Thursday, December 31, 2009

RANT? Easy points!?

This is for anyone who wants easy points or just is mad!

What is something that has made you angry? Have your friends spread rumors about you? Told your secrets? Said stuff behind your back? Do you have people whispering in the halls (or even shouting with a giant neon sign) that your just plain ugly? Are you considered a slut just because your pretty? Have you been lied to? Cheated on? Have you cheated? This is a confession and rant time. Go ahead, i'm hear to listen.


xoxoRANT? Easy points!?
ohh thank god... here we go.

well let me just start out with middle school SUCKS! between b****y girls, and stupid guys, theres no resting point!! i mean, one girl starts hating you cuz she thinks your a lesbian (im not btw) and a fight starts and pretty soon all of these little branches build of of the stupidest root and eventually you've got the whole damn school mad at you!!!!

and the idiot boys just do not help at all!!! cus generally these boy are the ones who hang out with the girls who clearly have nothing better to do than imitate the movie Mean Girls so they cant be much better. i mean, they practically do w/e the girls tell them to. and if they dont like you well then life just sucks doesnt it?! cuz then one of the girls will find out you password that you use for eveything and go and tell all of the other b****es and pretty soon, they've changed your myspace/facebook/bebo and sent love emails out to the most idiotic guy ever and then even given the password out to other guys ho go on your chat engines and change your messages to like ';i'm a lesbian'; and stupid crap like that

i mean, what the he** did i ever do to you huh?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!! i did nothing to deserve n e of the crap that n e of you ppl dished out and i just want to know why the he** you would even begin to think its even a little funny to make everybody hate a person!!!!!! i mean, how the he** would you feel if everybody hated you?!?!?! except that wouldn't happen cuz you know just everybody in the world loves you so as long as you have your fan club then you'll be ok. NEWS FLASH: ppl only hang out with you cuz they are to scared not to!!!!!!!!!! im sry that i dont want to hang out with somebody who is just mean all the time!!!!!!!

and btw, WHY, if you have always hated me, did you act like my f****** BFF the f****** day before?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!鈥?br>

and boys: just because you are a guy does NOT make you better than a girl in ANY way shape or form!!!! you are not n e smarter or cooler -- you are exactly equal to us so stop being a jack a$$ just cuz you want attention!!! cuz let me let you in on a little secret: girls will notice and like you more if you just act normal and not like perverted a$$es!!!!!!!!!!!


(btw, i wasnt talking to n e body on here.... i was talking in my mind to some of the ppl at school......)

thank you for letting me vent

ohh wait i have more:

school. i mean, i nvr used to mind it before!!!! the teachers need to understand that we have lives!!!! im sry that i cant stay home all night and do h/w!!!!! i have sports and instruments and all sorts of other $h!t that i need to do so i dont always have time to do all of the crap you give me!!!! you are freaking over loading us and we just need a little break!!!!! i mean, im not saying cut out h/w completely, just maybe a little less would be nice..... im burning out!!!!!!!


ok. thank you =]


parents. ok im a freaking teenager!!! im sry that i cannot be all happy and peppy at every freaking moment of everyday!!! i mean, you cannot expect me to want to talk to you at 6 in the morning before school starts and not have it be grumpy!!!! and im sry that all of my patients has been used up at school by the idiot guys but you NEED to understand that i am not perfect and you CANNOT expect me to be!!!!!!!!!

sry. it just keeps coming.... =]RANT? Easy points!?
i've been through alot the past couple of weeks. for a few months now, one of my best friends got together with a popular girl from our school. there in the same class together and the popular girl has none of her friends there so she is using my friend. In a way, my friend is also using her to get popular herself. My other friends and I are really sick of this. Also, the popular girls spreads rumers about just about everyone. Even my friend!!!!!! Me and my other friends decided to just forget it and not be friends with her anymore. Obviously, popularity is more important to her than friendship.
What REALLY makes me mad!!! When people say they hate there teenagers!!!!!!!!!!!!

I always hear adults say teens are not fun and they aren't cute or nice anymore. Teens: Why we use hair dye. I saw that on a website! And about preteens they said: The five minutes between adorable and horrible. They have no ******* right to say that! My parents are not like that, but soooo many people are! What the hell is there problem??? Have they ever thought that that might be offensive???????????????????????????????鈥?Adults and grandparents always say these horrible things about teens!!!! They say stuff like theyre cute when there little, but when they grow up to teens you just want to give them away. Thats so rude!!!!
I'm tired of being everyones *****. Spend all my time running around after people trying to make them happy and dont get any time to/for myself. Im totally sick and tired of it and it's really getting me down and taking over my life. I'm going out with an amazing girl but even she treats me like a doormatt. I know its my faulty but have no freakin idea how to fix it all. Really has become a huge prob for me. Some times I think that i was not meant to live on this planet.
my sister is saying slanderous things about me and my business... we live in a small town and it has hurt my business.... when i talk to her about it, she says its my fault.... i dotn understand why my sister would do such things to me.... i have NEVER done anything to her, and I could throw my 2 cents in, but i keep my mouth shut, because she is my sister and it is unethical....
I'm pissed because the obliviot clan just sat next to me. Talk about loud and obnoxious. They were just told to take their beverage out of the library, then had the nerve to complain. Then the cell phone went off, and they complained again. Will you come over and slap these jerks around for me?
this grl is so anoyying!!

and BIG!!!

she hangs out wit 5th graders cuz no one else would hang around her except for her homo friend!!


and her 5th grade friends told us that they do wanna hang around them, they just follow them!

sigh ';classic';

plus no one likes her because shes wanna be ghetto and is alwyas lik ';oo im gonna hit u';

and all that poopp.

so i waz the only one who would stand up tp her and evr since her life has gone downhill baby!


thank u for ur time
Hmm let me guess... It's either you are sadistic lunatic who was completely rejected by society, just weird, or just French.




how about you??
everyone gets mad lol

in my school people are usually violent which gets me mad

there so quick to bring knifes and guns to school instead of using there fist
My ex boyfriends girlfriend's friend called me a slut cause i was wearing shorts and heels to the mall... :( But it's ok, cause she's UGLY! Mwahahahaha!!!
Someone laughed when I stacked a jump while snowboarding todaz.

That-s reallz mean!!!
My friend told who I liked at school. emberrassing!!
umm cant think of any
The idiot who answered first....he is getting on my nerves!!!!...what a total waste of sperm and egg!!!
umm kay

my bff(soon to b ex) called me a b and then blambed it on this kid she knows h8s me and i h8 him(long story)

I acted like i belive her cuz well i feel sry 4 her

shes only my friend cuz i'm gorgus and up with the pop, but i promus i'm only up there cuz i luv those ppls and their great friends

then she turns around and calls me and them barbie behind my back...

but idk how to say i'm not her friend! and she clings on me cuz she only has 1 other friend and shes in none of her classes

i havn't done anything mean to her no matter how much i want to

thats just not the way i was rased...

BUT UGGG SHE MAKES ME SO MAD! but i just can't find a way to tell her...

she has this way of twisting words against me or anyone and the last thing i need in ms is an enemy like THAT!

ok... i'm done :) thank you this was really nice of you

oh and y does it cost u 5 point to ask a ? i think thats kinda dumb cuz i'm tring to make it up to level 2 but its hard cuz i also wanna ask ?'s!

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