize.
So whats the question you're trying to ask?
I happen to believe that Love is love, There is beauty in all forms of love , wether it be between a man and woman, or 2 women or 2 men. Of course id would think this way!! LOL!! Not only am I bi-sexual, but im also transgenderd!! and I know for a fact that niether is a choice.

So Baby!! you just rant all you want to!!!! Maybe some of these '; less'; informed closed minded people who like to ';come in here and rag on People that they dont understand'; might actually learn somthing!! (but dont hold your breath!)
i highly respect you for standing up for your rights.

i mean its not like you woke up and simply said ';you know what im bi....becuz everyone else is...tomarrow?...who the h*ll knows maybe..maybe ill be full on gay...or i could be....on and on';

yeah....but you see how that turned out for the romans, greeks and the the egyptians......they aren't around any more. and i still think it is a choice.
Please follow the guidelines. If you have a question ask it, if not then get a LiveJournal where rants are allowed.

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