Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Can you come up with an original Stewie rant? Something you made up yourself...?

Not something that has already been on Family Guy but something you came up with that would sound great coming out of Stewie's mouth.Can you come up with an original Stewie rant? Something you made up yourself...?
BLAST! To Hell with you Browndog and your 'I'm too proper to speak the damn language properly' stuck-up British accent! I've left more creative insults in the bottom in my diaper. Why, I haven't seen anyone so incompetent since that time I worked for NASA.

(cut to Stewie in lab overalls repairing a space shuttle; STEWIE: I um.. I really don't think that's on correctly {points to tile} SCIENTIST: Good enough for government work)

... On second thought, scratch that last part.

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