Monday, December 28, 2009

Sorry but i need to rant.?

Okay im 15 and 35 weeks pregnant. BUT i was rapped ( long story but im okay now). Im keeping the baby, %26amp; everytime im out in public people call me name (s*ut, and alot more). Im so tired of it!! My true friends have stuck by me and i love them dearly for not abonding me. If people our going to say things about me they should say them to my face! Just becouse im pregnant dosnt mean i dont have feelings!! God im so tired of it.

Okay my rants over sorry :), and please nobody tell me to give my baby up for adoption. I already love my baby ( even if i was rapped). Oh i do have a question.. What should i bring to the hospital when i go onto labor/when my water breaks? Thanks for listing to me :).Sorry but i need to rant.?
Bring clothes that are comfortable that you can wear after you have your baby. Don't bring a nightgown to wear when you have cause you'll ruin it best to wear one of their hospital gowns. Bring a tooth brush, some clothes to change in when you leave, and maybe something to read but their won't really be enough time for it cause you'll be exhausted and you'll have your baby.

Sorry you got raped. I was also raped when i was 17 and had a little girl and gave her up for adoption. She's now 4 years old and I think about how nice it would of been to keep her but i knew that i wasn't ready. It's really great that your keeping your baby though remember it's your decison and don't let anyone try and tell you what to do.

Also when I got raped people spread rumors about me also. People in high school are just immature. remember your above them. you know it's not true so why let it get to you. just brush them off.

also if you ever need anyone to talk to or vent to about this or if you need advice you can email me at

Good luck..Sorry but i need to rant.?
I am so sorry about that. Just remember that you know what happened, everyone else dosen't matter. I applaud you for keeping your baby it is a very tough descion for some one your age. It shows great maturity, you must have a good support system.

Anyway. You may want loose fitting pjs. Of course all your personal items. Slippers. If you aren't bringing pjs you may want a robe to cover up with. Clothes to go home in, again loose fitting. You don't know what size you'll be after you have the baby. Don't expect to fit into you old jeans. You might want to consider yoga pants to go home in. I had a c-section and couldn't wear jeans for 8 weeks. The outfit you want to bring baby home in and the outfit you want to have the little one have their picture in. Hope this helps. Good Luck.

You should pack a hospital bag now. Have it ready just in case. Put in some pjs, underwear, clothes to go home in, toothbrush/paste, brush, shampoo/conditioner, lotion, makeup (for pictures if you want), take a cd player/ipod for music, magazines (you may get bored it could take awhile), a take home outfit for your baby, phonenumbers, quarters for payphone or cell phone, snacks, take your own pads I've heard hospital pads are horrible, and take a camera for sure! Anything else you might wanna take pack Goodluck and once again congrats!
I sent you an email please read it. It is not mean or rude in any way.
I hope your life turns out well. Im sorry people judge. Im a ';unwed'; mother. I live with the babies dad and we are happy but I know what some people think of us. We are great parents and im sure you will be 2, even at 15. I know its hard but dont let anyone ever make you feel less then perfect. Everyone has their own secrets and stories, even those people who call you names. You have nothing to be ashamed of, but those people do!!!! I hope you have someone to help you with your baby. Good luck and god bless.
BRing shampoo! i wish i had. brin a hairbrush and some soap. and some sanitary pads of you don't want to used the hospital ones and some undies to go with that. ignore those people because they don't even know who you are. some munchie food for later and a book to read if you are ever alone good luck to you
Bring a bag with granny panties, night clothing, slippers, toothpaste, brush, comb, deodorant, lotion... Any other personal items that you think you may need. Oh yeah and bring the baby a few clothing items if you want he/she to wear them.
The best of luck to you and your baby! Just take clothes for yourself to wear home, gowns while you are in the hospital, your essentials as comb, brush, a little makeup if you wear it, and, of course, clothes for your newborn to wear home. Don't worry about what people are saying or thinking. They don't know your situation and it's really none of their business. You're in my prayers!
im very sorry to hear that you were raped! im glad that you decided to keep that precious baby.the only thing i can tell you is that people are going to talk and call you names because they do not know your story.just over look it or confront them, you can tell them i didnt ask for this i was raped and tell them that you are keeping the baby and that they should mind there own bussiness. all you take to the hospital is clothes for you and take some for the baby to wear home. oh make sure that you have a camera so that you can get pics. of the baby comming into the world. good luck honey. what are you having?have you found a name?
i feel your pain....i'm 20 years old, married, and look like i'm still in high school....i get THE looks and stairs and comments behind my back like that and it's certainly annoying! i'm so sorry to hear that you were raped, i've sadly been there too. know that you're not alone and that you are doing a VERY good thing by keeping the baby and choosing life over death....i applaud you for that! CONGRATS and best wishes....and if you look into my answers, you should find an answer to the hospital question you of luck!
bring clothes for you and the baby and maybe a magazine or something like that. I plan on bringing some yarn and crocheting a blanket. it makes the time go by fast. if you plan on breastfeeding then bring a boppy pillow with you too. i have heard that they work really well.
Honey, you are a brave person. Take some pajamas, slippers, some comfy clothes to go home in, soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste all travel size if possible. For the baby take a onesie, some socks, a blanket, and a diaper or two. Don't forget the carseat. Good Luck and I wish you all the best!!
For Mommy

Birth plan (if you have one)

Health insurance forms

Hospital preregistration forms

Nightgown or large t-shirt for giving birth if you prefer not to wear a hospital gown

Extra pillows to keep you comfortable during labor

Magazines, books, etc if you wish to read

Any CDs or music you wish to listen to during labor

Focal point object

2-3 nightgowns (with a front close if you plant to breastfeed)



A few pairs of socks

Several pairs of underwear

Toothbrush, toothpaste


Shampoo, conditioner



Hair brush

Cosmetics you might want such as makeup or hair products

Lip balm, hard candies, or lollipops to keep mouth moist

Body lotion

Your own sanitary pads (if you prefer those over the ones the hospital gives you)

Nursing bra

Breast pads

Journal, diary to document this time

Loose, comfortable clothing for the trip home (you will still look 5-6 months pregnant)

For the Baby

Receiving blanket

Extra diapers

Warm blanket if it is cold outside

Outfit to wear home

Socks or booties

A cap (usually given to you at the hospital)

Safe car seat and car seat directions

Moreover I just had a baby and i got alot of talk about it even though i'm 21 and on my own. I'm even engaged to the father and i still got a whole lot of I shouldn't have kept the baby. with all of that said when your baby is born everything you went through will seem worth it because when that little person looks at you and smiles you won't regret your decision no matter the circumstances. You'll just know that you love him/her and regardless of what else happens they will bring you some of the happiest moments of your life.
I was 15 when I was pregnant with my son. I kept him and somehow still completed high school. I don't know how I did it considering the feedback I received even from my own teachers. One of my teachers even told me that I'll quit sooner or later anyway, so I might as well quit while I was pregnant. You and I do have different stories though. Mine was due to my own irresponsibility and yours was not of your doing at all. The reason I kept my son is because I was taught that I must take responsibility for my own actions. I do not regret my decision as my son (now 15 years old) is the best person in my life and I still dedicate everything to him 100%. I find it very strong of you to decide to keep your child. To be honest, those people that are looking down upon you and saying such mean things to you do not know what they are talking about nor should they matter. I know that it is hard for you and it will continue to be so. Ignore their ignorance and just smile. You will soon have a beautiful baby that will need your attention. :)

Everyone else was pretty clear on what you should bring to the hospital. Just make sure to have your bag ready soon and keep it readily available. One word of advice for after you have your baby too: Make sure to keep an extra bag of items in your car of things such as formula, an extra bottle, bottled water, a change of clothes, a few diapers, and some baby wipes. This is for those times that you are out longer than expected or an emergency comes will always have something available for the baby when you need it.

Good luck hon.
i think its wonderful of you to have a baby after being raped. May God bless you and your little blessing. I think he is giving you a blessing out a tragedy and remember '; those who matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter.';

Bring a few outfits for baby and mom

Personal hygiene products for mom

A car seat

the hospital usually gives you the left over diapers and formula in the bassinet so don't worry about dragging all that stuff

and yeah a pacifer cause hospitals always give the cheap crappy ones.

And bring home the booger sucker they give you it comes in handy.

Congratulations momma !
All you really need is clothes for you and baby..

The hospital will take care of all the baby stuff. Diapers, wipes, even a pacifier, formula if you're not breastfeeding.. They wil aslo have pads, gowns and whatever else you'll need in that region..

Bring socks, slippers, toothbrush, cellphone/numbers.. Mylicon drops..

Don't overpack - it will just make you frustrated trying to find something.. you'll be in the hospital for a few days and your family and friends can get the things you need =]
I'm sorry about what happened to you i think you are very brave for keeping your baby I do hope you have lots of support from your family babies are REALLY hard ( i have two) Don't worry about what people say if it's not true you shouldnt care. As for the hospital bring lots of undies (you will bleed alot after birth) 2-3 nightgowns (depending on how long you stay) socks, hairbrush, toothbrush and paste, deo, shampoo and cond., slippers, music, snacks, pillows if your picky, call ahead and see if your hospital supplies diapers and formula. A couple of outfits for baby also one for going home and for pictures, pacifiers and baby blanket. The best thing to do is make yourself a packing list and check stuff off as you pack it that way you don't forget anything. Good luck oh and make sure they give you lots of fluids so when it's time for the epidural you won't have to wait (don't worry it really doesnt hurt.)
Good for you!!!! It will be very hard but if you have a family suporting you, you will do great!

About what to take: an very comfortable outfit to wear for the next day...especially if your expecting company, it will make you feel better the wearing a hospital gown. Also some shower essentials, pads, a couple pair of socks(because you may get blood on a few pairs.)

Also a take home outfit for the new baby, a blanket...and most importantly a carseat for the baby! Best of Luck!!!
The only thing you can do is let it roll off your back. Can't change ignorant people or their ignorant thoughts, best just not to let it bother you.

As far as what to bring - a change of comfy maternity clothes to wear home, a robe to wear over your hospital gown when you take walks to the nursery, your own slippers or thick socks with treads on the bottom (hospital floors are slippery!) and your own toiletries (shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrush, deodorant, hair comb, pony tail holder - don't even bother with makeup - you won't have time for it) the camera, and something to read.
Forget the other people.. its all about you and your baby . . good luck :)
I send you a great big hug for being so barve.

It is time for people to stop harrasing you. You need a plan.

Often we teach people how to treat us.. or we alow people to treat us poorly. First of all, you need to present yourself as strong and unhurtable by their meaness. Even if you have to fake it until you make it.

This might be the hardest thing you will ever do, but you have to do it to take a step forward to be a young adult. And be the wonderful woman you can become.

First of all. You are not at fault or have asked to be treated this way. It is the ones who torment and tease you that have the problem.

My son went through something like this in school. He was painfully shy %26amp; we made a plan and it worked.

First of all it is important to let the people teasing let them see you squirm or be upset by what they say.Keep your head up and grin confidently. The more they see you struggle the more they will taunt you. If they don't get the reaction from you, the bullies well pass you by and find someone else to tease (which is sad) You can turn around and sinserely say somthing profound that will make them appear belittled.

Say something like this. ';Hello. It is interesting that you choose to taunt me concerning my baby. Why don't we sit down like young matrure adults and I will fill you in on what I have been going through. There really is no reason for you to torment me unless you need to do so to make your self feel more supperior. Please, I encourage you to sit down with me here and I can fill you in on all of the details. If they choose to do so. Simply say.'; Rape is a nightmare action. It was a huge violation of my personal self.I was stunned to find out that a baby was the result of this action. I struggled and struggled about what to do. I realized this is MY baby. This is a real life growing inside of me. Do, I kill the baby because it's father is an asssssssssssswhole. I figured the father is out of the picture and this child is all mine. I have considered all of my options.....options that I wouldl n't want my worst enemy to have to choose.I have had to grow up fast and make up my mind balancing all of the options. I am not responsible for the crime of the rape. But, the baby is growning with in me and I love that baby. I have made the choice to keep the baby and raise it with all the love in my heart. My friends and family are there for me. I can't expect you guys to understand becausea you arn't close enough to the reality to completely understand.Because you don't competely understand you are reaching out and taunting me. I ask you to be kind and thoughtful of my situation. It will take some maturity, but let the frst step is accepting me and my child. YOu personally have to make a choice of what kind of person you will be. A mean siprited one. Or someone who cares deeply for other people and don't judge so harshly.

Let me %26amp; my baby call you friends. I need all the friends I can get now. And maybe someday you will be in my situation wondering what to do. I will be there for you. I will not judge or taunt you. Give this some thought and meanwhile please show some humanity and be kind to me. Thank you so much'; Then walk away with a sense of peace and calm. You have informed them, you have confronted them. Not much more you can do except avoid them. And KNOW deep inside of you that they are immature creeps who have a great deal of growing up to do. Another idea is to type out words like this. Smile and hand them to people who taunt you. Give them a confident smile and walk away with your posture strong and you face confident. If they are meaner than ever, then they are total and complete lossers.

Bring a diaper bag to hospital, with newborn dialpers in it 4.

Bring a little outfit to take the baby home in. Also bring a couple of recieving blanket to wrap your little one in. Bring a burp rag. If your trip home is long bring formula and bottles with you. Often the nurses will give you a couple of bottles.

Bring a waterproof changing pad. Bring some baby wipes/

Bring a updated Approved car seat to drive the baby home in.

Bring an extra

For yourself.....slippers, socks,clean underwear. Any books you are reading. A comfey bathrobe. A little hat or bonnett for the baby. Bring with you phone numbers that you might need.

I believe you are a strong and capable young woman. I believe you will do a wonderful job being a mother.
Bring what you would if you were going for a weekend away - change of clothes, extra knickers etc... Also bring maternity pads, toiletries, books. You never know how long you're going to be in there
you will definelty need shampoo and a tooth brush. Slippers too cause the floors are cold. Just so you know though..When you are a month or two from your due date, your OBGYN will give you a packet giving you a list of everything you may need or want to have with you at the hospital. Oh, and the best part of giving birth. You are a celebrity for 2-3 days. Seriously, it was awesome
I commend you on your attitude and your courage. Your baby is lucky to have such a wonderful mother with such a strong spirit. I would bring a book or cards and maybe some light snacks for the day after in case you don't like the hospital food. Also, slippers and a robe, brush, toothbrush, shampoo and soap. Remember to bring a set of clothes that are still pregnancy size. You will lose some weight from birth, but not all. Good luck to you and your baby and I hope your delivery goes well. Labor will be tough but the baby will make it worth it. And feel free to rant about your situation any time you need to; it helps prevent high blood pressure. :P

*As far as those encouraging you to give up your baby, I want to share. My aunt was raped at 16 and had the baby. My grandparents took in the child and the three of them raised him to adulthood. My aunt was his mother, he grew up to be a mature adult who went on to college and had a family of his own. It wasn't always an easy situation but it is one that can work. I hope this gives you hope.
first of all im ery sorry for what happened to you.

but i admire the fact that ur gonna keep the baby .

i dont knwo what i seriously would do .....

but tellt hose people u dont understand the situation...

so dont say anything if they push then tell them ..

but other than that who cares no one knows.

so screw them..

my sis just had her baby..

take a bag with some extra clothes for u to change into maybe clothing for the baby..

you dont reeally need much ur papers...u know

good luck!

email me if u want to chat some more kay..=)
I'm sorry that happened 2 u glad ur ok those nasty *** people are waste of space ur young but that does not mean u can't be good mother ur certainly can and will be. Keep up on prenatal care. By ur post i can tell ur more intelligent mature then many 2-3x ur age
i was able to complete college with my baby.. so anyone who says u dont have a life then thats their issues... you are a strong woman and a baby is a gift from god. im sure your parents will help out its not like this is ur fault. i dont think people on here should be negative toward u cause of ur choices... ur child will be old enough for school for u to go to college and u can still have a life being a mom

dont forget the car seat!! the hopsital wont let u take ur gift from god home with out it.
Check out There is a ton of great information and even a place where you can write your birth plan. It helps to think about these things and decide what you would prefer BEFORE you are in labor and have to make a quick decision.

Also, this is merely the beginning of you making choices for yourself and your baby, and the rest of the world judging you harshly for those choices. Take a deep breath. Now, exhale. The reality is, you are going to run into some of the biggest, dumbest, most egotistical, self-righteous jerks on the planet. I'm 37 and people have stupid things to say to me. It isn't your age, although it does make you an easy target. 9 out of 10 people are inherently stupid. Rely on your team, those select angels that have stuck by your side. Don't listen to stupid people, they only have stupid answers.
Sometimes, you have to make tough decisions. It's not fair for you to keep a baby and not be able to care for it, no matter how much you say you love it? Also, is the father someone who was a stranger?

Listen to what I'm saying and don't process it through your emotional woman filter you jerks.
ok if you LOVE the baby you will want what is best for it..unless you have a lot of money - the best thing for the baby is for you to love it enough to give it to another family who can afford to care for it.. and who are mature enough to make the right choices.. you are 15 and still will want (and NEED) to have a life for yourself.. a baby will drag you down and set you way back - your future will not be as strong as if you had no baby... sorry but its true..

rape or no rape - doesnt make a difference.. if you LOVE the baby - you will put its interests first... no baby would want to be raised by a single parent on low income...

sorry to say but its the truth.. sometimes if you REALLY love something -you HAVE to let it go.
Do not make this child suffer too. Give it a mother thats mature enough not to be selfish. You are not okay.

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