Thursday, December 31, 2009

MJ fans: What do you think of Michael Jackson's rant?

About his family... I'm shocked...MJ fans: What do you think of Michael Jackson's rant?
Michael suffered a lot at the hands of his family, both emotionally and physically, so it's no wonder he may have lost it once. Everyone gets mad at family sometimes, and everyone says things in the heat of the moment which they wish they'd never said before.

Michael was treated like sh*t by his family and we shouldn't put him on a pedastool - he was a human being with feelings - of course he hurt sometimes. Of course he got angry, of course he did. But unlike Jermaine, or La Toya, he didn't air it in public to humiliate any of them. He also remained loyal and loving to all, despite them putting him through hell (having sex in front of him, calling him ugly, humiliating him in front of the world, the jealously, lack of support).

I can't stand my siblings sometimes but I'd lie, die and kill for them. And if they were as talented as Michael and needed my support it would be unconditional. I'd be proud they that were so talented not jealous.

Give Mike a break - he made mistakes but who doesn't? At least he had the decency to keep it out of public, unlike many others. He may have been angry at them all, but I'm sure he would have lied, died and killed for them too. And for the record, they made him do many things he didn't want to do, like their TV show etc. He is right - it takes talent and hard work to get as far as him. His brothers were jealous of him, but none of them worked as hard as he did for what he got. If they had, maybe their careers would have been better.MJ fans: What do you think of Michael Jackson's rant?
He allegedly said all those things 25 years ago. I'm sure he didn't feel that way about his family towards the end of his life. Anyway why are you shocked? MJ is a human being after all and he's entitled to voice his opinion.
omg i love mj please tell what he said? whats the rant about ????
MJ fans are as mad as a box of Frogs what do you expect them to say!

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