Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rant about health insurance! Call me callous. I don't care.?

There is a woman I work with who is sitting here complaining about how she and her husband make too much money to receive free health insurance from the state (they have to now pay $30 for her whole family). She is 36 with an associates degree and pregnant with their first child, married less than one year, and she has one child that she adopted at about age 27. Her husband has no education past high school and pays $25 a month in insurance for his 2 daughters from a previous marriage. I have a Master's degree and work in a law office. I'm 26 with a husband and one child age 2. My husband is a state employee with a bachelor's degree; he is also a veteran of two wars. Granted, we have a fantastic insurance plan because of his position, but we pay a whole lot more than 30/month. Why is it that in our country, people are rewarded for not getting an education and making their own crappy life situation while people who work their butts off and risk their lives are punished?!?!?!?!?Rant about health insurance! Call me callous. I don't care.?
It's a combination of ignorance, about not understanding how the world works; immaturity, in not wanting to take responsibility for yourself and letting 'the government' to it; laziness, in not wanting to learn how things work or take care of them yourself; entitlement attitude, in believing you deserve something for nothing; and selfishness, in not looking past your own situation to see how there are so many other people worse off than you are, YES, even in this country!!

You can't make people want to change, they have to want to change themselves. This is one of those times you just have to count your blessings for being educated, mature, industrious, self-reliant, and charitable.Rant about health insurance! Call me callous. I don't care.?
AMEN - Heaven forbid I get rewarded for getting an education and making something of my life. The mindset in this country is that people have something coming to them. The government and the citizens owe them. I have worked for everything I have and have earned it - what a concept.
30 dollars a month??? who does she work for? are they hiring? you know, some people (and i think it has to do with how they are raised) expects everything to be handed to them on a silver platter. just wait until she losses her job and gets free health care, but has to live in a car because she cant make rent. then she will know how the real world works.
good grief! She pays a pittance! Some people don't know how lucky they are. You are right, it does seem sometimes that you get penalized for doing the right thing. Also, some people want to be handed everything for free.
Many people just don't understand health insurance and people will ***** no matter what their situation is. I have never met some one that didn't have some complaint.
I know, right!!! This makes me want to HURL!!! I work for doctors and have to pay $400 a month to just cover ME. My parents are self employed (dad's a painting contractor, mom is a college adjunct professor) and pay $675 a month for the two of them.

Do me a favor and slap the one working with you who's crying about paying $30 a month. (I'd do it myself, but it's hard to reach thru a computer screen.)

Know what else makes me sick? People who make over $100K a year, own a home, drive brand new $70,000 SUVs (Land Rover %26amp; Naviagtor) and qualify for MEDICAID in New York!! (Don't think I don't drop a dime on them!)

The honest people get screwed while the liars, cheats, and dirtbags seem to get everything. Makes me SICK.

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