Monday, December 28, 2009

What's your rant of the day?

Yahoo Mafia is a LOSER, please report him.

My rant is that I hate stupid jerks who are probably fat lazy 13 year old boys who have nothing better to waste their time on than copy-and-pasting middle fingers into Y!A.What's your rant of the day?
Bloomin' drivers!

Why can't they indicate? They may know where they're going, but I don't! So here's a plea to all drivers...USE YOUR INDICATORS!!!!

I feel better now. Thanks for listening. Any grievances you wanna share?What's your rant of the day?
I don't actually have one today. I'm already in mellow mode, and the traffic wasn't bad. I think I'm going to be left to my own devices tonight.

So (*smile*) I'm feeling pretty rant-less.
O.K. here's my rant of the day.......

';I'm telling you, penguins CAN fly!';

Lol.......that's all I have to say. :)
illegal mexicans.
I let my brother borrow my car so he brings my car back and takes my key!!!!Now I'm stuck here , I have places to go and things to do and I'm Grounded!!!! and it ';SUCKS';!! BIG TIME!!! Son Of A Bastard!!! There's no telling when he's gonna realize that he still has them!!!!
Germs... What the heck?

have you noticed this, the media constintly doing stories on the latest infections, salaminilla, e coli, havanta virus, bird flu. and americans panic easly so now everyone is running around spraying this and scrubbing that. Overcooking their food and repededaly washing their hands trying to avoid all contact with germs. ITS REDICULOUS AND GOES TO REDICULIOUS LENGHTHS. In prison, before they give you a LETHAL injection, they swab your arm with alcohol. Well, they dont want you to get in infection. And you can see their point... Would'nt want some guy to go to hell AND be sick. It would take alot of the sportsmanship out of the whole execution. I never get sick, ya know why? It gets alot of practice. You run around living a compleatly steril life then when germs DO come along your not going to be prepared. And neverming ordinary germs. What are you going to do when some super virus comes along and turns your vital organs into liquid $h!t?
Today was actually a good day......don't worry I'm sure I'll have a rant or two tomorrow...Stay tuned!
So far I haven't had one.
As to why I can give thoughfuls answers but never get BA and I can hand them out more than I can get them.
Fickle friends

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