Monday, December 28, 2009

Rafa's Latest RANT!!: Is he right about SPUR's hypocrisy...?鈥?/a>

especially as they are the first to complain....Rafa's Latest RANT!!: Is he right about SPUR's hypocrisy...?
Rafa has forgotten the dirty tricks he played to try and get Barry on his team , yes a bloody hypocriteRafa's Latest RANT!!: Is he right about SPUR's hypocrisy...?
LEts face facts again, Rafa has lost the plot. The way he is looking at his life at liverpool right now, is that he sees everyone as his enemy, he is being made a fool of by the media by reacting so stupidly to such comments designated towards him. HE jus' needs to chill. Focus on the football. Since he made the stupid comment about ferguson liverpool have'nt won a match, so clearly his stupid rant has affected liverpool players' mentality. IDIOT! what was up with subbing your best player who loves to score last minute goals and claim team victory, this decision bemuses me.
Bless him, we'll just conveniently forget about Barry then shall we Rafa?!

Does anyone else get the impression he's trying to get himself sacked, he used to be such a quiet person, remember when Jose was trying to play mind games with him he just laughed them off and said he only concentrates on his own team, and now with his recent decisions on the pitch it makes you wonder either he wants to be sacked or he really has lost the plot!

Or maybe he really isn't as good as people thought and he's been living off his CL success for way too long now... just a thought!
yeah rafa's a twat but he's just one of the long list of managers who's pissed of by redknapps dirty tactics, southgate, sbragia, bruce and zola. Some of the players he talks about he doesnt even want, its just a redknapp way of unsettling players.
Hmm i don't understand how he is moaning about Spurs when Keane was bought in under questionable circumstances. Anyway, Spurs haven't even done much to bring Keane back have they, United had to put up with much more than that until we complained to FIFA about Real lol.
Whinging rafa.moans about Fergie, moans because everton won,t let them win moans about wigan,moans about spurs,as an evertonian I would be delighted if they fail for united take it easy on s,day please
He's right, but he's making a complete dick of himself right now. He needs to get on with his job instead of making stupid attempts to highlight the deficiencies of others around him.

He's an arrogant bitter little man.
rafa's a hypocrite. not spurs. harry is just giving him a taste of his own medicine.
Ahh Ranting rafa, but he's a tad right here,

Spurs have become really annoying (they were pissed at Sunderland for not selling Jones.) Bah, Just go to the Championship where u belong SPURS
One minute hes slagging fergie now its Harry, dont you think he should be concentrating on his team ?
Oh Rafa , you idiot .
Stupid ranting rafa.

Here comes another few draws.!
I really don't know, he's an idiot.

He should just get rid of Keane.
Quick to call it a rant. I have seen worse rants from the pope
Sh!t he forgot to use the Powerpoint Presentation I told him about for his rants...
he who rants last rants loudest
Rafa is a fool.
its football its all good

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