Monday, December 28, 2009

Do you trust the words of a ranting bum on the street more than Michelle Malkin?

I do.Do you trust the words of a ranting bum on the street more than Michelle Malkin?
Yes, I don't trust any political pundit, Right or Left. At least the bum on the streets only agenda is to get a couple of bucks.Do you trust the words of a ranting bum on the street more than Michelle Malkin?
No, but I'm not surprised. This is probably the why you support Obama. But I wouldn't call him a bum. Still, he does rant senselessly and not understand what he's saying...or perhaps he does and you don't. Either way, it is concerning.

Michelle Malkin is a ranting bum that needs to seek physological counselling. There is something wrong when a person cannot tell the difference between reality and fantasy
Malkin is the nut who tried to out Rachel Rays scarf as a nod to terrorism.

The author of Donut Jihad is crazier than a rambling homeless person collecting bottles.
Ranting bums usually make more sense and seem less menacing.

I don't trust the words of any spin doctor or uninformed person. Period.
That's the ranting bum you want to take my hard earned money and give straight to, Ms. Grill
I'll take Michelle Malkin, you wimplibs can have the ranting bum....She makes a thousand times more sense.
No. This explains so much about you, thanks.
That says a lot about you, do you like mad dog 20/20?
Truth hurts!
I don't know who that is.
yep i sure would....
';Bum';? Wow. True colors.

Why don't you do yourself and all of your peers here agreeing with you a favor and actually back up your claims of compassion. This question speaks volumes about all of you. Pathetic.

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