Thursday, December 31, 2009

Not a question more of a rant or comment?

some people are so immature.i have had 2 violations for no good reason.1 because my brother asked a question.and the second was because i asked a question about why my brothers question got removed.maybe someone thinks we are asking if its ok to sleep with each other.(we are NOT by the way.)

pointless violations.i think people that give pointless thumbdowns/reports should be the ones that have their ips banned.

neither he(my brother)or i did anything wrong to be totally honest.Not a question more of a rant or comment?
i know ive had violations for normal questions and then some idiots out there get away with itNot a question more of a rant or comment?
Not meaning to poop on your parade but this ';not a question more of a rant or comment'; is also a violation of the Community Guidelines.

I understand there are other questions and answers that violate the Guidelines. Don't like the way things are done on Y/A, nobody is forcing you to participate.

If you thought it was so funny, why the need for the ';rant';?
Get over it - stuff happens
Please see the following links:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Violations do not always deal with offensive content, as they are also measures to mitigate spamming on the site and to support the purpose of the site.

Either a user(s) reported you for an abuse of guidelines or a Y/A staffer/software just pulled the question or answer off. It's just a system that combines human discretion with various automated software, so mistakes happen. We can't tell you for sure, so you should try to get an official answer from Y/A.

If you feel a question or answer did not violate one of the 20 reasons listed in the Y/A guidelines (鈥?/a> ) and thus did not deserve to be deleted, then post a message to the Wrongful Violations board at鈥?/a> . Explain why your Q or A did not violate guidelines or just ask them to state why your Q or A was removed. NOTE: It may take weeks to get a response, but they usually respond in 48 hours. Then again, a response isn't guaranteed.
Calm down dear it's only a web site
Dont take it so seriously dude...
Perhaps you both comb your hair the wrong way.
I know what you mean I had one for a comment I made about Big Brother
Don't fret about it hon, only the best people on here get violations, so consider yourself one of us now, we all get em, yahoo giveth and yahoo taketh away!!!
Quick! Hit edit and write, ';Do you agree?'; ...Or some gimp will probably report you for the title of your question.

There seems no sense to it. You get people with the worst attitudes (rude,violent, agressive) getting away with a thumbs down and people who do nothing wrong getting a violation.
  • eyeliner
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  • LG Rumor 2 or Samsung Rant?

    i want the phone that will last longest

    which one has a better keyboard and better features

    my parents say, you get this phone, til it shuts off forever

    so i'm torn between the two

    if you have one of these what color, and how impressed with it are you?LG Rumor 2 or Samsung Rant?
    ok. i have the LG Rumor 2 and my brother and parents have the Samsung rant. my brother and parents phone just died of battery 2 days ago and they got it 1 year ago. the LG Rumor 2 is still working and i have the Green %26amp; silver. but i would love to have the black %26amp; blue either color is cool so u should pick the LG Rumor its sooooooo much better good luck.

    Rant on WWE?

    I am posting this just as a frustrated WWE fan who misses the old days. I am sick of having 11 ';champions';, I am sick of that loser John Cena pretending to be Superman week after week. I am sick of tasteless 'death angles' that do absolutely nothing for anybody. I miss the days of Hulk Hogan (who, as indicated by his comments of Nancy Benoit, is turning into a bitter old man) making the WWE Championship the greatest thing ever. I miss the days of upper-mid carders like Roddy Piper, Mr. Perfect and Razor Ramon maintaining a great deal of prestige for the Intercontinental Championship, which was the 'next best thing' back in the early 90's. I miss the great fueds over the Tag Titles with classic teams and not this garbage now with singles wrestlers being thrown together to fill air time. And most of all I miss the anticipation of the 'Big 4', where all-year round wrestling fans looked foward to the Rumble, Survivor Series, Summerslam %26amp; Wrestlemania all year long. Who else feels my pain?Rant on WWE?
    you know what? things change so move onRant on WWE?
    i miss the old days too man

    especially 1991-2002

    on wwf
    Ya know man, yeah there are some stupid storylines now and some superstars suck. but things change so move on and get over it. John cena is Superman week after week and if you dont like it then stop watching. But dont waste your time and ours by posting all this
    Well said man. I can't do much but agree. There are way too many titles. Splitting the brands was a decent idea to showcase more talent, but they are hardly showcasing anything, just boring gimmicks. If they went back to 1 Heavyweight title, 1 Intercontinental, 1 duo for tag team titles, that would be okay, but then they'd end up overusing the champ, unless they had one on each of Raw and Smackdown (end this ECW trash that is but a mere shadow of its true days). And yes, Cena is terrible. This ';overcomes the odds'; garbage week after week is nothing but sickening. They want to make him like Hogan and usher the business into a new era, but it will never happen that way. It's like Cena strains way too hard to cut promos, get over with the crowd, etc. Years ago, the champs always seemed to do it naturally, effortlessly. The tag team division is non-existent, it seems like I can only think of one or two teams that aren't just two guys thrown together for the show. And yes, the big 4 hardly seem like it anymore, just crammed into a boring schedule of PPV's that no one much cares for. (might I mention the next one, Great American Bash, which holds absolutely zero interest for me as it stands right now)

    LOL at the ';Cena is Superman week after week'; comment above, apparently someone doesn't know it's all scripted and he only wins because his merchandise sells, and sales are money in Vince's pocket. Kids, and some people, buy into winners, maybe because they can't stand to associate themselves with being on a losing end. Keep this a secret?
    u got a good point...... like the other of person said..times has changed.....wwe has lost the edge it once had...i think john cena being champion has been too long.i have been one of the people that has been critcal of cena but face one can compare to cena at the momen t except the main ones that are triple h,lashley,shawn michaels,edge and bastisa...the others are no where near the upper-mid card that u said.... thses days the wwe is more cautious...on what to do with the wrestlers...and i think thats because of all the stories about drugs, steriods and deaths of wrestlers....

    the tag team division is no more... i miss the tag teams were their was high flying and impact that leaves you at the edge of the what chris benoit(r.i.p) said in a interview( i think year or 2 ago) wrestlers theses days wrestle not to get hurt and turning wrestling in too something that its not.. and also is showing the lack of respect to the business...

    i still watch wrestling and will always watch wrestling but storylines that are not realistic needs to be scapped....we the fans want real wrestling,...high flying stuff..blood....and all sorts...i hate to say it but TNA (from what i've heard) is making big strides so WWE needs to big themsleves up...bring back the hardcore title thats what will change WWE...
    hogan was just as bad as the current talentless losers but yes i miss the attitude era also.
    I know what you mean. I really dislike having two sets of championships. I want there to be one champion that's solid on top, not one for both Raw and Smackdown.

    I also would like to see a stronger tag team division and more air time for the cruiserweights.
    thanky you, I miss the wwf attitude era now all of the most of the good wrestlers are gone and the womens division is really sad, and there is now contreversy going on.
    i agree with you 100%

    you should like send that to vince mcmahon haha
    I feel most of your pain.

    Cena needs to lose that dam title...seriously!

    Rant vs Rumor??????????

    im getting a new phone and its a choice between the samsung rant or rumor by lg. Can someone tell me popular problems that each of the phone has and which one would last longer/ which one is better thank youRant vs Rumor??????????
    the rant is better than the rumor. the rants like a newer more advanced version of the rumor. i have a rant and it rules. its got a great mp3 player and also has a better keyboard then the rumor. my rant hasnt had any problems yet, but ive heard that the rumor has some bugs. i think the rant and the rumor would last a long time though. rant %26gt; rumorRant vs Rumor??????????
    Definitely get the rant! I have it and I love it! I think that it is soo much easier to text on the rant, and the rant is much more stable than the rumor. The rumor felt to flimsy for me! The purple rant is amazing! If you want the purple one, you can get it at best buy! Good Luck! :]
    ummmmmmmmmmm why is this question in comic/animation? btw iphone is the best

    RANT!!! Proper spelling/grammar!???!?

    What happened to spell check??? Does anyone else get SICK TO DEATH of reading emails that are not capitallized properly, written in ALL CAPS, or with so many spelling errors they are almost impossible to use? And what's with the slang? Is it really that difficult to spell out words or use proper English?

    Maybe I'm just old....but it really bugs me that the intelligence level in this world is at an all-time LOW!RANT!!! Proper spelling/grammar!???!?
    No, I'm with you too. I posted this question the first week I joined because some of these ';questions'; are very hard to understand. I'll warn you now, I got a lot of very rude replies just be prepared for that.

    I think the kids think all the abbreviations are cute, maybe they are for instant messages, but not when you're over 40 and don't understand what they mean. Just do what I do, don't even bother with the ones you can't read or don't understand.RANT!!! Proper spelling/grammar!???!?
    hey, it's a casual forum; have your meds adjusted %26amp; chill.
    Not at all. When I receive one of these emails I know it is worthless and just delete it. It is a valuable anti-spam method.
    Spelling and grammar has 0 correlation to intelligence. The world has changed get over it.

    Also some of us have dyslexia and spell check is just simply a best guess.

    Oh and bye the way check out your grammar. Hello pot this is the kettel.

    Last i checked RANT!!! was not proper grammar nor is ending a sentence with a word all caps as you did in LOW!

    So in the famous words of N.W.A. CHECK YOURSELF!!
    Yes, I'm so sick of that! Seriously, is it that hard to spell words like ';the'; and ';with';?

    What's even worse is when people TALK the way the TYPE (and vice versa)! Really, if you're too lazy to say ';oh my god'; instead of ';omg';, that's pretty sad.
    remember we dont get paid for this...and we all make mistakes....content is more important
    that is rarely a problem because I'm smart enough to figure out what they are saying. My problem is with people who have to make a comment on 1 or 2 spelling mistakes in stead of answering the question. If you cant read it them why are you letting it bother you? you take this site way too seriously.

    If you were smart you would realize that spell checker doesn't work on the details screen.

    I cannot stand people misspelling words and not even taking a quick glimpse over what they wrote to see if it has any grammatical or spelling errors. Do they not realize that bad grammar, makes them appear to be highly uneducated and lazy.

    I hate way too much slang. I don't believe it belongs in most parts of society except for in the company of Friends or people you know close enough to converse with in that manner. I mean, it's not that hard to speak proper English!

    Our world's intelligence level is definitely at an all time low, but I like it, because that leaves lots of opportunities for intelligent people like us to take advantage of!
    I hate that too. My younger sister is in the generation of the 'text language' with words like 'dat' and 'innit'. When I get texts like that off her I just shrug it off. At least im literate.
    when it coms to the net i generally dont care about spelling or grammer, so when it happens, it happens. and iv notice when i do spell check on here it doesnt notice half of it or wants to change something right into something else

    Rant n Rave???????????????

    Has anybody really wound you up today???? please don't pick on me, it's only a question..........Rant n Rave???????????????
    I'm wound up as usual. This morning my secretary called to say that she couldn't come in because her baby sitter is sick. I was supposed to have today off of work, but now, I'm stuck here again. I work seven days a week and it's been 3 months since I've had a day off. I ordered breakfast this morning and my pancakes tasted like old shoe leather. My apartment was supposed to be ready to move into this week, but it won't be ready until 9/5. Hurricane Katrina destroyed everything I had last year and Ernesto is in the gulf threatening us again this year! Today sucks! I'm ready to hide under the bed and shoot the phone if it rings, but I'll have to settle sitting at my desk and biting my tongue! WHEW! Thanks. That helped alot. LOLRant n Rave???????????????
    Thank you for your choice! Have a great day!

    Report Abuse

    You should ask my alarm clock
    No, shush, it is so quiet and peaceful on our street for a change today, the noisy irritating neighbours over the road have gone to Blackpool for the day, everyone else is either chilling or out themselves, just sheer bliss and peace and quiet for a change, hope no one is annoying you either.
    Check your TV channels. Some preacher is ranting and raving somewhere. Do they think we believe more if they shout at us?

    Which color of the sprint rant is more masculine? PICS INSIDE!?



    I sorta like both but the blue on the black idk... Im a guy btw

    Which color of the sprint rant is more masculine? PICS INSIDE!?
    the black definitely!

    but choose whichever,

    i have a black phone and i'm a girl,

    if you choose the red i don't think

    people will think it's feminine,

    the black is just more masculine
  • facial moisturizer
  • bloom-
  • Rant about health insurance! Call me callous. I don't care.?

    There is a woman I work with who is sitting here complaining about how she and her husband make too much money to receive free health insurance from the state (they have to now pay $30 for her whole family). She is 36 with an associates degree and pregnant with their first child, married less than one year, and she has one child that she adopted at about age 27. Her husband has no education past high school and pays $25 a month in insurance for his 2 daughters from a previous marriage. I have a Master's degree and work in a law office. I'm 26 with a husband and one child age 2. My husband is a state employee with a bachelor's degree; he is also a veteran of two wars. Granted, we have a fantastic insurance plan because of his position, but we pay a whole lot more than 30/month. Why is it that in our country, people are rewarded for not getting an education and making their own crappy life situation while people who work their butts off and risk their lives are punished?!?!?!?!?Rant about health insurance! Call me callous. I don't care.?
    It's a combination of ignorance, about not understanding how the world works; immaturity, in not wanting to take responsibility for yourself and letting 'the government' to it; laziness, in not wanting to learn how things work or take care of them yourself; entitlement attitude, in believing you deserve something for nothing; and selfishness, in not looking past your own situation to see how there are so many other people worse off than you are, YES, even in this country!!

    You can't make people want to change, they have to want to change themselves. This is one of those times you just have to count your blessings for being educated, mature, industrious, self-reliant, and charitable.Rant about health insurance! Call me callous. I don't care.?
    AMEN - Heaven forbid I get rewarded for getting an education and making something of my life. The mindset in this country is that people have something coming to them. The government and the citizens owe them. I have worked for everything I have and have earned it - what a concept.
    30 dollars a month??? who does she work for? are they hiring? you know, some people (and i think it has to do with how they are raised) expects everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. just wait until she losses her job and gets free health care, but has to live in a car because she cant make rent. then she will know how the real world works.
    good grief! She pays a pittance! Some people don't know how lucky they are. You are right, it does seem sometimes that you get penalized for doing the right thing. Also, some people want to be handed everything for free.
    Many people just don't understand health insurance and people will b!tch no matter what their situation is. I have never met some one that didn't have some complaint.
    I know, right!!! This makes me want to HURL!!! I work for doctors and have to pay $400 a month to just cover ME. My parents are self employed (dad's a painting contractor, mom is a college adjunct professor) and pay $675 a month for the two of them.

    Do me a favor and slap the one working with you who's crying about paying $30 a month. (I'd do it myself, but it's hard to reach thru a computer screen.)

    Know what else makes me sick? People who make over $100K a year, own a home, drive brand new $70,000 SUVs (Land Rover %26amp; Naviagtor) and qualify for MEDICAID in New York!! (Don't think I don't drop a dime on them!)

    The honest people get screwed while the liars, cheats, and dirtbags seem to get everything. Makes me SICK.

    RANT? Easy points!?

    This is for anyone who wants easy points or just is mad!

    What is something that has made you angry? Have your friends spread rumors about you? Told your secrets? Said stuff behind your back? Do you have people whispering in the halls (or even shouting with a giant neon sign) that your just plain ugly? Are you considered a slut just because your pretty? Have you been lied to? Cheated on? Have you cheated? This is a confession and rant time. Go ahead, i'm hear to listen.


    xoxoRANT? Easy points!?
    ohh thank god... here we go.

    well let me just start out with middle school SUCKS! between b****y girls, and stupid guys, theres no resting point!! i mean, one girl starts hating you cuz she thinks your a lesbian (im not btw) and a fight starts and pretty soon all of these little branches build of of the stupidest root and eventually you've got the whole damn school mad at you!!!!

    and the idiot boys just do not help at all!!! cus generally these boy are the ones who hang out with the girls who clearly have nothing better to do than imitate the movie Mean Girls so they cant be much better. i mean, they practically do w/e the girls tell them to. and if they dont like you well then life just sucks doesnt it?! cuz then one of the girls will find out you password that you use for eveything and go and tell all of the other b****es and pretty soon, they've changed your myspace/facebook/bebo and sent love emails out to the most idiotic guy ever and then even given the password out to other guys ho go on your chat engines and change your messages to like ';i'm a lesbian'; and stupid crap like that

    i mean, what the he** did i ever do to you huh?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!! i did nothing to deserve n e of the crap that n e of you ppl dished out and i just want to know why the he** you would even begin to think its even a little funny to make everybody hate a person!!!!!! i mean, how the he** would you feel if everybody hated you?!?!?! except that wouldn't happen cuz you know just everybody in the world loves you so as long as you have your fan club then you'll be ok. NEWS FLASH: ppl only hang out with you cuz they are to scared not to!!!!!!!!!! im sry that i dont want to hang out with somebody who is just mean all the time!!!!!!!

    and btw, WHY, if you have always hated me, did you act like my f****** BFF the f****** day before?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!鈥?br>

    and boys: just because you are a guy does NOT make you better than a girl in ANY way shape or form!!!! you are not n e smarter or cooler -- you are exactly equal to us so stop being a jack a$$ just cuz you want attention!!! cuz let me let you in on a little secret: girls will notice and like you more if you just act normal and not like perverted a$$es!!!!!!!!!!!

    THANK YOU!!!!!

    (btw, i wasnt talking to n e body on here.... i was talking in my mind to some of the ppl at school......)

    thank you for letting me vent

    ohh wait i have more:

    school. i mean, i nvr used to mind it before!!!! the teachers need to understand that we have lives!!!! im sry that i cant stay home all night and do h/w!!!!! i have sports and instruments and all sorts of other $h!t that i need to do so i dont always have time to do all of the crap you give me!!!! you are freaking over loading us and we just need a little break!!!!! i mean, im not saying cut out h/w completely, just maybe a little less would be nice..... im burning out!!!!!!!


    ok. thank you =]


    parents. ok im a freaking teenager!!! im sry that i cannot be all happy and peppy at every freaking moment of everyday!!! i mean, you cannot expect me to want to talk to you at 6 in the morning before school starts and not have it be grumpy!!!! and im sry that all of my patients has been used up at school by the idiot guys but you NEED to understand that i am not perfect and you CANNOT expect me to be!!!!!!!!!

    sry. it just keeps coming.... =]RANT? Easy points!?
    i've been through alot the past couple of weeks. for a few months now, one of my best friends got together with a popular girl from our school. there in the same class together and the popular girl has none of her friends there so she is using my friend. In a way, my friend is also using her to get popular herself. My other friends and I are really sick of this. Also, the popular girls spreads rumers about just about everyone. Even my friend!!!!!! Me and my other friends decided to just forget it and not be friends with her anymore. Obviously, popularity is more important to her than friendship.
    What REALLY makes me mad!!! When people say they hate there teenagers!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I always hear adults say teens are not fun and they aren't cute or nice anymore. Teens: Why we use hair dye. I saw that on a website! And about preteens they said: The five minutes between adorable and horrible. They have no ******* right to say that! My parents are not like that, but soooo many people are! What the hell is there problem??? Have they ever thought that that might be offensive???????????????????????????????鈥?Adults and grandparents always say these horrible things about teens!!!! They say stuff like theyre cute when there little, but when they grow up to teens you just want to give them away. Thats so rude!!!!
    I'm tired of being everyones *****. Spend all my time running around after people trying to make them happy and dont get any time to/for myself. Im totally sick and tired of it and it's really getting me down and taking over my life. I'm going out with an amazing girl but even she treats me like a doormatt. I know its my faulty but have no freakin idea how to fix it all. Really has become a huge prob for me. Some times I think that i was not meant to live on this planet.
    my sister is saying slanderous things about me and my business... we live in a small town and it has hurt my business.... when i talk to her about it, she says its my fault.... i dotn understand why my sister would do such things to me.... i have NEVER done anything to her, and I could throw my 2 cents in, but i keep my mouth shut, because she is my sister and it is unethical....
    I'm pissed because the obliviot clan just sat next to me. Talk about loud and obnoxious. They were just told to take their beverage out of the library, then had the nerve to complain. Then the cell phone went off, and they complained again. Will you come over and slap these jerks around for me?
    this grl is so anoyying!!

    and BIG!!!

    she hangs out wit 5th graders cuz no one else would hang around her except for her homo friend!!


    and her 5th grade friends told us that they do wanna hang around them, they just follow them!

    sigh ';classic';

    plus no one likes her because shes wanna be ghetto and is alwyas lik ';oo im gonna hit u';

    and all that poopp.

    so i waz the only one who would stand up tp her and evr since her life has gone downhill baby!


    thank u for ur time
    Hmm let me guess... It's either you are sadistic lunatic who was completely rejected by society, just weird, or just French.




    how about you??
    everyone gets mad lol

    in my school people are usually violent which gets me mad

    there so quick to bring knifes and guns to school instead of using there fist
    My ex boyfriends girlfriend's friend called me a slut cause i was wearing shorts and heels to the mall... :( But it's ok, cause she's UGLY! Mwahahahaha!!!
    Someone laughed when I stacked a jump while snowboarding todaz.

    That-s reallz mean!!!
    My friend told who I liked at school. emberrassing!!
    umm cant think of any
    The idiot who answered first....he is getting on my nerves!!!!...what a total waste of sperm and egg!!!
    umm kay

    my bff(soon to b ex) called me a b and then blambed it on this kid she knows h8s me and i h8 him(long story)

    I acted like i belive her cuz well i feel sry 4 her

    shes only my friend cuz i'm gorgus and up with the pop, but i promus i'm only up there cuz i luv those ppls and their great friends

    then she turns around and calls me and them barbie behind my back...

    but idk how to say i'm not her friend! and she clings on me cuz she only has 1 other friend and shes in none of her classes

    i havn't done anything mean to her no matter how much i want to

    thats just not the way i was rased...

    BUT UGGG SHE MAKES ME SO MAD! but i just can't find a way to tell her...

    she has this way of twisting words against me or anyone and the last thing i need in ms is an enemy like THAT!

    ok... i'm done :) thank you this was really nice of you

    oh and y does it cost u 5 point to ask a ? i think thats kinda dumb cuz i'm tring to make it up to level 2 but its hard cuz i also wanna ask ?'s!

    Rant about health insurance! Call me callous. I don't care.?

    There is a woman I work with who is sitting here complaining about how she and her husband make too much money to receive free health insurance from the state (they have to now pay $30 for her whole family). She is 36 with an associates degree and pregnant with their first child, married less than one year, and she has one child that she adopted at about age 27. Her husband has no education past high school and pays $25 a month in insurance for his 2 daughters from a previous marriage. I have a Master's degree and work in a law office. I'm 26 with a husband and one child age 2. My husband is a state employee with a bachelor's degree; he is also a veteran of two wars. Granted, we have a fantastic insurance plan because of his position, but we pay a whole lot more than 30/month. Why is it that in our country, people are rewarded for not getting an education and making their own crappy life situation while people who work their butts off and risk their lives are punished?!?!?!?!?Rant about health insurance! Call me callous. I don't care.?
    It's a combination of ignorance, about not understanding how the world works; immaturity, in not wanting to take responsibility for yourself and letting 'the government' to it; laziness, in not wanting to learn how things work or take care of them yourself; entitlement attitude, in believing you deserve something for nothing; and selfishness, in not looking past your own situation to see how there are so many other people worse off than you are, YES, even in this country!!

    You can't make people want to change, they have to want to change themselves. This is one of those times you just have to count your blessings for being educated, mature, industrious, self-reliant, and charitable.Rant about health insurance! Call me callous. I don't care.?
    AMEN - Heaven forbid I get rewarded for getting an education and making something of my life. The mindset in this country is that people have something coming to them. The government and the citizens owe them. I have worked for everything I have and have earned it - what a concept.
    30 dollars a month??? who does she work for? are they hiring? you know, some people (and i think it has to do with how they are raised) expects everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. just wait until she losses her job and gets free health care, but has to live in a car because she cant make rent. then she will know how the real world works.
    good grief! She pays a pittance! Some people don't know how lucky they are. You are right, it does seem sometimes that you get penalized for doing the right thing. Also, some people want to be handed everything for free.
    Many people just don't understand health insurance and people will ***** no matter what their situation is. I have never met some one that didn't have some complaint.
    I know, right!!! This makes me want to HURL!!! I work for doctors and have to pay $400 a month to just cover ME. My parents are self employed (dad's a painting contractor, mom is a college adjunct professor) and pay $675 a month for the two of them.

    Do me a favor and slap the one working with you who's crying about paying $30 a month. (I'd do it myself, but it's hard to reach thru a computer screen.)

    Know what else makes me sick? People who make over $100K a year, own a home, drive brand new $70,000 SUVs (Land Rover %26amp; Naviagtor) and qualify for MEDICAID in New York!! (Don't think I don't drop a dime on them!)

    The honest people get screwed while the liars, cheats, and dirtbags seem to get everything. Makes me SICK.

    RANT? Easy points!?

    This is for anyone who wants easy points or just is mad!

    What is something that has made you angry? Have your friends spread rumors about you? Told your secrets? Said stuff behind your back? Do you have people whispering in the halls (or even shouting with a giant neon sign) that your just plain ugly? Are you considered a slut just because your pretty? Have you been lied to? Cheated on? Have you cheated? This is a confession and rant time. Go ahead, i'm hear to listen.


    xoxoRANT? Easy points!?
    ohh thank god... here we go.

    well let me just start out with middle school SUCKS! between b****y girls, and stupid guys, theres no resting point!! i mean, one girl starts hating you cuz she thinks your a lesbian (im not btw) and a fight starts and pretty soon all of these little branches build of of the stupidest root and eventually you've got the whole damn school mad at you!!!!

    and the idiot boys just do not help at all!!! cus generally these boy are the ones who hang out with the girls who clearly have nothing better to do than imitate the movie Mean Girls so they cant be much better. i mean, they practically do w/e the girls tell them to. and if they dont like you well then life just sucks doesnt it?! cuz then one of the girls will find out you password that you use for eveything and go and tell all of the other b****es and pretty soon, they've changed your myspace/facebook/bebo and sent love emails out to the most idiotic guy ever and then even given the password out to other guys ho go on your chat engines and change your messages to like ';i'm a lesbian'; and stupid crap like that

    i mean, what the he** did i ever do to you huh?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!! i did nothing to deserve n e of the crap that n e of you ppl dished out and i just want to know why the he** you would even begin to think its even a little funny to make everybody hate a person!!!!!! i mean, how the he** would you feel if everybody hated you?!?!?! except that wouldn't happen cuz you know just everybody in the world loves you so as long as you have your fan club then you'll be ok. NEWS FLASH: ppl only hang out with you cuz they are to scared not to!!!!!!!!!! im sry that i dont want to hang out with somebody who is just mean all the time!!!!!!!

    and btw, WHY, if you have always hated me, did you act like my f****** BFF the f****** day before?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!鈥?br>

    and boys: just because you are a guy does NOT make you better than a girl in ANY way shape or form!!!! you are not n e smarter or cooler -- you are exactly equal to us so stop being a jack a$$ just cuz you want attention!!! cuz let me let you in on a little secret: girls will notice and like you more if you just act normal and not like perverted a$$es!!!!!!!!!!!

    THANK YOU!!!!!

    (btw, i wasnt talking to n e body on here.... i was talking in my mind to some of the ppl at school......)

    thank you for letting me vent

    ohh wait i have more:

    school. i mean, i nvr used to mind it before!!!! the teachers need to understand that we have lives!!!! im sry that i cant stay home all night and do h/w!!!!! i have sports and instruments and all sorts of other $h!t that i need to do so i dont always have time to do all of the crap you give me!!!! you are freaking over loading us and we just need a little break!!!!! i mean, im not saying cut out h/w completely, just maybe a little less would be nice..... im burning out!!!!!!!


    ok. thank you =]


    parents. ok im a freaking teenager!!! im sry that i cannot be all happy and peppy at every freaking moment of everyday!!! i mean, you cannot expect me to want to talk to you at 6 in the morning before school starts and not have it be grumpy!!!! and im sry that all of my patients has been used up at school by the idiot guys but you NEED to understand that i am not perfect and you CANNOT expect me to be!!!!!!!!!

    sry. it just keeps coming.... =]RANT? Easy points!?
    i've been through alot the past couple of weeks. for a few months now, one of my best friends got together with a popular girl from our school. there in the same class together and the popular girl has none of her friends there so she is using my friend. In a way, my friend is also using her to get popular herself. My other friends and I are really sick of this. Also, the popular girls spreads rumers about just about everyone. Even my friend!!!!!! Me and my other friends decided to just forget it and not be friends with her anymore. Obviously, popularity is more important to her than friendship.
    What REALLY makes me mad!!! When people say they hate there teenagers!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I always hear adults say teens are not fun and they aren't cute or nice anymore. Teens: Why we use hair dye. I saw that on a website! And about preteens they said: The five minutes between adorable and horrible. They have no ******* right to say that! My parents are not like that, but soooo many people are! What the hell is there problem??? Have they ever thought that that might be offensive???????????????????????????????鈥?Adults and grandparents always say these horrible things about teens!!!! They say stuff like theyre cute when there little, but when they grow up to teens you just want to give them away. Thats so rude!!!!
    I'm tired of being everyones *****. Spend all my time running around after people trying to make them happy and dont get any time to/for myself. Im totally sick and tired of it and it's really getting me down and taking over my life. I'm going out with an amazing girl but even she treats me like a doormatt. I know its my faulty but have no freakin idea how to fix it all. Really has become a huge prob for me. Some times I think that i was not meant to live on this planet.
    my sister is saying slanderous things about me and my business... we live in a small town and it has hurt my business.... when i talk to her about it, she says its my fault.... i dotn understand why my sister would do such things to me.... i have NEVER done anything to her, and I could throw my 2 cents in, but i keep my mouth shut, because she is my sister and it is unethical....
    I'm pissed because the obliviot clan just sat next to me. Talk about loud and obnoxious. They were just told to take their beverage out of the library, then had the nerve to complain. Then the cell phone went off, and they complained again. Will you come over and slap these jerks around for me?
    this grl is so anoyying!!

    and BIG!!!

    she hangs out wit 5th graders cuz no one else would hang around her except for her homo friend!!


    and her 5th grade friends told us that they do wanna hang around them, they just follow them!

    sigh ';classic';

    plus no one likes her because shes wanna be ghetto and is alwyas lik ';oo im gonna hit u';

    and all that poopp.

    so i waz the only one who would stand up tp her and evr since her life has gone downhill baby!


    thank u for ur time
    Hmm let me guess... It's either you are sadistic lunatic who was completely rejected by society, just weird, or just French.




    how about you??
    everyone gets mad lol

    in my school people are usually violent which gets me mad

    there so quick to bring knifes and guns to school instead of using there fist
    My ex boyfriends girlfriend's friend called me a slut cause i was wearing shorts and heels to the mall... :( But it's ok, cause she's UGLY! Mwahahahaha!!!
    Someone laughed when I stacked a jump while snowboarding todaz.

    That-s reallz mean!!!
    My friend told who I liked at school. emberrassing!!
    umm cant think of any
    The idiot who answered first....he is getting on my nerves!!!!...what a total waste of sperm and egg!!!
    umm kay

    my bff(soon to b ex) called me a b and then blambed it on this kid she knows h8s me and i h8 him(long story)

    I acted like i belive her cuz well i feel sry 4 her

    shes only my friend cuz i'm gorgus and up with the pop, but i promus i'm only up there cuz i luv those ppls and their great friends

    then she turns around and calls me and them barbie behind my back...

    but idk how to say i'm not her friend! and she clings on me cuz she only has 1 other friend and shes in none of her classes

    i havn't done anything mean to her no matter how much i want to

    thats just not the way i was rased...

    BUT UGGG SHE MAKES ME SO MAD! but i just can't find a way to tell her...

    she has this way of twisting words against me or anyone and the last thing i need in ms is an enemy like THAT!

    ok... i'm done :) thank you this was really nice of you

    oh and y does it cost u 5 point to ask a ? i think thats kinda dumb cuz i'm tring to make it up to level 2 but its hard cuz i also wanna ask ?'s!

    Rant number(I've forgotten how to count)?


    Doesn't it just give you the squits that from about mid october to halfway through January people are constantly letting off fireworks? (fire-crackers to you colonials).

    I have a really big dog who has put his body inbetween me and a burglar armed with a pistol, but ordinary domestic-style fireworks turn him into a lump of jelly (and his alimentary canal, unfortunately).

    OK, so people should be able to have some fun, agreed - but why do I hear really scary explosions at 9 in the morning?

    Do we need more control?

    (Hey, maybe we could give them an asbo).

    Sorry Puffy, this is a genuine rant rather than a disguised gag.Rant number(I've forgotten how to count)?
    Totally agree again! You are not allowed to sound your horn after 11pm or before 7am, yet you can do a good impersonation of the Blitz 24/7 with no penalty at all!Rant number(I've forgotten how to count)?
    I think they need to invent quite fireworks. I have two dogs that will bark non-stop at fireworks. Not to mention I find nothing amusing about a screamer (firework). Who ever came up with that should be put into a room with 50 screaming babies for a week! Whatever happen to those nice growing, poop like, worms? Or a nice quite army tank that shoots off a few rounds then dies? How about some pop rocks? Nooo now kids need blackcats that annoys everyone in their neighborhood and anyone else in a mile range vicinity.
    i agree with you on this,fireworks should only be let off on one night each year on the 5th of november.Any other time and i agree an asbo should be given we get them at 3am in the morning round here! for about five months of the year.
    In the U.S. a lot of towns crack down on fireworks if it's much after the 4th of July, or Chinese New Year. It seems like there should be standards and regulation about fireworks. I'm not sure I've ever had the squits though...
    i know what you mean, i suffer from panic attacks so everytime i hear or see the light of one i can't get my breath.
    Personally I would ban fireworks (except for organised public displays).

    The thougt of gunpowder being readily available to thugs doesnt thrill me at all.

    Also, too many animals suffer due to them either making a noise or being tied to them.

    I need a place to rant?

    that provides feedback

    I need a place to rant?
    write a blogI need a place to rant?
    does it have to do with business and finance? if so, i would be pleased to read your rant.
    What's your rant ?

    My rant : The economy sucks ! My life is depressing as hell.

    rant??????i don't understand..........
  • facial moisturizer
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  • Rant Quotes?

    What are some really good ones? There are truley plenty to choose from...Rant Quotes?
    We'll never be as young as we are tonight.

    Truth was, if you didn't chew her food, then her food chewed you.

    My life may be little and boring, but at least its mine--not some assembly line, secondhanded,hand-me-down life.

    The future you have tomorrow won't be the future you had yesterday.Rant Quotes?
    Don't be afraid to try something new,


    Professionals built the Titanic.

    Amateurs built the Arc.

    If I went on a rant.. Whats the % that I will get banned?

    10 percent

    i see alot of people here ranting, so its no biggie

    POLL: do you need to rant?

    about anything?POLL: do you need to rant?
    yes, it's to my mom today.

    to give you some background information: I'm 15 (I just had my birthday in June) and I'm Paki.

    My parents are pretty closed-minded. Even my mom; she thinks my duty is to look pretty and clean the house. My brother sits and watches TV ALL day long (he's 28 - no, he's not a jobless drunk that lives with his mom. WE actually are living in his house; we moved recently to this city and decided to temporarily stay here. We bought a new house already, we're leaving this place soon. He also doesn't drink.)

    But anyway, my brother does absolutely nothing all day other than relieve his stress on my mom (by yelling) because he's not married yet. (He's really picky. He had this girlfriend but he didn't like her because she was too short. He's VERY superficial, which is one of the reasons I hate him. The other is that he's also a bit narrow-minded and likes to emotionally and sometimes physically abuse all of us. He doesn't hit my mom, just us, his siblings. It's not THAT bad, we don't get bruises or black eyes. He just grabs our arms and squeezes it with his nails so that it hurts and gets red) My dad is in Saudi Arabia (he works there) and the rest of us moved here to Canada.

    Alright. So anytime we're about to go to one of my mother's friend's parties, she forces me to look all ';pretty';. My other sister voluntarily cakes her face, but I don't like too much make up. Especially on me, a 15-year old. Whenever I see another kid wearing make up, I think all these mean things about them, so why would I want to be a hypocrite? I really wouldn't mind but she says it like it's my duty because she needs the society to ';accept'; me. I can't be the way I am, no, I have to dress up and smile politely at people I know are horribly rude. She complains that I look ';ugly'; all the time because I'm not as fat as I could be (to put it simply, she has a problem with my eating habits and blames everything on that) and says, ';Oh God, you're so ABNORMAL, what will everybody think?'; And that's it. that's what gets me.

    A) she uses the word 'abnormal' to describe usual teenager activities like using the computer. She overuses this term - to the point where it has lost its meaning and I want to pull out my hair. She's no psychiatrist. She knows nothing about teenagers and their normal behavior!

    B) she cares too much about other people's opinions.

    It won't matter if we're happy, no, that's not the priority. It's everyone else's opinion of us.

    For example, my oldest sister just got married about 7 months ago. Ever since, her husband has been emotionally abusive. He has OCD so he yells and yells at her over everything. ie. if she tries to hold his hand.

    you're a married couple, what's wrong with that? not only does he find something normal weird, but he yells at her. he yells till she starts crying. he even admitted one day that he's not happy until she starts crying. And once, when she put something in the washing machine without his permission (she was trying to help) he yelled at her so much. She usually wouldn't mind THAT much, but he did this so much to the point where she started screaming. And then she clawed at her skin and banged her head on the wall and cried for hours, locked up in the closet. When he saw her reaction, he laughed and said, ';Are you crazy? The neighbours will hear you and think you're an idiot.'; Another time he said, ';You're completely weird, there's no one like you. I don't think anyone could ever like you'; and then he left the house and said he wasn't coming home for the night because he was so upset he didn't want to see her face when all she did was forget a document or something.

    first of all, I'm a bit of a feminist (because of all the stories about female abusive I've heard. Ever since I was way younger, it's all I hear) so you can't imagine what was going on in my brain when I heard her crying on the phone. It was all I could do not to cry.

    secondly, my sister is a VERY happy and optimistic person. I couldn't imagine her losing control.

    But on top of that, her in-laws are complete JERKS. they criticize her even after seeing their son's behavior. In our culture, the father/mother-of-the-son have every authority over everything, so they abuse her by making her cook and clean constantly. And then they're like, ';Oh, why can't you try to keep my son happy?'; and they give her their own orders like she's their free slave. Well, of course! that's exactly what a wife is in our f*cked up culture!

    Now my point: you know what my mom says to all this? ';Oh, he's crazy for doing all that stuff. What an idiot! But you know what you should do? Try not to make him so mad, do as he says. Cook his food right. Clean his clothes properly.';

    And then my mother comes to us and instead of regarding his behavior as mental, she tells us to improve ourselves so we can live up to OUR husbands' behaviors.


    If it was me, I'd fly over there myself (they're in North Carolina) and straighten that boy out. And if he was still a jerk (which he'd probably still be, a visit couldn't do much), I'd get her out of hisPOLL: do you need to rant?
    God, yes.

    I'm just to lazy to explain the situation again.

    And the one person I want to say it all to, is my ex. And it's just ughh...I feel like I could explode.
    It's rainingggggggg :(

    It's suppose to be Summer!!

    I'm bored aswell %26gt;:(

    stupid people!!!!!!!!!!!

    that's it

    YES!!!!! thx 4 asking
    this is my alternative account. (this is weegee)

    I'll finish my rant here:

    I'd get her out of his clutches.

    But no. Instead she talks like she's planning on getting us husbands just like him and that she's okay with us living like our sister.

    But she KNOWS what it's like because she lived it too (which means me and my other sister are no doubt going to lead this life when we grow older) but she doesn't want to CHANGE anything. No. She'll make us work our butts off as much as she can make us do so she can prepare us for idiots like my sister's husband.

    We're also getting an arranged marriage, in case you haven't figured that out.

    I have a fetish for white boys, so I always fantasize about falling in love like a normal person with a hot, white boy. But I know it'll never come true. Once I mentioned to my father that I didn't want to have an arranged marriage and he laughed and said I'd ';grow out of that phase';

    I'm crying right now, I'm so sick of this lifestyle. Especially living in Canada and all, I see all these people who'll get to fall in love and have a caring husband and it's so unfair!

    And my mom lacks all signs of empathy. She doesn't understand that I'm a teenager! That I it's normal for me to like music, to spend time on the computer. Instead, she calls me abnormal because I don't clean the house all day long.

    I'm so sick of it!

    I'm also really shy and I can't stand most high schoolers because of their immaturity, so I don't have any friends. well, I have two: one girl who is quite frankly one of the most annoying people I've had to pretend to like and the other, a boy who's in strong like with me that I can't stand. In other words, I have no friends.

    I don't mean to sound egotistical, but I think I've matured faster than the other people in my grade so I can't stand them for a legitimate reason. It's not that I'm a pretentious b*tch. Trust me, I'm not pretentious. I have Avoidant Personality Disorder, read up on it. I am the most self-conscious person ever and I criticize myself on everything.

    So with my strong longing for a boyfriend and my no-friend situation, I no doubt am extremely depressed. To the point where I feel like lying down in the middle of a road and crying until a car comes. Because of my disorder, I know that no one will ever fall in love with me and that I'm doomed to a life of loneliness. That or arranged marriage. Between those two options, I'd pick dying alone. But even with that option, I can't help but feel depressed. I'm not exactly suicidal (yet) but I do often cry myself to sleep and lock myself in the bathroom and cry on the floor until I'm on the verge of pulling my hair out.

    More than anything, I just want somebody I can talk to. I don't want to have to search up day-old questions on Yahoo! Answers so I can let it out.

    But the thing is, I get lonely, but I also crave personal space. I share a TINY room with my mom. A tiny bed with my mom too and it gets so unbelievably frustrating not having any privacy. I also have to go to sleep when she wants to and I can't go to sleep until she feels like shutting off her laptop.

    To change the topic: it's not just white boys I like. It's with the concept of being white. I can't imagine what it's like to have fair skin, CALM hair, colored eyes, nice features and most of all: freedom! I'm obsessed with the idea of being white. I want so bad to be pretty! people tell me I'm pretty but all I can do is cry when I look at the mirror.

    But then there's days where I'm just sick of people as a whole. I've seen so many movies about real people where people are killed because of cruelty and I've lost hope in humanity. I hate everyone and everything now. I've become so bitter to the point where I get all pissy with my parents and then I'm overwhelmed with guilt and I sit there and cry. And then they do something frustrating again - however small it may be. It's not what they do, it's just me looking for an excuse to CRACK - and I'm mean again. And then I cry.

    Anyway, this wasn't only a rant to my mom. I guess life in general.

    Rant or Rumor 2??????

    Im about to upgrade my cell on Sprint. I dont know what phone to chose. i have narrowed it down to my two favorate phones. Now what should i get. Samsung Rant or LG Rumor 2?Rant or Rumor 2??????
    well i currently have the rant and im going to switch soon to the instinct mini coming soon or instinct or the palm pre or the treo pro or the htc touch pro or diamond or the rhodium (n/a yet) last but not least the sprint jasper c(n/a yet)

    the rant is much better phone dog on youtube compare the two rant totally dominated the rant is easy to use by both left and right handers the rumor is only for lefthanders the rant is much faster and easy access to anything such as messages settings and music

    rant all the wayRant or Rumor 2??????
    Rumor 2! My friend has that phone and any time I see her I have to steal it and play with it!!!!!!
    Rumor 2 i have that phone and and and..... its just awesome, okay?????

    haha [ not making fun of you ]

    wrong category genious.

    Yahoo email - more of a rant?

    What is with Yahoo email lately? I've been getting the most obvious spam junk the last 3 weeks. Haven't done anything different but sure getting the junk. Do they EVER update their filters? I'm getting ready to dump yahoo and find something else.Yahoo email - more of a rant?
    Bravo! Well stated!

    Interestingly enough, I have several Yahoo email accts. and the one that gets not only the most spam but ALL spam is the one that I've NEVER, EVER used yet!!!

    Mind boggling!

    Give gmail a try - much better! Plus you can get gmail directly in Outlook and Outlook Express (and other email clients) for FREE and no need to have to install a 3rd party product (like Y POPS) in order to do so.

    Okay so who wants to rant about something?

    here you go thenOkay so who wants to rant about something?
    MeOkay so who wants to rant about something?
    im cool
    Toasters.....why is there a setting that napalms your bread, making it inedible? And why does someone keep touching the dial setting it higher than what I put it on?
    Im really mad that i couldnt find jelly belly brand jelly beans in the THREE stores that i went too!!
    Loan adverts, on all the kids T.V. channels, it makes me proper grrrrrr
    omg usually i'm really good at ranting... but i cant think of anything to rant about. besides the fact the my Bff's mom said that doing yoga means that your worshipping the devil. but she has nooooo freaking clue what she's talking about WHATSOEVER! i mean really?? WORSHING THE DEVIL?? so i started doing yoga right there in front of her! ha! god that woman annoys me.
    im gd tahh
    No More Bad Drivers With Cell-Phones....!!
    ooooh i am too tired for that grrrr ;)
    I'm fed up with a couple of my employes being late every other day,i run my own auto body shop and when people make their own hrs,the work doesn't get done,and it give me a bad rep.Then i have to make excuses to the paying customers.
  • facial moisturizer
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  • Pros and cons about samsung rant!?!?鈥?/a>

    read the customer reviews and you'll see all the pros and consPros and cons about samsung rant!?!?
    i have the samsung rant. save yourself the trouble, dont get this phone.

    Rant number next: god is a blackmailer?

    (or more accurately his self-appointed representavives on earth are)

    This is based on being dragged up (as opposed to brought up) in a largely christian society, but may apply to others).

    The church holds us to ransom - fact. Everyone loves ';that christmassy feeling'; and spending lots of credit-card money on toys/booze/food/whatever.

    All little girls want the big white wedding one day (but you'd better be a god-fearing subscribing member to get it in a ';real'; church).

    The list goes on. Even Tony Blair, when backed up against a wall on the issue of ';so where *exactly* are these Iraqi WMD's that we sent people to look for and die in the process?'; His answer? ';God will be my judge';, the perfect ';get out of jail free'; card.

    WARNING: at midnight of the Winter Solstice I shall been buring wax effigies of any twat who cuts%26amp;pastes whole swathes of any religious book in response to this - your names will be attached to the cute little dolls)Rant number next: god is a blackmailer?
    Keep the rants coming! I thought this one was a little lame until I got to the bottom!! Funny guy!Rant number next: god is a blackmailer?
    You're right, but you're ranting against the very thing you're complaining about...all believers of any custom believe they are right and get mad when others don't you and I know we are enlightened but we're mad that others aren't..We're not a bit different (just smarter!)

    Have a better Solstice than the one you've'll sleep better.
    There is nothing in the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Apostles that justifies Christmas excess or ';big white weddings.'; And, yes, God WILL be Tony Blair's judge with regard to Iraq, and it is not for me to say what that judgement will be.

    Christianity itself is a faith of simplicity. All the trappings we see today have been added on through the centuries. Saying that, our Christmas traditions are no more than a couple of hundred years old.

    EDIT: Oh, dear, I seem to have upset pssthok by what I have said. I'm not sure why, any ideas, folks?
    You go girl
    WTF are no on about man! Your on fukin drugs!
    you're a jerk and a twat yourself and you also need help!
    You are talking about the concerns of people, not the concerns of God.

    That is, the blackmailers you are speaking of are human beings, many of whom would lead us to believe that we need to buy and show off.

    God distinctly disputes such inane, self-serving ideas.

    Get to know who's actually telling you things before making your accusations of God.

    It is just a bad, bad idea to accuse God. But if you knew him, you'd know this.
    Had you already mentioned the classic - ';worship me, adore me, believe in nothing else but me, thank me, praise me - OR I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL!';

    Happy Christmas.
    i'll remember that
    I dislike Christmas, and never wanted a white wedding in a church. I look horrible in white, but I probably would have gotten married in a Church because my husband was Christian at the time we tied the knot, but we ended up getting married in a court house.

    I really love Yule though, but I don't have any credit cards.

    I feel we need to take responsibilities for our own actions on Earth.

    Rant phone help?!??!?!?!?!?

    I have the Rant phone by Sprint. And it has a carousel. and my whole family has one, and my brother has a thing on his carousel that says like myspace, so you can go to home, inbox or something else, and i asked him how he got it like that, and he didn't remember, so i was wondering if anyone else has the rant phone, and they have that, how to do it. thanks. how to put it on my carousel.. thank you :)) anything helpsRant phone help?!??!?!?!?!?
    Find a Sprint store, in the mall.



    Rant on and on if you like.....?

    Do you think that Yahoo does a good job of enforcing community guidelines? Why or why not? All comments appreciated. Thorough ones treasured. Thank you for your times and your thoughts!Rant on and on if you like.....?
    Yes and no.

    It seems to me that they've gotten better at removing things they should remove, but could do even better still.

    I also know of things that they removed that they should not have removed. And following the procedure does the wronged party no good. At best, by using other channels, a person can get their points back (who cares), but the removal isn't reversed.

    I think that the first best thing yahoo could do would be to make the purposes of the site, the guidelines, and the reasons why all of the guidelines are necessary to those purposes MUCH more in users' faces, so to speak.

    Especially users who have had something removed. Many are bewildered because ';what I said wasn't bad'; when they were chatting, giving non-answers, and similar abuses. (That is, the reason for those kinds of rules is that, if the site is filled with chat and non-questions and non-answers, people coming here will think that's what the site is for and will go away, rather than asking their appropriate questions and giving strong answers.)

    The above logic is nowhere explained. The actual, specific rules are hidden. Many users don't know about or understand the Abuse Report system.

    It's essential that there are enough people getting the reports of abuse to actually look into each one. It's also essential that they use good judgement in deciding whether to remove a given item.

    Notifications need to be clearer about what, exactly, was wrong with the removed item and why it's a bad thing to do what they did. (Currently, I THINK, they just get whatever the reported said, which most reporters probably don't realise.)

    Each notification needs to have the relevant info and explanations. (They could have a bank of commonly-needed explanations they could paste into notices, as needed.)

    And the staff need to respond promptly to legitimate complaints of wrong removals by restoring the wrongly-deleted item.

    Since there are people who would love to volunteer to help field Abuse Reports, I think Yahoo should use such users.

    By making the purpose, specific rules, reasons for the rules, and the report system prominent, beefing up the number of people fielding reports, and requiring good judgement of report verifiers I bet everyone could turn this rig around.Rant on and on if you like.....?
    I've gotten a couple of ';violation notices'; for flaming one of bozos that ask simply idiotic questions. I have a pet peeve against stupid. Some people are so lame they should not have computers.

    All in all I think Answers is a pretty cool way to share info.. Some people tend to answer to get their two points or sound like a Know-it-all, while others try to sincerely answer questions.

    I've got expertise from work experience in several fields, and provide what information may be useful to someone, IF people go back and submit their points to choose best answers, the system will work.

    I contribute on hewlett packards forums for techies as well, the point system is a way of making sure the person answer the question knows what they are talking about.
    Yes, but then again, No. Hold on a second and I have a think about it. Yes, definitely. Sometimes maybe no, but then again we all have to have rules. Yet, rules were made to be broken. Perhaps if they published a list of forbidden words, numbered say from 1 - 100, we could use the number instead of the word and therefore not be reported.

    I could then have answered this question so: This is a '6' '8' question, you '22' '43'. Go and '1' yourself.

    For your benefit, the numbers above refer to: 6 = very, 8 = clever, 22 = wise, 43 = person. Or something similar......... Oh, I almost forgot, 1 = please................
    I think they do, they have responded to me a couple times. I don't go around reporting people for the thrills and chills, but some are rude and a couple statemements about the military killing children actually made me tear up, (my hubby is in the US ARMY) I reported them since they are harming other people. Yahoo took the questions off pretty quickly, when you consider they have to monitor millions of people and 1/2 of them are wacky and say harrassing things. It is a big job. The people that get mad are those that start the issues to begin with. THis is a very innocent source of fun and some great information, why do people have to come in and screw it up? I don't want to rant, thanks for the opportunity and the great question.

    It's like telling a policeman you were just robbed of $1,000,000, he says oh,yeah,really?and then walks out!What is the point of the laws?

    You think Cho had some kind of autism? His peers never heard him spoke until that Wednesday rant on video.?

    I am skeptical. I think it is more likely this is an example of misdiagnosis.

    He was not diagnosed in early childhhood so there is a question as to whether he was mis-diagnosed. If unsocial behavior was due to autism, it would start at a very early age %26amp; get a bit better as the child made attempts at social interaction. If the unsocial behavior was due to mental illness, the early childhood might have been normal, but would be very likely to get much worse as time went on, especially around puberty. And as someone pointed out, his rant proved he COULD talk, he just choose not to. That points to mental illness more than autism.

    He was clearly mentally ill. Either the family was unwilling to admit that %26amp; choose to claim he was autistic instead, OR he was BOTH autistic AND mentally ill.

    But autism was not to blame for this tragedy.

    Java j - That kind of thinking has been disproven for many MANY years!……

    Even the ';father of autism'; Dr. Leo Kanner, recanted his former belief in blaming the parents, by 1969!You think Cho had some kind of autism? His peers never heard him spoke until that Wednesday rant on video.?
    No, and I hate it when people always think that someone must have a problem because they aren't like everyone else.

    I don't ever talk at school (in high school) myself, and I dislike it when I am forced to talk to people. Although it's not to the point that people wonder what my voice sounds like.You think Cho had some kind of autism? His peers never heard him spoke until that Wednesday rant on video.?
    You have to understand that he moved to America when he was 8. He couldn't speak English, he couldn't communicate, and he couldn't make friends because of this. This is probably the first step of what would turn out to be his crazy mental so-called illness. And even after he learned English and could speak it, he didn't, because by then, his quiet and shyness was etched almost completely into his personality and character and himself. I think that if he was born in America, things could have turned out different for him. I don't think he suffers from any mental illness at all, I just think he had a tiring childhood. He was also teased at school because of his so called accent, but I believe that's because he didn't speak english so often, therefore couldn't get rid of his korean one he had since he was eight.
    He was autistic. He was diagnosed at age 8 when he first entered the country.

    ';According to his great-aunt, Cho was diagnosed with autism some time after arriving in the United States at age 8, although it is unclear whether the label was accurate. Cho's flat emotional affect was evident through middle and high school years, during which he was bullied for speech difficulties.';


    I think he was quite a normal kid; otherwise, how could he study up to senior year?

    My be he just withdrew himself from weird American school cultures he faced from his elementary school. He figured, staying aloof may be the best option for him; and may be some kids hounted him to take him to the extreems.

    Of course, it just would have added to the mental health issues he had.
    It sounds like he did. An uncle of his said that his family was worried when he was a child because he wouldn't talk. He didn't use the word autism. Maybe a clinical aproach wasn't taken and he was just made to feel stupid.
    Autism covers a spectrum of disorders. Cho Seung-hui may have had the form of autism known as Asperger's syndrome.

    Asperger's Disorder (Asperger Syndrome) is defined in section 299.80 of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) by six main criteria:

    Qualitative impairment in social interaction;

    o--- The presence of restricted, repetitive and stereotyped behaviors and interests;

    o--- Significant impairment in important areas of functioning;

    o--- No significant delay in language;

    o---- During the first three years of life, there can be no clinically significant delay in cognitive development such as curiosity about the existing environment or the acquisition of age appropriate learning skills, self-help skills, or adaptive behaviors (other than social interaction); and,

    o---- The symptoms must not be better accounted for by another specific pervasive developmental disorder or schizophrenia.

    AS is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), one of five neurological conditions characterized by difference in language and communication skills, as well as repetitive or restrictive patterns of thought and behavior. The four related disorders or conditions are Autism, Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and PDD-NOS (pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified).

    Dr. Theodore Millon, dean and scientific director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Personology and Psychopathology in Coral Gables, Fla. said, Mr. Cho’s taped rants, and his peers’ descriptions of him as a classmate, suggest a blend of severe and specific personality problems.

    People with so-called avoidant personality disorder shun social situations because of a paralyzing dread of disapproval or criticism. Those with paranoid personality disorder nourish a deep distrust of others and see insults and malicious meanings in almost every interaction. Both are stubborn patterns of behavior that can begin in adolescence or earlier, and in his influential book, “Disorders of Personality” (Wiley, 1996), Dr. Millon identifies a blend of the two as “insular paranoid” disorder.

    “Such people feel persecuted, deeply isolated, that the world rejects them, and they will often replace the real world with an inner one in which they act out their fantasies,” Dr. Millon said, adding that this inner world can be elaborate, a “pseudo-community” modeled after the real one in which they live. “The acting out usually stops there,” Dr. Millon said. “Only in rare circumstances do they confuse reality with this inner world.”…

    Anita Godfrey, president of the Mental Health Association of Broward County, said that many people recovering from mental illness lead productive lives. ';Mental illness alone is not a predictor of violent crime,'; she said.

    Godfrey noted that the onset of serious mental illness often occurs between ages 17 and 24. In many cases, the person refuses to believe he is ill and does not comply with treatment or medication.…
    Someone with autism doesn't just lose it all of a sudden when they're mad. Autism has to be treated in the early stages or else they're stuck with it. He was shy like people keep saying.
    Definately. The autistic are like that, too. I used to work with them. They're all quiet and then suddenly they're coming at you to strangle you cuz that tapping noise your making is driving them crazy.
    It's funny to read the responses as almost nobody here knows a damn thing about autism. Your assumptions and stereotypes highlight your ignorance. People are looking for a simple reason why someone would do what Cho did. Problem is there is no simple reason-there never is when things like this happen.
    He could speak, he proved that. So for some reason he had chosen not to speek prior to the killing. It is not normal, thats for sure. But guessing won't help at all.
    He was probably suffering from schnauzer poisoning...
    I can't believe the entire country is pointing at reasons other than the obvious. He was a victim of racist ridicule. I see some people on Yahoo saying they were teased which really is not accurately equatable to racism. Imagine, that you are black, and everyday people call you ';******'; 20 times a day, any time you try to speak or do anything. How are you supposed to be normal? You shrug off the 1st one, but not the rest. Now repeat that everyday of your life for 15 years.
    Autism can be a side-effect of poor parenting, where the brain doesn't fully form do to parent neglect. It is possible this happened to Cho. his parents didnt even visit him in college...
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  • Do you need a shoulder to cry on? Here's your chance. What would you like to rant about?

    I was actually going to offer my has been a great day, I just found out that my sister in law is having a baby girl...which is great cause she has two sons already and there's only one more girl in the family, that would make it 2 nieces and 6 nephews.

    I'm going to the Sheryl Crow concert at the Rodeo again...woo hoo and I just ate my veggies and a tillapia fillet that was delicious so I have nothing to complain about...I guess I will have to you need a shoulder to cry on? Here's your chance. What would you like to rant about?
    No crying..but I feel like a complete and utter loser.Do you need a shoulder to cry on? Here's your chance. What would you like to rant about?

    1. trying to unpack everything b/c I just moved

    2. two million an one things due for different classes

    3. work: I'm not getting any time off

    Awww thanks ... just rant about nothing in particular just life itself !!!
    I spilled gasoline all over myself, and I'm a complete fool, also, weak.
    everything. life sucks and then it sucks some more

    Do you gain or lose respect for Chris Berman after his rant? you gain or lose respect for Chris Berman after his rant?
    Chris Berman is an overrated, loudmouth bum. He's been quoting the same Eagles and Rod Stewart lyrics for the last 30 years. His ';act'; has gotten old.

    Sorry for the daily rant but i got pissed off.?

    over it now don't do anything rash unless its herpes and you already have it.Sorry for the daily rant but i got pissed off.?
    okSorry for the daily rant but i got pissed off.?
    ok,glad you got it off your chest,

    hope you're feeling better now, and as for herpes, well thats another story.
    the rash joke was dumb
    No= And I Hope I Never Will.
    please watch language ok??
    I always say that being pissed OFF is much better than being pissed ON! LMAO
    Must you be so crude?

    Do you gain or lose respect for Chris Berman after his rant? you gain or lose respect for Chris Berman after his rant?
    Chris Berman is an overrated, loudmouth bum. He's been quoting the same Eagles and Rod Stewart lyrics for the last 30 years. His ';act'; has gotten old.

    Sorry for the daily rant but i got pissed off.?

    over it now don't do anything rash unless its herpes and you already have it.Sorry for the daily rant but i got pissed off.?
    okSorry for the daily rant but i got pissed off.?
    ok,glad you got it off your chest,

    hope you're feeling better now, and as for herpes, well thats another story.
    the rash joke was dumb
    No= And I Hope I Never Will.
    please watch language ok??
    I always say that being pissed OFF is much better than being pissed ON! LMAO
    Must you be so crude?

    Do you want to rant or rave?

    If you wanna rant about something that has your panties in a wad go ahead we wont tell. If you would like to rave about something that has you happy as can be go ahead, I think we could all use some good news in our lives!Do you want to rant or rave?
    i would like to rant, but just do not have the timeDo you want to rant or rave?
    Neither..too busy..
    Raves are so much more positive than ranting. Unfortunately, I can't think of anything to rave about right now.
    Not right now I am pretty happy thanks though

    I'm so upset I can't talk about it.
    rant, raves involved dope.
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  • The apostrophe syndrome (grammar rant)?

    I'm watching local news and the online question that they ask is: ';Do you think NYC is the best place to live for working mom's';. Look at the last word .... I see this a lot on the internet, but thought that the media would have a good grasp on proper grammar. But I digress.The apostrophe syndrome (grammar rant)?
    Yes, punctuation and other gross language errors are a big problem in the media and elsewhere.

    BUT, to be correct about things, punctuation is not grammar. Grammar is (by most definitions) the arrangement of words into sentences.

    Just saying... :)The apostrophe syndrome (grammar rant)?
    Yeah, it happens a lot. I see that type of thing in the media, in BOOKS, and websites; places where you'd expect them to have a good editor.

    I know twelve-year-olds with better grammar.

    It makes me sad that they expect us to learn ';proper grammar'; in school when they don't use it theirselves.
    I'm not surprised. The mass media have done their best to ';dumb down'; America; their grammatical blunders are just one of their offenses against IQ.
    Everyone makes mistakes. It won't happen again on the media for a long time.

    Why do history teacher rant sooo much??

    they can never be happy with anything, and i mean okay so history is repeating itself but cheesus!! it not really helping if they keep on going on about how hilter was really good looking and how sexy george bush is and how much he fancies the queen mother now shes dead!! how can i tell my history teacher that she is just sick?Why do history teacher rant sooo much??
    Beacuse they haven't read the book,Lies My Teacher Taught Me America'sreal HistoryWhy do history teacher rant sooo much??
    Because history continues to repeat itself just look at our country %26amp; all those who have fallen by the wayside ---we are headed in the same direction.But not everyone is paying attention.
    just say those exact words ';you're sick'; or something to that effect.........if he (male teacher correct? - judging from your use of ';he'; in your question) is one of those open discussion teachers (the ones that actually allow questioning in their classes) he might welcome a challenge or someone having an opinion other than himself.........also, at the very least it would show that you were listening, no matter how annoying it may have been to you, and teachers always love an attentive student.......good luck and God Bless
    first...learn the facts... then when you know the history better than the teacher..and the reacher starts spouting nonsence... just go up to her and tell her she is wrong and her positions are not factual and her interpritations are JUST PLAIN SICK...and then just walk away... But if you do not know the facts...for certain... how do you know the teacher is wrong... but... there are a lot of ';teachers'; out there who do not know the truth themselves...and some just plain bad ones... but you still need to be certain your facts are correct before going on the attack.


    go to t3h site

    Free ringtones for Sprint Rant (m540)?

    i have the sprint rant without NO INTERNET. i tried using to get the ringtones i wanted from my music collection. However the last step of the tutorial for transferring music was unclear. it says that the last double click to the memory card folder is where i need to copy and paste the new ringtone to. when i do right click to copy and paste, copy isnt an option. how do i get my ringtone to my phone????Free ringtones for Sprint Rant (m540)?


    Lg rumor vs. samsung rant ?

    i was going to get the rumor this christmas but then i found out about the rant so only for people that have had them or know about them which one is better? tell me alot about the phones and which one u likeLg rumor vs. samsung rant ?
    I have the Rumor and am looking into switching to the Rant. Mainly because the Rumor doesn't have Sprint TV, the Sprint Music Store, and also doesn't have bandwidth capabilities. Other wise honestly.. I LOVE this phone! I had the black one and switched to the green. I've had zero problems with it so far! I love how also AIM, MSN, and Yahoo messengers are already downloaded to the phone... and you can use them for free! No need to pay the monthly charge like you usually would.

    Honestly, it's all personal preference. If you want the sprint music store and tv, get the rant! If you just want a simple phone that's great for texting and IMing that's not too fancy, get the Rumor!Lg rumor vs. samsung rant ?
    The rant is way better. I just got the rant on monday, I charged it, now it's wednesday and I still got 2 notches from the first charge. It is easy to use and the keyboard is a no-brainer. The graphix are nice on the rant...the rumor graphix are more ';cartoony';. The camera is better, everything. I like the rant.
    the rumor. trust me. the rant is sooooo ugly and the phone slides out on the left for left hand ppl and the rumor slides out on the right for right hand ppl. but i would say get the black/blue rumor. plus the keys are bigger on rumor. and i need the bigger keys personally.

    p.s. idk what that person was talking about the touch screen rant. thats false.
    Hi. The rumor is a piece of crap. No offense, but the rumor has too many problems and is like a cheap plastic child phone. The rant feels better and has less problems.
    thats by far the best question ever i was just thinkin that and i would get the rant be cause its sliding like the rumor but it alsos got touch screen its friken awesome and have sprint as ur store
    the rant its sickk
    lg rumor is way better

    What's something to rant about?

    People who drive cars and SUV's at night and have their fog lights turned on. It's pure stupidity and it blinds other drivers. If I could get ahold of the man who came up with the idea of putting them on cars, I'd bash his head in.What's something to rant about?
    taxes or the government or both but you could go with my favorite gas prices omg i don't know how the average person can afford to drive I'm the average person with a small car and its killing me i mean i die a little everytime i fill up. how or why does anybody still drive SUV's?What's something to rant about?
    How credit card companies hold our payments for a couple of days before registering it on our account.
    Abortion, teen pregnancy and the elections.

    First things that came to my head, lol.

    Good luck on your rantation!
    How screwed were all getting financially. Or at least that's how I'd be if I actually had a vehicle.
    Yahoo and their Big Brothership.
    ppl who uz txt msg tlk on YA so nbdy cn rede it
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  • TCC and need to rant.

    So my husband and me had an unexpected pregnancy last year and we were so happy but I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks. We decided after that we were gonna try and have a baby. Five months into trying I find out that my 16 year old sister is pregnant and due on the day that I lost my baby. So I'm upset that she got pregnant when I cant and that shes due on that day. I just doesnt seem fair. Its so hard for me to sit back and watch everyone go crazy over the first grandchild and talk about how excited they are. I dont know what I'm gonna do if she gives birth on that day. I just needed to get this off my chest and I know that alot of the women in here have had mc and are undersatnding so thank you.TCC and need to rant.
    that stinks! im so sorry for your lose!! I have had a miscarriage and it seemed like my mother and sister just didnt get it(they werent to sensitive). I don鈥檛 think she will have it on ';that'; day its very rare that you actually have your baby on the due date!!

    my 18 year old sister in-law wasnt having her period so I took her to my obgyn to get help. they gave her ovulation medicine and she got pregnant on the first round. I mean I was trying for 9months after my miscarriage and she just got prego like that(I just wanted her to have a regular period not get prego) we are both due at the same time just that no one knows about me. I am now pregnant with my 2nd child (9weeks) and I don鈥檛 want to tell anyone (except my husband of course) because im scared of what might happen. my mother in-law is so excited for my sister in-law and I don鈥檛 get it shes 18 her boyfriend is 29 and they arent married. my mother in-law is catholic so I don鈥檛 know how shes so happy I mean how many sins is my sil committing right now!! and my mil was never that happy for my husband and me with our first(her only granddaughter out of 6 grand kids). good luck ttc and baby dust to you:)TCC and need to rant.
    Don't worry. Your time will come. I know it must be hard, but you can't blame yourself for the loss. Also, you can't blame your sister for getting pregnant --I'm sure she wouldn't mean to hurt you. Just take comfort in your husband. He is your shelter and will always be there for you, remember?
    I struggled with infertility for years watching all of my friends give birth. I remember the very moment that I found out that my best friend for life (who never wanted children) was expecting. I just curled up in a ball and cried my eyes out to my husband. It was very hard visiting them all in the hospital and feeling that longing in my heart, but I did have to put that aside (at least in front of them) and share in their joy. My time later came when we adopted our son and later adopted our daughter. Remember, the best things come to those who wait. Hang in there and keep trying, you time will come.
    I know how you feel. I just posted about my two best friends both giving birth on the same day non the less. I have not had a miscarriage, however we have been TTC for over a year and I now have to go through several surgical procedures the end of August. To say the least, it has been hard. I don't know what to tell you other than hold your head up, TRY to be happy for her, don't let envy get the best of you. I know it is hard, and I am trying to do the same thing for my two friends right now. I am just going to spend time with them and live vicariously through them...then probably go home and cry. Stay positive and try not to be mad at is not her fault.
    i understand how you're feeling. we had an unexpected pg too and were so happy but also had a mc at 4 weeks. we decided to wait a few months and try again, after 2 months of trying we got pg only to mc again at 7 weeks. it was an empty sac, no embryo. last may we decided to try for the third time and we still are. it's also hard for me having all my friends get pg so easily, and some are on their second child already. it seems that everyone around me is pg and everyone i see is pg. just this mroning a friend who just got married a few months ago said she was 14 weeks pg. like it was so easy! man, i felt so bad, for myself and for feeling that way towards her. i literally had to stop everything i was doing and talk myself out of all the bad thoughts and questions creeping in.

    i feel for you. its hard to keep it bottled inside so i turn to this where at least i get some comfort and it eases the pain even for just a while. hang in there, its tough alright but we can do it!!!

    best wishes.

    TCC and need to rant.

    So my husband and me had an unexpected pregnancy last year and we were so happy but I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks. We decided after that we were gonna try and have a baby. Five months into trying I find out that my 16 year old sister is pregnant and due on the day that I lost my baby. So I'm upset that she got pregnant when I cant and that shes due on that day. I just doesnt seem fair. Its so hard for me to sit back and watch everyone go crazy over the first grandchild and talk about how excited they are. I dont know what I'm gonna do if she gives birth on that day. I just needed to get this off my chest and I know that alot of the women in here have had mc and are undersatnding so thank you.TCC and need to rant.
    that stinks! im so sorry for your lose!! I have had a miscarriage and it seemed like my mother and sister just didnt get it(they werent to sensitive). I don鈥檛 think she will have it on ';that'; day its very rare that you actually have your baby on the due date!!

    my 18 year old sister in-law wasnt having her period so I took her to my obgyn to get help. they gave her ovulation medicine and she got pregnant on the first round. I mean I was trying for 9months after my miscarriage and she just got prego like that(I just wanted her to have a regular period not get prego) we are both due at the same time just that no one knows about me. I am now pregnant with my 2nd child (9weeks) and I don鈥檛 want to tell anyone (except my husband of course) because im scared of what might happen. my mother in-law is so excited for my sister in-law and I don鈥檛 get it shes 18 her boyfriend is 29 and they arent married. my mother in-law is catholic so I don鈥檛 know how shes so happy I mean how many sins is my sil committing right now!! and my mil was never that happy for my husband and me with our first(her only granddaughter out of 6 grand kids). good luck ttc and baby dust to you:)TCC and need to rant.
    Don't worry. Your time will come. I know it must be hard, but you can't blame yourself for the loss. Also, you can't blame your sister for getting pregnant --I'm sure she wouldn't mean to hurt you. Just take comfort in your husband. He is your shelter and will always be there for you, remember?
    I struggled with infertility for years watching all of my friends give birth. I remember the very moment that I found out that my best friend for life (who never wanted children) was expecting. I just curled up in a ball and cried my eyes out to my husband. It was very hard visiting them all in the hospital and feeling that longing in my heart, but I did have to put that aside (at least in front of them) and share in their joy. My time later came when we adopted our son and later adopted our daughter. Remember, the best things come to those who wait. Hang in there and keep trying, you time will come.
    I know how you feel. I just posted about my two best friends both giving birth on the same day non the less. I have not had a miscarriage, however we have been TTC for over a year and I now have to go through several surgical procedures the end of August. To say the least, it has been hard. I don't know what to tell you other than hold your head up, TRY to be happy for her, don't let envy get the best of you. I know it is hard, and I am trying to do the same thing for my two friends right now. I am just going to spend time with them and live vicariously through them...then probably go home and cry. Stay positive and try not to be mad at is not her fault.
    i understand how you're feeling. we had an unexpected pg too and were so happy but also had a mc at 4 weeks. we decided to wait a few months and try again, after 2 months of trying we got pg only to mc again at 7 weeks. it was an empty sac, no embryo. last may we decided to try for the third time and we still are. it's also hard for me having all my friends get pg so easily, and some are on their second child already. it seems that everyone around me is pg and everyone i see is pg. just this mroning a friend who just got married a few months ago said she was 14 weeks pg. like it was so easy! man, i felt so bad, for myself and for feeling that way towards her. i literally had to stop everything i was doing and talk myself out of all the bad thoughts and questions creeping in.

    i feel for you. its hard to keep it bottled inside so i turn to this where at least i get some comfort and it eases the pain even for just a while. hang in there, its tough alright but we can do it!!!

    best wishes.

    I asked a question earlier about why Atheists do not rant and rave about Satanists?

    and Pagans and they said they didn't try to shove their views down their throats on this site all the time well, why are they on this site then? I mean isn't that like a person going into a yard that is clearly posted ';Beware of Dog'; and then complaining because they were bit.I asked a question earlier about why Atheists do not rant and rave about Satanists?
    People don't rant on satanists, witches, etc because they don't fear them and what they stand for like they do the Christian's God. They know that He is watching them and it makes them feel guilty and are filled with raw hate.I asked a question earlier about why Atheists do not rant and rave about Satanists?
    Probably not to have other views shoved down their throats while they're at home, work or school. Most likely they are here because they want to be. Why are there so many Christians here? Shouldn't they be in church? Or out knocking on doors? Or relieving the suffering and poverty in the world? And why are the pagans here? Shouldn't they be drawing circles or something? Picking herbs? Purifying something? If all the various religious groups were doing what they are 'supposed' to be doing, this place would be empty except for Atheists, a few assorted Eastern religions and Asatruar.

    You're looking at it wrong. They like hearing about religious ideas, just not getting threatened or have it pushed on them. We could really use this forum for tolerance if people didn't do those things.

    I think a lot of people have become more tolarant and enlightened on what Pagans and Satanists think because of the way they act on here as opposed to some more forceful religions.
    Many of them come on here and post because they are ';trolling';.鈥?/a>
    I've never had an Atheist attack me and I can tell you why: because I don't tell them they have to believe as I do. I don't threaten them with hellfire, I don't try to change the laws of the land to fit my religion, I don't attack science, etc...

    I get along quite well with Atheists in fact.

    Why am I on this site? Because its fun, I enjoy answering questions, and I have made some good friends on here.

    Nice, job comparing yourself to a rabid dog though Midge. ;-)
    shut up christian
    No, no, dear You misunderstand. We don't mind them expressing their views on Yahoo at all. We are strong proponents of the freedoms of speech and religion. We object to Christians forcing their beliefs on others by passing laws which conform to their beliefs, thus forcing their beliefs down others' throats. We also understand that a minority of Christians try to do this. It's just that that minority is so darn noisy!
    because they don't. They also don't try to invade science classes with creationist nonsense. They don't have a history of crusades, conquistadores and inquisition, in fact, they were usually on the short end of the stick in those times.
    This site isn't YOURS. It doesn't belong to the religious and spiritual. There is no sign on the R%26amp;S section that says ';beware of Christians'; because this isn't your yard to defend.
    because satanists dont actually believe in satan
    Midge sweetie

    you are setting yourself up here with these questions

    you know the difference yourself

    Christians are told to spread the word and i totally understand that you feel the need to in compliance with your religion

    but people have heard it before , and they can go to church if they wish to hear it again

    they dont want a sermon here

    and the reason atheists dont rant and rave about Satanists and Pagans has already been mentioned by others

    Satanists and Pagans dont preach , they answer questions if asked about their religion

    and they dont condemn

    and they dont have a list of people that are '; sinners ';

    the same as you will find they dont rant and rave about Buddhists and Hindus and many other tolerant religions

    and it doesnt mean they agree or accept the idea of the other religions more than Christianity ... they dont believe in God , your God or any other God

    so maybe a new sign is whats needed in that backyard Midge

    '; Beware of poodle it may lick you ';
    This site wasn't meant for people to try to convert people to their religion. Nor was this site meant to preach and quote your religious scriptures towards people. This site was meant for people to learn and gain some insight into different people and religions and religious practices and beliefs.
    Your metaphor makes no sense.

    Satanists don't believe in Satan.

    Keeping your dog under control is your responsibility in a public area. This is a public area. You don't have the right to let your nasty little mutt off his leash just because you think you own the area.
    It isn't here that is a problem They don't come knocking on my door and most importantly they don't try to push their faerie tales into science class, on to my money, into the Pledge and about a million other ways that Christians insist on doing. You know, if Christians didn't do these things, I probably wouldn't hang out here.