Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rant number next: god is a blackmailer?

(or more accurately his self-appointed representavives on earth are)

This is based on being dragged up (as opposed to brought up) in a largely christian society, but may apply to others).

The church holds us to ransom - fact. Everyone loves ';that christmassy feeling'; and spending lots of credit-card money on toys/booze/food/whatever.

All little girls want the big white wedding one day (but you'd better be a god-fearing subscribing member to get it in a ';real'; church).

The list goes on. Even Tony Blair, when backed up against a wall on the issue of ';so where *exactly* are these Iraqi WMD's that we sent people to look for and die in the process?'; His answer? ';God will be my judge';, the perfect ';get out of jail free'; card.

WARNING: at midnight of the Winter Solstice I shall been buring wax effigies of any twat who cuts%26amp;pastes whole swathes of any religious book in response to this - your names will be attached to the cute little dolls)Rant number next: god is a blackmailer?
Keep the rants coming! I thought this one was a little lame until I got to the bottom!! Funny guy!Rant number next: god is a blackmailer?
You're right, but you're ranting against the very thing you're complaining about...all believers of any custom believe they are right and get mad when others don't you and I know we are enlightened but we're mad that others aren't..We're not a bit different (just smarter!)

Have a better Solstice than the one you've'll sleep better.
There is nothing in the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Apostles that justifies Christmas excess or ';big white weddings.'; And, yes, God WILL be Tony Blair's judge with regard to Iraq, and it is not for me to say what that judgement will be.

Christianity itself is a faith of simplicity. All the trappings we see today have been added on through the centuries. Saying that, our Christmas traditions are no more than a couple of hundred years old.

EDIT: Oh, dear, I seem to have upset pssthok by what I have said. I'm not sure why, any ideas, folks?
You go girl
WTF are no on about man! Your on fukin drugs!
you're a jerk and a twat yourself and you also need help!
You are talking about the concerns of people, not the concerns of God.

That is, the blackmailers you are speaking of are human beings, many of whom would lead us to believe that we need to buy and show off.

God distinctly disputes such inane, self-serving ideas.

Get to know who's actually telling you things before making your accusations of God.

It is just a bad, bad idea to accuse God. But if you knew him, you'd know this.
Had you already mentioned the classic - ';worship me, adore me, believe in nothing else but me, thank me, praise me - OR I WILL SEND YOU TO HELL!';

Happy Christmas.
i'll remember that
I dislike Christmas, and never wanted a white wedding in a church. I look horrible in white, but I probably would have gotten married in a Church because my husband was Christian at the time we tied the knot, but we ended up getting married in a court house.

I really love Yule though, but I don't have any credit cards.

I feel we need to take responsibilities for our own actions on Earth.

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