Monday, December 28, 2009

Why is it (rant)?

Why does it seem like most people on this board try to deny being gay is sexual preference and argue that it is emotional?

I mean the 2 go toghether but you cannot tell me that gay people don't have sex without an emotional reason. I am not trying to be offensive but it seems some gays are getting a little high and mighty about their emotional connection because us hets screw anybody of the opposite gender. Come on it is a sexual preference the attraction comes first then the emotional.You are the same as a str8 you just are attracted to the same sex big hairy deal! We all lust but not everyone you lust after will be an emotional relationship. Im sorry I get a little worked up sometimes.If I p!ssed anyone off Im sorry.

Have a lovely day!Why is it (rant)?
we deny that being gay is PURELY based on lust, which is what 99% of the bigots and hatists try to get everyone believe.

LGBT and straight people are no different in our relationships, loves, lusts etc, but the bigots can't see that.

sure, every now and then i'll see a guy / girl that i like the look of, but i don't instantly try to have a relationship with them xD

and to me, sex just isn't as good unless it has that emotional bit in it, if my bf didn't love me, i could never experience the things we share together, that's not to say that i don't lust, but i never have sexual relations based entirely from it.

i think you're jsut observing the hidden war between LGBT people and the homophobists that insist that all LGBT people are perverted and promiscuous.Why is it (rant)?
I think the deal is that we get a lot of flak from prejudice people who think that being gay is just about wanting sex with someone of the same gender (or just anal) and don't realise that the attraction can be based purely on lust or on platonic attraction AND/OR lust just like being straight.

I wouldn't argue that homosexuality is a sexual orientation (it wouldn't have that little clue on the end of the word - ';sexuality'; - if it wasn't), but denying that anyone gay can't possibly be attracted to a person based purely on their character - and not by the prospect of getting them into bed - is ludicrous.

Conversely, we ARE very sexual animals (sorry if that offends anyone who thinks we're above ';animal'; status) and a lot of attraction, even platonic, is based purely on sexual orientation. This goes for heterosexuals too. Not that I'm Freudian.
I think gay people who are attracted to the same sex, do have an emotional connection to the person they are pursuing. I mean sexual attraction and romantic attraction are basically the same thing and of course if you are pursuing a partner then you are going to want to have an emotional connection with them.
I DO have a sexual PREFERENCE: it's men. My sexual ORIENTATION is gay. Know and use your semantics properly, please.

You can have sex with or without emotion. That goes for both non-gays and gays.
I believe that sexual attraction is defined by an emotional desire. Sexual activity is defined by the person(s) you have sex with. Sexual preference is defined by the individual as it fits his or her life. It is a mix of attraction, activity and identity. The last factor only comes into play in the last 1 or 2 centuries as societies learn to define and construct words to express ideas that would have been alien to any prior generations.

That's some rant, although you seem to equate sexual attraction with lust. The attraction to a particular gender is pre-existent before lust for a person of that gender can come into operation.

That being said, ANYONE can have sex without an emotional connection. Straight or gay, people are always capable of lust and of satisfying it with an appropriate partner without any further emotional involvement. The difference is to remember that this is NOT always the case for gay men, or even all gay men. There are a lot of gay men who find the whole idea of sleeping around just as objectionable as many straight people do.

It is rather amusing to hear a straight ranting about gay attitudes towards sex seeing it's usually us who are being attacked for having same sex preferences.
It's a sexual and emotional prefernence
I agree with you totally. This rant scores points for being completely up-front, about a tendency some folks have here on Y!A.

Attraction is an orientation....meaning you just happen to go in that direction, people! Emotional connectedness is possible for everyone's relationships. No one group has a monopoly on sex for fun, or sex while in love.

Let's all pull our heads out of our backsides, okay?

Good Luck and Goddess Bless.
well yes I agree, just like straight men or anyone for that fact can have sex with no emotional attachment.
Top points for the rant! I love a good rant. I myself rant about vegans and gnomes.

I'm a straight guy too so I cant give you an answer.

Just popped in to say I love ya work.

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