Monday, December 28, 2009

';Ya know what really grinds my gears...'; 10 pts for the best rant on something stupid that bothers you!

Ya know what really grinds my gears... When people use the adjective delish instead of delicious. You sound like an idiot when you say it that way! You don't see people saying that the girl is ';pre'; when she is pretty. And you don't see people saying that the guy is ';hand'; when he is handsome. If a girl said I look hand, I'd kick her in the mouth.

What grinds your gears?';Ya know what really grinds my gears...'; 10 pts for the best rant on something stupid that bothers you!
These people who can't spell or use proper grammar, and are proud of it! I mean, since when is ';probably'; spelled ';prolly';? If this is the shape of things now, can you imagine the state of the English language in fifty or one hundred years?';Ya know what really grinds my gears...'; 10 pts for the best rant on something stupid that bothers you!
People who drive on a freeway and can't make up their minds if they want to go to the right lane or left lane.. PICK A LANE YOU ARE GOING 70mph!!!!!!!!!

Way to go carolina grls :) We have the same hat :)
Hey, Malice! Get off the man's hat!!!

I haven't heard that and I hope I don't either. I don't like seeing 'aint' or 'dunno' in written language too.
when people keep saying erm before everything.... erm its in the garage, erm im not sure... just answer without the erm..
I hate it when people drive really slow. If the speed limit is 55mph you should not be going 25mph. Especially when there is oncoming traffic and I cannot pass the person. When I get off of work I want to get home and see my family, not sit there waiting for you to figure out the right pedal is the gas, not the left one.
Chillax makes me want to kill people. it's the most ridiculous word ever spawned from the english vocabulary. now, i don't have a problem with abbreviating words esepecially is this era of texting and virtual shorthand, but seriously, chillax sounds like a fukcing laxative.

edit: Cowboy sounds a little afraid of technology. I love an empty self checkout. Takes me way less time to check myself out then have someone else do it.
You know what grinds my gears ... people that chew gum with their mouth open I HATE the noise of saliva ewwwwwwwwww ... I am actually a delish sayer ... sorry
I hate those ';Save the whales'; fanatics. Since when did a whale do something for you?
what grinds my gears, haha, is when people use stupid words like ';LOL, LMAO, TTYL,BI, OMG,WTF?, and etc'; I hate it soo much! Do we not have enough words in the dictionary? Also what ';Grinds my Gears'; is when people ask stupid *** questions like this one. How old are you again?I hate it..
girls that call other girls dude, your not a dude unless you have a penis. if you don't have a penis your a dudette or betty. wtf.
I hate it when people walk really slow, or are walking, and then just stop. I walk super fast, especially when I'm in a rush, and it's not abnormaly or anything, I live in the city, but there are times to walk fast, and times to walk slow. You have no idea how many times I've been walking, and the person in fornt of me stops suddenly. Just ******* WALK! The same with driving. My friends mom drove one time when we were all going to some family thing, and I was talking to her, kind of gossiping, and she heard soething I said and goes ';WHAT!'; and slams on the brakes.Meanwhile, cars behind us are screeching. It drives me insane. I feel like I'm walking into a death trap when I get in her car.

Oh, another thing, I hate when guysI barely know, or guys I hate, call me ';babe'; This guy I know does it all the time. He's so annoying. He always says stuff like ';Hey babe'; I hate when he does it. I always just want to be like ';Alright buddy, first off, you're a disgusting pig, who uses girls constantly (its true) and second, I'm NOT YOU'RE ******* BABE!';

Oh, and another (last one, I swear :) ) When morons go to an amusement park with their little kid(s) , wait in line with EVERYBODY there, and light up a cigarette! It's so rude! First of all, you're at a park with a bunch of little kids, you're setting a bad example, it's disgutsing, and nobody wants to inhale the smoke! If you're THAT desperate for a smoke, get out of the line! It's bad enough in the park at all, but serously, in line? Talk about rude.

Alright, I'm done now :)
I really hate when I am driving down the highway and the person in front of me is going under the speed limit in the lft hand lane. Then it seems that after I apss them on the right they always get over. WTF? You can get over before I have to go around you? I wish people would learn how to drive and respect other drivers!
Mexicans who come to this country for a better life and don't even have enough respect for the United States to speak our language or even attempt to learn our language!!!
MORONS who smoke with their kids sitting right beside of them and blowing it all over them. I just want to go rip the cigarettes out of their hands and shove them down their throats.
when people call me ';eh, girl';. then, they have the nerve to ask me for gum or pencil.
The shape the world is in .... I often wonder what it will be in 20 years let alone 50 or 100 ....

we often are screwing stuff up we are shooting people just for talking trash we are shooting them for money .....

if this is what we have come to already what happens if a depression happens again ?

/ holiday rant /

With Halloween and thanksgiving just passing and Christmas up it seems as all hope is lost ...

the reason is simple the thought of Halloween in the 1990s used to mean scary stuff like eyeballs hanging and blood dripping and people jumping out of graves and stuff like that now it means hello kitty or power rangers ? please explain why there is nothing scary about Halloween anymore it seems like such a joke it is the devils holiday ( or at least the bible says that ) so why try to cutesy it up ? ... there is no reason to do !

thanksgiving used to me being with family good talk over a good meal giving thanks to god and all those who risk their lives for us now it means eat and go to sleep people don't even talk anymore and if they do it is mostly fighting what happened to being a family and shoving **** aside for a day and accepting each other ?

Christmas used to be a time where I felt overcome with the peace and happiness of this day everyone seemed more relaxed and care-free but now they seem all hateful and wanting the snow to end and more focused on the money the kids could care less who they are around long as they get the new toy the fact that I can say in comfort that Christmas is dead is sad to me even I wish it was back to the way it used to be .

I am only 20 years old but I remember like yesterday being hyped up more for the snow then the christmas presents I love to run outside and snow ball fights come inside to the heater and just cuddle up with a blanket and read a book Smile sounds great huh ?

now it is christmas day presents the end nothing ... no feeling ... no anything ... highly disappointing

but to make matters even worse it is now we can not have mention or over tone of Jesus or Santa Claus or anything to that level it the worst now .... the fact I can not walk into wal-mart and see a Santa or a god statue like I used to I am starting to worry that maybe the angel you put on top of your christmas tree might be taken away ... please ... rebel ... anyway you can thank you
My rant of the holiday season #1: I hate those damn self check-out registers that have popped up in every damn store in the country. I say ENOUGH!! Isn't it bad enough to have to carry a Barns %26amp; Noble, Winn Dixie, Staples, Food Club, Sams Club and Food World discount cards?? Now we're expected to check and bag our own purchases from the very store where we just spent our hard earned dollars. DAMN. I swear, every time I go to Lowes or WalMart I stand in line while there are six 'self-check' registers empty taking up space. I tell the 'assistants' (you know, the checkers that end up helping every single person vainly attempting to buy a pack of AA batteries because the damn self check system is so FRIGGIN efficent and saves so much damn time..) that I would rather stand in line vs using those stupid self service islands. What's next? Stocking the shelves? Mopping the floors? Maybe we will have to clean the restrooms before we are allowed to buy items from a store.

Guys with hats like yours!!! It's not the 1940s anymore!!!
okay u no what i REALLY CAN'T STAND MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD?? tight pants on guys!! its SOOOOO gross!! i mean, seriously, u have a body, just don't go showing it off like that. it makes them look so disgusting!!
men who hawk and spit in front of you in the street


cathybaby x
People are lazy sacks of crap, so they abbreviate. That's why. It is definitely stupid.
lol thats a funny people really conceded and just dont give a **** about anything but themselves.

oh ya, and ppl like kona
ppl like kona
everything ...

omg my worst thing that bothers me is why do people become emos %26amp; grunges %26amp; goths ... don't they realise that they look completly ridiculous and look like they haven't ever had a bath or ever brushed their hair .. and they also listen to completly crap music

and also i hate smokers ... why do they have to be sooo stupid ... and they aren't just harming themselves they are ruining other peoples lives aswell with second hand smoke

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