Thursday, December 31, 2009

TCC and need to rant.

So my husband and me had an unexpected pregnancy last year and we were so happy but I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks. We decided after that we were gonna try and have a baby. Five months into trying I find out that my 16 year old sister is pregnant and due on the day that I lost my baby. So I'm upset that she got pregnant when I cant and that shes due on that day. I just doesnt seem fair. Its so hard for me to sit back and watch everyone go crazy over the first grandchild and talk about how excited they are. I dont know what I'm gonna do if she gives birth on that day. I just needed to get this off my chest and I know that alot of the women in here have had mc and are undersatnding so thank you.TCC and need to rant.
that stinks! im so sorry for your lose!! I have had a miscarriage and it seemed like my mother and sister just didnt get it(they werent to sensitive). I don鈥檛 think she will have it on ';that'; day its very rare that you actually have your baby on the due date!!

my 18 year old sister in-law wasnt having her period so I took her to my obgyn to get help. they gave her ovulation medicine and she got pregnant on the first round. I mean I was trying for 9months after my miscarriage and she just got prego like that(I just wanted her to have a regular period not get prego) we are both due at the same time just that no one knows about me. I am now pregnant with my 2nd child (9weeks) and I don鈥檛 want to tell anyone (except my husband of course) because im scared of what might happen. my mother in-law is so excited for my sister in-law and I don鈥檛 get it shes 18 her boyfriend is 29 and they arent married. my mother in-law is catholic so I don鈥檛 know how shes so happy I mean how many sins is my sil committing right now!! and my mil was never that happy for my husband and me with our first(her only granddaughter out of 6 grand kids). good luck ttc and baby dust to you:)TCC and need to rant.
Don't worry. Your time will come. I know it must be hard, but you can't blame yourself for the loss. Also, you can't blame your sister for getting pregnant --I'm sure she wouldn't mean to hurt you. Just take comfort in your husband. He is your shelter and will always be there for you, remember?
I struggled with infertility for years watching all of my friends give birth. I remember the very moment that I found out that my best friend for life (who never wanted children) was expecting. I just curled up in a ball and cried my eyes out to my husband. It was very hard visiting them all in the hospital and feeling that longing in my heart, but I did have to put that aside (at least in front of them) and share in their joy. My time later came when we adopted our son and later adopted our daughter. Remember, the best things come to those who wait. Hang in there and keep trying, you time will come.
I know how you feel. I just posted about my two best friends both giving birth on the same day non the less. I have not had a miscarriage, however we have been TTC for over a year and I now have to go through several surgical procedures the end of August. To say the least, it has been hard. I don't know what to tell you other than hold your head up, TRY to be happy for her, don't let envy get the best of you. I know it is hard, and I am trying to do the same thing for my two friends right now. I am just going to spend time with them and live vicariously through them...then probably go home and cry. Stay positive and try not to be mad at is not her fault.
i understand how you're feeling. we had an unexpected pg too and were so happy but also had a mc at 4 weeks. we decided to wait a few months and try again, after 2 months of trying we got pg only to mc again at 7 weeks. it was an empty sac, no embryo. last may we decided to try for the third time and we still are. it's also hard for me having all my friends get pg so easily, and some are on their second child already. it seems that everyone around me is pg and everyone i see is pg. just this mroning a friend who just got married a few months ago said she was 14 weeks pg. like it was so easy! man, i felt so bad, for myself and for feeling that way towards her. i literally had to stop everything i was doing and talk myself out of all the bad thoughts and questions creeping in.

i feel for you. its hard to keep it bottled inside so i turn to this where at least i get some comfort and it eases the pain even for just a while. hang in there, its tough alright but we can do it!!!

best wishes.

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