Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Its was a rant not a question....do you rant on here sometimes at idiots?

You would be best to let the idiots be just that, idiots. Its in your own interest not to get stressed or upset by these immature fools as it won't achieve anything and you will feel worse. No amount of ranting will make them stop so just ignore them.Its was a rant not a question....do you rant on here sometimes at idiots?
nopeIts was a rant not a question....do you rant on here sometimes at idiots?
I give short to the point answers, I leave the ranting to the idiots
yes hun, lots of people do
no, i only ask questions, and report people who give me silly answers..
The Christians are supreme with cut and paste questions and answers.It only proves that they have no minds of their own.Nobody reads them anyway but its interesting winding them up
No, only vice versa, as w. this answer.
No, very few people do if they ever do. The reason being that there are so many things to talk about, there are so many topics to discuss and then there are so many people that one person simply cannot bother another for long by any singular instance idiosyncratic behaviour. Despite this, it is very unlikely that someone would start an argumentative dialogue allowing people to get personal, or build up emotional baggage. This is a powerful, effective and very rewarding way of interacting with main bright and intelligent people all over the world. It is great!
i don't rant, but i make sure to point out their stupidity.
no, generally I just ask questions
Rants, questions, answers, why can't the people taking part construct sentences in a clear way?
Only at lousy spellers and children who add ';lol'; to everything.
only when I've been drinking and some old trout has just punched me in the face. sorry.
we leftwing liberals love it when you rightwing racists rant ... you show your true colours ... and you should learn, if you want to make a valid point, to ask reasonable questions and not to rant or spout fascistic fantasies and delusions

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