Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rant on and on if you like.....?

Do you think that Yahoo does a good job of enforcing community guidelines? Why or why not? All comments appreciated. Thorough ones treasured. Thank you for your times and your thoughts!Rant on and on if you like.....?
Yes and no.

It seems to me that they've gotten better at removing things they should remove, but could do even better still.

I also know of things that they removed that they should not have removed. And following the procedure does the wronged party no good. At best, by using other channels, a person can get their points back (who cares), but the removal isn't reversed.

I think that the first best thing yahoo could do would be to make the purposes of the site, the guidelines, and the reasons why all of the guidelines are necessary to those purposes MUCH more in users' faces, so to speak.

Especially users who have had something removed. Many are bewildered because ';what I said wasn't bad'; when they were chatting, giving non-answers, and similar abuses. (That is, the reason for those kinds of rules is that, if the site is filled with chat and non-questions and non-answers, people coming here will think that's what the site is for and will go away, rather than asking their appropriate questions and giving strong answers.)

The above logic is nowhere explained. The actual, specific rules are hidden. Many users don't know about or understand the Abuse Report system.

It's essential that there are enough people getting the reports of abuse to actually look into each one. It's also essential that they use good judgement in deciding whether to remove a given item.

Notifications need to be clearer about what, exactly, was wrong with the removed item and why it's a bad thing to do what they did. (Currently, I THINK, they just get whatever the reported said, which most reporters probably don't realise.)

Each notification needs to have the relevant info and explanations. (They could have a bank of commonly-needed explanations they could paste into notices, as needed.)

And the staff need to respond promptly to legitimate complaints of wrong removals by restoring the wrongly-deleted item.

Since there are people who would love to volunteer to help field Abuse Reports, I think Yahoo should use such users.

By making the purpose, specific rules, reasons for the rules, and the report system prominent, beefing up the number of people fielding reports, and requiring good judgement of report verifiers I bet everyone could turn this rig around.Rant on and on if you like.....?
I've gotten a couple of ';violation notices'; for flaming one of bozos that ask simply idiotic questions. I have a pet peeve against stupid. Some people are so lame they should not have computers.

All in all I think Answers is a pretty cool way to share info.. Some people tend to answer to get their two points or sound like a Know-it-all, while others try to sincerely answer questions.

I've got expertise from work experience in several fields, and provide what information may be useful to someone, IF people go back and submit their points to choose best answers, the system will work.

I contribute on hewlett packards forums for techies as well, the point system is a way of making sure the person answer the question knows what they are talking about.
Yes, but then again, No. Hold on a second and I have a think about it. Yes, definitely. Sometimes maybe no, but then again we all have to have rules. Yet, rules were made to be broken. Perhaps if they published a list of forbidden words, numbered say from 1 - 100, we could use the number instead of the word and therefore not be reported.

I could then have answered this question so: This is a '6' '8' question, you '22' '43'. Go and '1' yourself.

For your benefit, the numbers above refer to: 6 = very, 8 = clever, 22 = wise, 43 = person. Or something similar......... Oh, I almost forgot, 1 = please................
I think they do, they have responded to me a couple times. I don't go around reporting people for the thrills and chills, but some are rude and a couple statemements about the military killing children actually made me tear up, (my hubby is in the US ARMY) I reported them since they are harming other people. Yahoo took the questions off pretty quickly, when you consider they have to monitor millions of people and 1/2 of them are wacky and say harrassing things. It is a big job. The people that get mad are those that start the issues to begin with. THis is a very innocent source of fun and some great information, why do people have to come in and screw it up? I don't want to rant, thanks for the opportunity and the great question.

It's like telling a policeman you were just robbed of $1,000,000, he says oh,yeah,really?and then walks out!What is the point of the laws?

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