Thursday, December 31, 2009

I asked a question earlier about why Atheists do not rant and rave about Satanists?

and Pagans and they said they didn't try to shove their views down their throats on this site all the time well, why are they on this site then? I mean isn't that like a person going into a yard that is clearly posted ';Beware of Dog'; and then complaining because they were bit.I asked a question earlier about why Atheists do not rant and rave about Satanists?
People don't rant on satanists, witches, etc because they don't fear them and what they stand for like they do the Christian's God. They know that He is watching them and it makes them feel guilty and are filled with raw hate.I asked a question earlier about why Atheists do not rant and rave about Satanists?
Probably not to have other views shoved down their throats while they're at home, work or school. Most likely they are here because they want to be. Why are there so many Christians here? Shouldn't they be in church? Or out knocking on doors? Or relieving the suffering and poverty in the world? And why are the pagans here? Shouldn't they be drawing circles or something? Picking herbs? Purifying something? If all the various religious groups were doing what they are 'supposed' to be doing, this place would be empty except for Atheists, a few assorted Eastern religions and Asatruar.

You're looking at it wrong. They like hearing about religious ideas, just not getting threatened or have it pushed on them. We could really use this forum for tolerance if people didn't do those things.

I think a lot of people have become more tolarant and enlightened on what Pagans and Satanists think because of the way they act on here as opposed to some more forceful religions.
Many of them come on here and post because they are ';trolling';.鈥?/a>
I've never had an Atheist attack me and I can tell you why: because I don't tell them they have to believe as I do. I don't threaten them with hellfire, I don't try to change the laws of the land to fit my religion, I don't attack science, etc...

I get along quite well with Atheists in fact.

Why am I on this site? Because its fun, I enjoy answering questions, and I have made some good friends on here.

Nice, job comparing yourself to a rabid dog though Midge. ;-)
shut up christian
No, no, dear You misunderstand. We don't mind them expressing their views on Yahoo at all. We are strong proponents of the freedoms of speech and religion. We object to Christians forcing their beliefs on others by passing laws which conform to their beliefs, thus forcing their beliefs down others' throats. We also understand that a minority of Christians try to do this. It's just that that minority is so darn noisy!
because they don't. They also don't try to invade science classes with creationist nonsense. They don't have a history of crusades, conquistadores and inquisition, in fact, they were usually on the short end of the stick in those times.
This site isn't YOURS. It doesn't belong to the religious and spiritual. There is no sign on the R%26amp;S section that says ';beware of Christians'; because this isn't your yard to defend.
because satanists dont actually believe in satan
Midge sweetie

you are setting yourself up here with these questions

you know the difference yourself

Christians are told to spread the word and i totally understand that you feel the need to in compliance with your religion

but people have heard it before , and they can go to church if they wish to hear it again

they dont want a sermon here

and the reason atheists dont rant and rave about Satanists and Pagans has already been mentioned by others

Satanists and Pagans dont preach , they answer questions if asked about their religion

and they dont condemn

and they dont have a list of people that are '; sinners ';

the same as you will find they dont rant and rave about Buddhists and Hindus and many other tolerant religions

and it doesnt mean they agree or accept the idea of the other religions more than Christianity ... they dont believe in God , your God or any other God

so maybe a new sign is whats needed in that backyard Midge

'; Beware of poodle it may lick you ';
This site wasn't meant for people to try to convert people to their religion. Nor was this site meant to preach and quote your religious scriptures towards people. This site was meant for people to learn and gain some insight into different people and religions and religious practices and beliefs.
Your metaphor makes no sense.

Satanists don't believe in Satan.

Keeping your dog under control is your responsibility in a public area. This is a public area. You don't have the right to let your nasty little mutt off his leash just because you think you own the area.
It isn't here that is a problem They don't come knocking on my door and most importantly they don't try to push their faerie tales into science class, on to my money, into the Pledge and about a million other ways that Christians insist on doing. You know, if Christians didn't do these things, I probably wouldn't hang out here.

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