Monday, December 28, 2009

Not another abortion rant, I promise!?

I asked this question yesterday, and only got a few answers. I'm not asking you to spend a long time here, all I want you to do is post whether your pro-life or pro-choice. Just wondering where everyone stands. I'm not lookind to stir up a BIG discussion like everyone else seems to do. Please, if you took the time to read this, just post one way or the other, which way you would vote, if you could.Not another abortion rant, I promise!?
i dont think i should have to choose between those. I am ';pro-choice'; but that doesnt mean that im anti-life....anyway i guess i would vote pro choice-a woman should be able to do whatever she wants with her body-the government shouldnt have control over a womans reproductive organsNot another abortion rant, I promise!?
I don't know if anyone will read this, but I meant to add totals of how many of each we ended up with.

Pro-Life- 14

Pro- Choice- 25

Undecided- 5

Not very official, it was only 44 people.

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i guess i stand inthe middle...i think it is very wrong to kill an innocent baby..but ifu get pregnant by ur rapist then its your choice to keep it or abort it
pro choice

Why: I believe that a woman should have right what to do with her body. I firmly believe that it is God's plan. It makes me upset when men try to put a standard on a woman's body.

I'll say this: until you've in a situation when abortion is a real and viable option, you can't really speak on this subject. If you haven't had to carry a child and been scared out of your mind, you can't really understand the women who DO have an abortion.

While I understand the whole thinking that a baby is a life, the mother is a life too.

I also hate it when people say that you can't be Christian and pro-choice. That just makes my blood boil. I believe that God is with every mother who has ever had an abortion. No one can really honestly say the pain you go through until you have an abortion. God had a plan for their child, and He was with them when they had an abortion. Maybe that WAS God's plan.

I do have a limit though. Late-term abortions make my blood boil. If a child CAN survive at 21 weeks, why would you abort when you could have a c-section and give the baby away for adoption? If you haven't made up your mind by 20 weeks, abortion isn't an option anymore.

(I love how everyone pro-life is giving everyone pro-choice a thumbs down. Classy)
*** choice.
Pro choice
I stand inbetween. i'm 4 months pregnant myself...i would never have an abortion but i also believe women should have rights. So, i guess i fall in the middle.
pro choice
i choose life.
this one is iffy for a lot of people because of the political standing of this issue. i myself am pro choice, only because i believe us women should be able to choose what goes on in our bodies. men don't have to deal with the pains of pregnancy and labor and then after with the expectations of taking care of a baby and everything else. if they so choose, they can still act like the teenagers they once wre without acare in the owrld while we're busting our butts trying to make a living and feed a little mouth and making sure no one harms our little ones.

however, i don't think i'd ever be able to have an abortion, simply because i don't think i could handle it emotionally. it's a big decision to make, and i'll admit to considering it with this pregnancy, but by the time i'd made up my mind, it was to late, and i'm glad it was taken out of my hands.
Pro-life, but in extreme cases such as rape or the health of the mother, I would make exceptions.

And FYI- ANY time you talk about abortions, you are going to stir up a heated debate.
pro life
That's a hard an expecting mother I am obviously pro-life and no matter what the situation was, I'd never terminate my pregnancy because I don't believe in abortion FOR ME PERSONALLY. However, notice what was said for example ';I'; and ';my';...that means that this was a CHOICE that I made. Guess that puts me in the middle for other people!
I am against abortion but only with certain conditions would I accept it...rape , health to the Mother or baby.
Definately Pro Choice.....
I respect and appreciate the complexity of your question:

Pro Choice

and all those beyatches that give me a thumbs down....f you
Pro-life. See

By the way, pro-choice does mean pro-abortion. Saying ';I'm pro-choice when it comes to abortion'; is exactly like saying ';I'm pro-choice when it comes to slavery'; or ';I'm pro-choice when it comes to rape.'; If a person claims to be personally against slavery and rape, but argues that others should have the ';choice'; to own slaves and rape people, would you believe them when they say they are not pro-slavery and pro-rape? Please. If there's nothing wrong with abortion, why do you object to being called a pro-abort?
Pro Life, to me abortion is mureder, plain %26amp; simple. The baby can have a beating heart as early as 6 weeks!!!
For the first trimester, pro choice.

Once the baby has frontal brain functions (meaning it can think and feel pain) and a heartbeat in the 2nd trimester, I think the practice should be banned unless the woman's life is in danger.

So I'm really not sure where that places me.
Up untill a couple of years ago I was pro life. Now I am 100% pro choice. It is a woman's right to choose.
Pro-chioce, but looking at ways to reduce the need for abortions
PRO LIFE%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; everyone deserves their first breath!!!! I wish people would quit using rape that only occurs in like 1% oof pregnancies.. the baby has a heart BEAT!!!its a LIVING BEING!! how do you know what it feels??this is the one whole idea that really needs to be discussed RESPONISBILITY of ONES SELF!!! AND BODY.%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; CLOSE YOUR LEGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People will never agree on this, so why ask. MURDER IS WRONG...........A tiny Heart starts beating soon after's not just's a REAL BABY.
I go for abortion.

Unwanted kids have ruined peoples lives and a fetus has no morals, and thoughts. A mouse has more life but we don't let them ruin our lives.

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