Thursday, December 31, 2009

RANT!!! Proper spelling/grammar!???!?

What happened to spell check??? Does anyone else get SICK TO DEATH of reading emails that are not capitallized properly, written in ALL CAPS, or with so many spelling errors they are almost impossible to use? And what's with the slang? Is it really that difficult to spell out words or use proper English?

Maybe I'm just old....but it really bugs me that the intelligence level in this world is at an all-time LOW!RANT!!! Proper spelling/grammar!???!?
No, I'm with you too. I posted this question the first week I joined because some of these ';questions'; are very hard to understand. I'll warn you now, I got a lot of very rude replies just be prepared for that.

I think the kids think all the abbreviations are cute, maybe they are for instant messages, but not when you're over 40 and don't understand what they mean. Just do what I do, don't even bother with the ones you can't read or don't understand.RANT!!! Proper spelling/grammar!???!?
hey, it's a casual forum; have your meds adjusted %26amp; chill.
Not at all. When I receive one of these emails I know it is worthless and just delete it. It is a valuable anti-spam method.
Spelling and grammar has 0 correlation to intelligence. The world has changed get over it.

Also some of us have dyslexia and spell check is just simply a best guess.

Oh and bye the way check out your grammar. Hello pot this is the kettel.

Last i checked RANT!!! was not proper grammar nor is ending a sentence with a word all caps as you did in LOW!

So in the famous words of N.W.A. CHECK YOURSELF!!
Yes, I'm so sick of that! Seriously, is it that hard to spell words like ';the'; and ';with';?

What's even worse is when people TALK the way the TYPE (and vice versa)! Really, if you're too lazy to say ';oh my god'; instead of ';omg';, that's pretty sad.
remember we dont get paid for this...and we all make mistakes....content is more important
that is rarely a problem because I'm smart enough to figure out what they are saying. My problem is with people who have to make a comment on 1 or 2 spelling mistakes in stead of answering the question. If you cant read it them why are you letting it bother you? you take this site way too seriously.

If you were smart you would realize that spell checker doesn't work on the details screen.

I cannot stand people misspelling words and not even taking a quick glimpse over what they wrote to see if it has any grammatical or spelling errors. Do they not realize that bad grammar, makes them appear to be highly uneducated and lazy.

I hate way too much slang. I don't believe it belongs in most parts of society except for in the company of Friends or people you know close enough to converse with in that manner. I mean, it's not that hard to speak proper English!

Our world's intelligence level is definitely at an all time low, but I like it, because that leaves lots of opportunities for intelligent people like us to take advantage of!
I hate that too. My younger sister is in the generation of the 'text language' with words like 'dat' and 'innit'. When I get texts like that off her I just shrug it off. At least im literate.
when it coms to the net i generally dont care about spelling or grammer, so when it happens, it happens. and iv notice when i do spell check on here it doesnt notice half of it or wants to change something right into something else

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