Monday, December 28, 2009

Okay... Stupid question/rant...?

Alright. I am not overweight. I am 25. I'm 5 ft 8 in tall. I've lost a bit of weight. I weigh 147 pounds. I want to weigh 130. It's in a safe medical weight range. Everyone I know keeps making mean comments about how I am too skinny... and blah blah blah. Also everytime someone asks and I tell them I want to lose 17 more pounds they get all negitive about it and tell me how sick I will look and everything.

How can I get people to just mind leave me alone? It's not like I am doing anything unhealthy. I exercise and eat right. My brother thinks my family is just jealous because they haven't done the same. You think?

Anyhow... just needed to vent. Thanks for reading.Okay... Stupid question/rant...?
Okay…Stupid question…NOT!

Rant? Wait till you see mine!

Your question is SO not stupid I want to answer it and I’m very picky about the questions I pick….to answer.

First, let me congratulate you on losing 65 pounds after you had your kids, and without your family support no less!

I agree with Kirsti (the previous poster) who is 5”8’ like you and is trying to get down to 125lbs so she can be more toned and lean and she’s being told she’s too skinny, so you see you’re not alone here.

I am not 5”8’, I am 5”5’ and I still have the same problem as you or Kirsti.

I weight 120lbs.

According to the BMI (Body Mass Index) I should weight between 115lbs and 145lbs so I’m pretty good.

Between you and me, of course, I’d rather weigh 115lbs rather than 145lbs but I’m happy to weigh 120lbs, while I exercise with a good diet. I have some fat on my belly and thighs but I’m trying to replace that by muscle mass so I get stronger while keeping the same weight.

So here I am, feeling good about myself, being 5”5’, 120lbs and working on replacing some of my extra fat reserve by muscle mass and I AM CONSTANTLY TOLD I’M TOO SKINNY…

I admit, I have very thin wrists and ankles and my arms are skinny. But it’s genetic. Even when I put on some weight when I was pregnant, my arms were always skinny. People see my skinny arms and just assume I’m skinny…I want to show them my fat belly and thighs but I don’t because those are private. Why would you want to show the world your imperfections when you might as well hide them under nice clothes?

I currently do a lot of weight training in order to gain muscle mass on my arms (triceps and biceps) so I can have some curves there instead of just a stick.

A lot of people just base their opinion on the BMI.

The BMI is just a range to let you know that if you’re in that range, you will be less likely to develop health problems because of your weight. The BMI has nothing to do with how you look in a mirror, how much muscle you have, how much you exercise, how strong you feel. You could be normal and like yourself and, according to the BMI, be healthy, and then you could have 35 pounds of extra pure fat on your body and STILL be healthy, according to the BMI (but you won’t like your reflection in the mirror).

According to the BMI, I could weigh between 115lbs and 145lbs (5”5”) and you could weight between 125lbs and 160lbs (5”8’).

But people like you and I (and Kirsti) are more comfortable being in the low end of the range.

I’m always 5”5’ (until I will get old and start to shrink!) but my weight fluctuates.

At one time, I was 115lbs, thin and out of shape (not much muscle mass)

At one time, I was 120lbs, with fat on my lower body and out of shape.

At one time, I was 120lbs, thin and muscular and very active.

At one time, I was 130lbs and I panicked and lost 10 pounds in two months dieting.

So the height and weight is not the whole story.

What matter is how you feel.

If you eat right and exercise, you will feel good and strong.

My guess is that your family may be an American family (they’re all so fat).

I’m lucky, I’m French, so if I’m 5”5’ and 120lbs, I’m normal in France…but I’m too skinny in USA.

Fat American women (like 5”5’ and 130lbs or 140lbs) just think I’m skinny because I’m French and I should thank my genes…

I do not thank my genes, I just thank the fact that I want to be strong so I spend about 7,000 calories of exercising every month, I walk, I stretch, I do cardios and I do weight training and spend about 7 hours a week exercising so I can have some muscle and be thin and muscular and have a high metabolism and eat anything I want without getting fat.

I like to be strong and not feel my muscles when I go up the stairs or go skiing.

I like to carry a full bag of groceries like it’s nothing.

Of course, I could just be very American and eat fast food and use my car to go everywhere and sit down all day long in front on a computer or a TV and never sweat…then I guess I would weigh about 145lbs and still be in the healthy range.

Just ignore fat people trying to put you down just because you know how you want to feel (strong and healthy) and they're too lazy to be like you so they have to put you down because it's easier for them to do that to you than to take care of their own laziness, fast food addiction, extra pounds of fat and lack of muscle.

Just come down to the Y/A community and ask (not so) stupid questions and ';rant';.Okay... Stupid question/rant...?
well, if you want them to leave you alone don't tell them what you are doing and what your goals are... did you tell everyone that you are trying to lose weight or did it come out? did you ask yourself why exactly are you doing it? are you trying to look like someone else, impress someone, or do you want to do it for yourself like get tones and more athletic (which won't necessarily make you weight less)? Just make sure you are doing it for the right reasons, because obviously you don't have to lose any weight considering your height - you'll be almost bone thing (i know it because i am your height) ... but anyways ... focus on what you want and don't tell around - then no one should really bug you.
really it would look bad on u to be that small. they dont want u to get sick is all. ur skinny how why is it everyone wants to b super thin it is sick. but if its what u want then do it. they think i look good too but i dont i am 5ft 5 and 167lbs n i use to b 98lbs 3 yrs ago. now i dont want to b that thin again but at least 150lbs i wish u luck
If you feel good about your program, then continue on it. But know that people will speak more from concern then jealousy. Just don't talk about weight-loss goals, focus on the topic of working out.
I'd just keep it to myself and do what I wanted vs. discussing your weight goals with them. Chances are, the people that are saying you'll be too thin are overweight themselves, right? My mother-in-law weighs like 400+ pounds and she's always telling me that I look like I've lost weight and trying to feed me. I weigh about 160 and I'm 5' 8'; so I could use to lose a few pounds! She tells me I'm crazy for trying to lose weight. Should I tell her she's crazy for being a big fat cow? I refrain from doing so, but it's REALLY HARD not to tell her to mind her own business. If I thought she was doing it out of love it would be different, but I know she's doing it to sabotage my efforts to be healty and fit.
I say do what you do as long as you are being healthy about it. Just stop telling people about your eating habits and they will stop bothering you. The more you make comments the more attention that will be drawn to you.
I'm 5'8, 142 pounds and trying to get down to 125! It's not that I think I'm fat or have a negative body image, I'd just like to be more toned and lean. I too get people who tell me how skinny I am. It's flattering in a way but it also sometimes motivates me to workout more.
WE ARE THE SAME PERSON! except i am 16 yrs old.. 5'2 and 103 lbs. (went from 125, down to 115, down to 112, down to 108, down to 102, down to 99, up to 103 now) I watch what i eat and excerise and a lot of my friends make rude comments and my supposed best friend (who was accused of being anorexic last year) tells me people ask her if im sick? No, i am just healthy. It is annoying. Do what will make you happy and feel good about yourself! as long as it is healthy!!
I'm 5'8 and weigh 134 lbs. I think its a good weight. I am naturally small framed so my wrists are small but I don't look sickly. People have commented on my weight my whole life because I used to be underweight. It's very annoying and rude. You wouldn't say to a fat person ';You are so fat it makes me sick.'; Yeah, well people say that stuff to thin people all the time. (You are so thin it makes me sick) Honestly, they are jealous. Seriously. I am at my ideal weight right now and every once in a while a family member will say something like ';are you getting enough to eat at work?'; Freakin ridiculous! They all have extra fat and are overweight at least a little bit and dont exercise, so yeah, my body is the way a body is supposed to look, so of course it looks ';thin'; to them! Anyways, sorry I had to rant too! Go for the 130 lbs, you will feel great. But people will still make comments so be prepared!
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