Monday, December 28, 2009

2006: Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic rant! 2009: Mel Gibson's High-Dollar Divorce! Do you honestly think...?

ANY lawyer worth having will represent his sorry butt? How many EXCELLENT Jewish lawyers are begging his wife to represent her in the divorce, PRO BONO? Do you think Mel will be lucky if he gets out of this with the skin on his backside? Will he wind up in the poor-house?2006: Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic rant! 2009: Mel Gibson's High-Dollar Divorce! Do you honestly think...?
He and his wife both reside in California. His wife will get 50% of his assets no matter how good or bad her lawyer is. I'm not an expert on spousal support but if you are married for more than 10 years in Cali you get spousal support for life.2006: Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic rant! 2009: Mel Gibson's High-Dollar Divorce! Do you honestly think...?
I think a lot of lawyers will want to take his case knowing they will get a big payday. His wife will be so rich and taken care of for the rest of her life, of course I am sure she would have rather had a loving, faithful husband so now he must pay. She took care of all their kids and ran his business while he was playing around so I don't see how he could make out very good at all. I wonder if the young lady will still want him after he gets taken to the cleaners?
Maybe he has a revisionist view of his marriage as he does of history
Maybe he should watch his movie ten times and say three Hail Marys...

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