Monday, December 28, 2009

Did you like Rick Santelli's rant on cnbc?

Yeah it was awesome.Did you like Rick Santelli's rant on cnbc?
I don't see what the big deal is. He's just another right wing pundit trying to vilify our tax system. Taxes are, and always have been, monies we put in to the system, for communal good. We always have been somewhat capitalist, and somewhat socialist. Without taxes, or in this rants case, without taking care of our lower middle class when the markets are crashing, we'd have huge overcrowded slums, with gang violence and whatever else. We dont want that. our streets are paved with gold. We are the Shining City on the Hill, as Reagan liked to say. Our taxes pay for clean streets, for police, fire, military, schools, parks, libraries. We've got good living in every corner. Take away taxes, or helping out your neighbor and you basically get India. A tiny wealthy elite, who have most of the country's wealth, living in gated communities, and everyone else makes 2 cents a day. No taxes, give nothing back, just take all you want. You just have to look the other way, driving to work through masses of underfed barefoot peasants. Like in the movie Slumdog Millionaire. But the rich can be as selfish as they please. Go ahead be a murdering tyrant. hoard your wealth. have your private security guards, and fire protection system, and helicopter landing pad. Just isolate your self from society, and let the poor slave to serve you. Just not in our country.Did you like Rick Santelli's rant on cnbc?
I could not agree more with Santelli. Finally, someone who is telling it like it is. People need to be accountable for their actions and lose the sense of entitlement that they ';deserve'; everything. People made choices to get into mortgages and now they have to deal with the repercussions of those choices. Bailing them out only reinforces poor behavior. We have consumed ourselves to death over the past decade and now we get to live through the ';hangover'; that goes along w/ that. Aspirin will only mask the problem.
Loved it. I'm sure Pravda, oops I mean NBC will come under some pressure to fire him and would like to do so, but the backlash would be too great. I need to look into his tea party, I'd like to attend or get involved if it turns into something real.

Edit: That's awesome that Santelli got General Secretary Obama's Propaganda Minister's panties in a bunch. Notice how all he has to offer to the responsible people are words, namely that ';the President has called for a new era of responsibility';. **** you, Gibbs, I mean Goebbels. No more words, it's action time Goebbels!
No because it was the greedy bastards on Wall Street who are to blame the most, have already gotten the most of the bail out money and have the gall to complain about it? Give me a frigging break. HYPOCRITES. They should be prosecuted for fraud and in jail starting with the SEC. That won't happen though - even Berine Madoff STILL isn't in jail.
I disagree with your word ';rant.'; But, then again, it did appear to be planned.

What really surprises me is that it appeared on an NBC network. I wonder what Matthews, Olbermann and Good ol' Jeff Immelt are going to do about it??

Probably lay the guy off citing the economy...
How sad! Santelli's rant is a typical rant of all those who are Anti-Obamaites. Pres. Obama is accused us given handouts but his plan shows otherwise. His mortgage plan only helps those who help themselves by paying their bills on time and have a job.
Haha yea, while he should not have called the ppl losers, he was still on target. Lol, why would I want to pay for some1 else's mortgage? I have my own responsibilities, I can't take care of the world!
Yes it was awesome - and I found Gibbs (TCO'S press secretary) response puzzling - why are they continuing to attack private citizens?
Yes he actually had the courage to tell the truth. Of course NBC will probably fire him for daring to speak against the great Obama.
Yes - amazing how it touched a nerve in the WH. Once again they set out to personalize and attack a US citizen for expressing an opinion. Very disturbing habit from Mr Obama.
Loved it!!!! I hope Obama see's this. I do NOT want to pay for a homeowner that should not of bought in the first place. What about the 90% that do pay our mortage-what do we get?
It was great. The Obama Administration should seriously watch that because that is how ALL responsible Americans feel.
NBC and MSM will put a fatwah out on him and he'll be gone soon. But that's OK, he'll pop up on Fox within a month and wipe the ratings floor with Matthews and Olbermann.
I heard bits and pieces but its great that somebody from the NBC networks took a stand against King Obambi
Probably the most intelligent thing to come from CNBC in years.
It was a thing of beauty!

The best segment I have ever seen on that network and I watch Mad Money and High Net Worth every night.
Yes and I agree with the tea party.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Indeed I did.
Yes, I liked Rick's Rant Very Much
I'm getting it tattooed on my back as I type
It was great.

He'll be fired within a month.
We'll be seeing him at FOX shortly
it seemed a little too tacked on. it seemed a little fake the way people around him agreed with him, scripted, sorry not fake, but i agree with it completly, and i think he is a great thinker.

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