Monday, December 28, 2009

Is it true that Michelle Obama's college thesis ranted with anti-white, anti-government overtones?

Isn't that what Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrkhan have ranted about?Is it true that Michelle Obama's college thesis ranted with anti-white, anti-government overtones?
Yes. You can read the full thesis at鈥?/a>Is it true that Michelle Obama's college thesis ranted with anti-white, anti-government overtones?
Race relations was much different back in the day than now. It's better but we have a long ways to go. A white life is still value more than a black one and minority one. Stop being so self is and mean spirited and think how it feels to be black or an minority.

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It is obvious that the hates whites. You have to be blind not to see it. I feel sorry for her. Must be tough going around with all that ';victim'; weight. We have all experienced some type of prejudice. It's what WE do with it that matters. She needs to forgive, too. Nobody's perfect-not even MO.

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Here we go again with the race question. Can you guys give it a break? IMO Dr. Rev Wright and Minister Farrakhn aren't racist. No. Michelle thesis isn't anti-white. I don't agee with you nor understand why the public gets to see her thesis? Where are the other candidates thesis? The GOP isn't Racist, right? They don't use fear, racism, and hate mongerring? McCain didn't use racials slurs like g00ks and tar babies?You have already made up your mind anyway. I think you listen to too much conservative talk shows. %26lt;::%26gt;%26lt;

Obama's wife wrote a paper in college that said America was a nation founded on ';crime and hatred'; and that whites in America are ';ineradicably racist.';

Chain e-mail on Tuesday, May 13th, 2008 in a chain e-mail

Her senior thesis doesn't say that

A chain e-mail about Michelle Obama purports to be excerpts from a senior thesis she wrote while at Princeton University.

It's true that Obama, then Michelle Robinson, attended Princeton and wrote a thesis titled ';Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community.';

In Obama's thesis, she sought to quantify how the attitudes of black Princeton alumni changed after graduation in regard to race relations and social change. Obama was especially interested in the attitudes of Princeton alumni in regard to improving the lives of lower-income blacks.

To document the change in attitudes, Obama devised an 18-question survey and mailed it to black alumni. Her thesis is a discussion of her methodology and an analysis of the results. It contains a limited amount of personal opinion in the introduction.

But the thesis did not say that the United States was founded on ';crime and hatred'; and that whites in America are ';ineradicably racist.'; This appears to be a complete fabrication.

The thesis is available on the Internet; the politics news site Politico reported on it in February 2008 and posted a copy it had obtained from Princeton University.

We downloaded a copy, which appears to be complete with no numbered pages missing. We read it, but we did not find the phrases the e-mail describes.

We took the additional step of scanning the document through optical character recognition software so we could search its text electronically. An automated search did not find the words

';crime,'; ';hatred,'; ';hate,'; ';ineradicably,'; or ';racist'; in the document.

The e-mail goes on to list some accurate quotes from the thesis, but its initial accusations are fiction. The words ';crime and hatred'; and ';ineradicably racist'; are inventions of whoever penned the e-mail, not words that appeared in Obama's thesis. Because of that fabrication and the e-mail's intention to defame the Obamas, we rate this claim Pants on Fire!

For more about this chain e-mail, read our story Digging up dirt on Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama


Graduated Whitney M. Young Magnet High School in Chicago's West Loop in 1981


Princeton University, B.A. in sociology, minor in African American studies. Graduated 1985.


Harvard Law School. Graduated 1988

I think race relation was much different than they are today. It's a little better but we still have a long ways to to. Mrs. Obama wrote her thesis over twenty-five years ago.

If you tell a big lie often enough, people will come to believe it.

Can't you come up with something a little less radical? In her college thesis, Michelle stated that ';she has never felt her blackness like she did at Harvard'; BIG surprise there huh? Are you ever able to put your self in anyone else's shoes? Or are you just plain socially inept?
I had an email that excerpted parts of it (allegedly) and what I read was pretty angry sounding. The author definitely had issues with the white folks and the federals.
Actually this is true, at least the anti-white part, not sure about the anti-gov

and as for the media, most of it is basically rooting for Obama to win

Get over it already!

So NO, NOT TRUE! Just the media and every other Obama Hater trying to figure out and DIG up ';SOMETHING ELSE'; to bash her about!

At least make sure it's true...MEDIA, MEDIA, MEDIA!!!!!!!!!
There wasn't a rant in it. Get your facts straight. Neither Rev. Wright nor Farrkan are anti white or anti government. America is the one with all the ANTI's

Obama 08*
Late night for you hon?

Everyone has heard this so many times on here, till

they want to throw up.

Michelle is a sweetheart. go pick on Cindy the Cookie thief.
this is getting old, you got your ignorant smears wrong, michelle is ';not patriotic'; wright is a ';racist';. if ur gonna lie about people at least get your smears right.
Nobody should care what Michelle Obama has to say or said because she isn't running to be the next US president.
Isn't that what all oppressed marginalized groups that minorities argue? :
|If I told you it wasn't true, would it change your bias?
No, you fools.
It's weird how white guilt blinds people. Yes it does.
Yep!!! Does not surprise me in the least. The more I learn about her and her husband makes me sick. And to think people are going to vote for them. It is going to take Americans losing their freedom to figure out what they have and how wonderful it is here.
Yes, it is true. Let me know if you want to read it.
yes, yes, and yes

too bad i wasnt on that millionaire

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