Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rant on WWE?

I am posting this just as a frustrated WWE fan who misses the old days. I am sick of having 11 ';champions';, I am sick of that loser John Cena pretending to be Superman week after week. I am sick of tasteless 'death angles' that do absolutely nothing for anybody. I miss the days of Hulk Hogan (who, as indicated by his comments of Nancy Benoit, is turning into a bitter old man) making the WWE Championship the greatest thing ever. I miss the days of upper-mid carders like Roddy Piper, Mr. Perfect and Razor Ramon maintaining a great deal of prestige for the Intercontinental Championship, which was the 'next best thing' back in the early 90's. I miss the great fueds over the Tag Titles with classic teams and not this garbage now with singles wrestlers being thrown together to fill air time. And most of all I miss the anticipation of the 'Big 4', where all-year round wrestling fans looked foward to the Rumble, Survivor Series, Summerslam %26amp; Wrestlemania all year long. Who else feels my pain?Rant on WWE?
you know what? things change so move onRant on WWE?
i miss the old days too man

especially 1991-2002

on wwf
Ya know man, yeah there are some stupid storylines now and some superstars suck. but things change so move on and get over it. John cena is Superman week after week and if you dont like it then stop watching. But dont waste your time and ours by posting all this
Well said man. I can't do much but agree. There are way too many titles. Splitting the brands was a decent idea to showcase more talent, but they are hardly showcasing anything, just boring gimmicks. If they went back to 1 Heavyweight title, 1 Intercontinental, 1 duo for tag team titles, that would be okay, but then they'd end up overusing the champ, unless they had one on each of Raw and Smackdown (end this ECW trash that is but a mere shadow of its true days). And yes, Cena is terrible. This ';overcomes the odds'; garbage week after week is nothing but sickening. They want to make him like Hogan and usher the business into a new era, but it will never happen that way. It's like Cena strains way too hard to cut promos, get over with the crowd, etc. Years ago, the champs always seemed to do it naturally, effortlessly. The tag team division is non-existent, it seems like I can only think of one or two teams that aren't just two guys thrown together for the show. And yes, the big 4 hardly seem like it anymore, just crammed into a boring schedule of PPV's that no one much cares for. (might I mention the next one, Great American Bash, which holds absolutely zero interest for me as it stands right now)

LOL at the ';Cena is Superman week after week'; comment above, apparently someone doesn't know it's all scripted and he only wins because his merchandise sells, and sales are money in Vince's pocket. Kids, and some people, buy into winners, maybe because they can't stand to associate themselves with being on a losing end. Keep this a secret?
u got a good point...... like the other of person said..times has changed.....wwe has lost the edge it once had...i think john cena being champion has been too long.i have been one of the people that has been critcal of cena but face one can compare to cena at the momen t except the main ones that are triple h,lashley,shawn michaels,edge and bastisa...the others are no where near the upper-mid card that u said.... thses days the wwe is more cautious...on what to do with the wrestlers...and i think thats because of all the stories about drugs, steriods and deaths of wrestlers....

the tag team division is no more... i miss the tag teams were their was high flying and impact that leaves you at the edge of the what chris benoit(r.i.p) said in a interview( i think year or 2 ago) wrestlers theses days wrestle not to get hurt and turning wrestling in too something that its not.. and also is showing the lack of respect to the business...

i still watch wrestling and will always watch wrestling but storylines that are not realistic needs to be scapped....we the fans want real wrestling,...high flying stuff..blood....and all sorts...i hate to say it but TNA (from what i've heard) is making big strides so WWE needs to big themsleves up...bring back the hardcore title thats what will change WWE...
hogan was just as bad as the current talentless losers but yes i miss the attitude era also.
I know what you mean. I really dislike having two sets of championships. I want there to be one champion that's solid on top, not one for both Raw and Smackdown.

I also would like to see a stronger tag team division and more air time for the cruiserweights.
thanky you, I miss the wwf attitude era now all of the most of the good wrestlers are gone and the womens division is really sad, and there is now contreversy going on.
i agree with you 100%

you should like send that to vince mcmahon haha
I feel most of your pain.

Cena needs to lose that dam title...seriously!

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