Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Muslim Rant?

What's up with users like Xtreme L OIC among others going around and ranting about how the divisions between Muslims is because of Jews and America?

Why don't these people understand that the problems Muslims face are our own problems and not that of others?Muslim Rant?
Yes they rant sometimes.

I wish they stop blaming me as it is not a Jewish hand in their troubles it is their own device.

They blame Shia for Yemeni Jew well if he was Jew he wouldn't have been apostate. You don't get to convert then accept what the convert says then blame it 1,000 years later on Jewish people when it backfires. It was Muslim hand that did that not Jewish.

They have ';issues'; that aren't even related to me. They like to rant otherwise and real people are dieing because of those rants.Muslim Rant?
she was fooled by this propaganda(which is only help to destroy Islam)

just like other Muslims now and arabs

they blame Jews Zionists Americans for anything now

while it's long before

Islam and deviant sects were and still fighting and never get along because those deviant sects has a anti islam beliefs.

the divisions is way before even America discovered

but Jews have a hand on it

the founder of shiaism (deviant sect) Is a Yemeni Jew his name is Abdullah ibin saba' who pretend to be a Muslim

he create shiaism to destroy Islam from inside

if you read shiaism religion you can find it simple it stands on insulting the great Muslims(wives and friends of the prophet) and lies on them changing the teaching of Islam

etc.. it has an opposite beliefs !

yet those ignorant Muslims say it's another teaching of Islam !

oh god i don't think any religion from god have a two opposite beliefs !

let them they think they are helping Islam

while they are helping to destroy Islam when they call the deviant sects as Muslims and call for uniting with deviant sects !

and the result is this video

Muslim hate Muslim !

while the real is

Shias hate Muslims (according to shiaism) !

watch it


Islam and real Muslims did never unite with deviant sects and will never Inshallah
You are Right brother, Islam was doomed right from the begining. Muhammad (PBUH) gave a good example by burning a mosque of muslims that he did not agree with.

Today muslims who do not agree with others follow simliar examples and do as they think fit to other muslims.
I believe the problem is far beyond human influence. Aliens from Beta Zentauri are infiltrating humankind to make us hate each other. Their mark is a green sweater over black jeans and trainers. Watch out, they're more of them every day. I tried to force some of them to admit it, but they just laughed and called me drunk. Of course, they need to deny their evil deeds, but I know they are here to enslave our planet.
I totally agree, however it's always easier pointing the finger at others. This is why we never grow or prosper! By believing that our ummah is in the state it's in because of the west, we essentially stunt our own growth!

Your question does not make sense so can you please tell me if you are an Arab or a Turk i wil answer you accordingly

I am seriously asking my intention is not to make fitnah i am asking so that maybe i can change your way of thinking
That is because Allah would never change a favour that He has conferred upon a people until they change their own condition, and know that Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

muslims divided themselves about 1200 yrs ago when hadith books were read and practiced,and america was not even discovered..
Well that's not true either.

No man is an island, unto himself.
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