Saturday, January 9, 2010

Poll/survey: DOES anyone fancy a rant, get it off your chest,?

go on you know you want to, rant, moan, complain, whinge etc etc etc

l'm having a pretty sh1tty day, anyone having one of those mondays, go on and claim a free two points, the floor is yoursPoll/survey: DOES anyone fancy a rant, get it off your chest,?
i hate being limited in my questions and answers. can't wait until im on a higher level. its just not fairPoll/survey: DOES anyone fancy a rant, get it off your chest,?
I am soooo friggin pi**ed off! Men!! Just who the heck do they think they are??? Are my feelings not important?? Why does it always have to be HIS way or it's wrong? OOOOHHHHH! I could just scream with frustration...anybody have any Tylenol?
Yeah, but mine sounds really petty; a few weeks ago I got really wound up with someone on here who kept giving smart alec, on word answers that were neither constructive nor helpful. I therefore (in a fit of bitchiness) did the same to one of this persons questions and they damn well reported me (I answered their question with ';dunno';) and I lost 12 points!!! GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Teach me I suppose.
Its too hot outside...

F***ing Government!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't want to be here today!!! (work) moaning -k-
I'm sick of the ferral hoody brats round here who think its cool to tease my dog.
Im annoyed with the politically correct nazis at ITV.They have decided not to show Die Hard 2 tonight after the Glasgow Airport attack which didnt even manage to kill any Ants let alone Humans.I supose they did it so they wouldnt upset the families of those who were not killed or injured

And to add insult they replace it with the awful Cliffhanger,which features terrorists on a mountain.So i have decided the only option is to blow up Ben Nevis.
the guy i ended up in bed with hasnt called

my best friend spends all her time with her new boyfriend

everyone but me seems to have a job

its constantly raining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*breathes* thanks, i needed that. :) x
i hate when people smile in your face and go back dry snitching at work...
I hate the fact that a bunch of complete whack jobs in my Pakistan insist on using my peaceful religion that promotes love, peace, fairness and tolerance as a banner to go an blow themselves up and take innocent lives.

This in turn leads all the whack jobs in your country to label all of us peace loving, kind and generous people as whack jobs that blow themselves up and take innocent lives.

Why can't these people just climb up into the mountains and blow themselves up beyond the knowledge of the rest of us so we can ALL live in peace with each other??!?!?
Grr!! I am in a ***** mood today... of course it started out ok.. until my fiance calls and says our car HAS to go into the shop tonight or tomorrow morning... I say why not the weekend.. but no it HAS to be by tomorrow morning... I work full time and go to college at night... where does this leave me? Kinda out shitless asking for rides everywhere. The only person that can give me a ride home tomorrow night cant even get me home until 6 or so.... and I'm supposed to be starting college at 6... if I walk in late, I get a late and I look stupid and I miss half the damn lecture... because once I get home I gotta find a ride to school... and school is 20 min away or so...grr!!

PS~ I still dont feel ne better... :-(
grrrrrrrr ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh f**king f**ckidy f**k f**k

bloo*y a55 holes ahhhhh stamp stopm ahhhhhhgh

i did this 2 weeks ago and i wanted this response ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh whhhyyyyyyyy rip rip ahhhhhhhh f**king ba***ds goon scream ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

ok dusting down now ousa ahh oh thank you so much i fell so much better

heres a hug thanx xxxx
I'm about to go to college and my mother wants me to get a full time job at places I don't think I'd be happy. Besides, I'm already happy with my small petsitting jobs and babysitting jobs and I'm making decent money. Then, she tries to guilt me into doing what she wants by saying that she's taking out a loan that's going to put her into debt to help put me through college and that I'm doing nothing to help her. I DO HELP! When I'm home, I'm doing chores. When she's home, she naps!!!!!!!! I mean, don't I deserve to have at least a LITTLE FUN after working my butt off my last year of highschool?

And I can't tell her how I feel because it will just lead to another argument.

Also I just bought a new DVD and I have to return it because it's flawed. I know that's no big deal really, but the thing is, that's a long drive for me!

I could punch through the wall, I'm having such a bad day! *sniff* I need a hug.

Gosh that felt good.

its monday?

man modays suck
Yeah, my head hurts and I want to take a Xanax, I have one in my cigarette pack but I'm scared my boss will pass by while I split it. I don't want to take a whole one or I'll be too messed up to work.

And I requested time off on August for a cruise but I'm not sure my ***** boss will give it to me.
OK would some one else sort the dirty clothes ,wash and do the ironing for me this week,also could do with a bit of help with the baby who is teething , would love to feck off on my own to a secret island and sleep for a week and get waited on hand and foot for a change, also my knee hurts,and why on why cant i blow-dry my hair straight like they do in the hairdressers look like a hedgehog at t he moment,aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Yes! I hate my life and I want to die!!! Why does everything happen to me??!!!! Why can't I ever be happy??!!! Is God playing a cruel joke on me??!!! I wish it would all END!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you. I feel a whole lot better now.

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