Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why do history teacher rant sooo much??

they can never be happy with anything, and i mean okay so history is repeating itself but cheesus!! it not really helping if they keep on going on about how hilter was really good looking and how sexy george bush is and how much he fancies the queen mother now shes dead!! how can i tell my history teacher that she is just sick?Why do history teacher rant sooo much??
Beacuse they haven't read the book,Lies My Teacher Taught Me America'sreal HistoryWhy do history teacher rant sooo much??
Because history continues to repeat itself just look at our country %26amp; all those who have fallen by the wayside ---we are headed in the same direction.But not everyone is paying attention.
just say those exact words ';you're sick'; or something to that effect.........if he (male teacher correct? - judging from your use of ';he'; in your question) is one of those open discussion teachers (the ones that actually allow questioning in their classes) he might welcome a challenge or someone having an opinion other than himself.........also, at the very least it would show that you were listening, no matter how annoying it may have been to you, and teachers always love an attentive student.......good luck and God Bless
first...learn the facts... then when you know the history better than the teacher..and the reacher starts spouting nonsence... just go up to her and tell her she is wrong and her positions are not factual and her interpritations are JUST PLAIN SICK...and then just walk away... But if you do not know the facts...for certain... how do you know the teacher is wrong... but... there are a lot of ';teachers'; out there who do not know the truth themselves...and some just plain bad ones... but you still need to be certain your facts are correct before going on the attack.

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