Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why Did Bill Clinton decide to sell arms to Our enimies as well as our friends? In spite of the Liberal rant?

Early on, Clinton required our diplomats to shill for arms merchants to their host countries. The results were immediate: During Clinton's first year in office, U.S. arms sales more than doubled. From 1993 to 1997, the U.S. government sold, approved, or gave away $190 billion in weapons to virtually every nation on earth.

The arms industry, meanwhile, has greased the wheels. It filled the Democratic Party coffers to the tune of nearly $2 million in the 1998 election cycle.

To examine the Clinton administration's eagerness to arm the world, the MoJo Wire has compiled a detailed look at America's top weapons customers during the Clinton years, tallying their total 1993-97 purchases through both the Pentagon (so-called ';Foreign Military Sales,'; or FMS) and U.S. manufacturers (';Direct Commercial Sales,'; or DCS).

What we found is that while the U.S. obviously sells weapons to NATO countries and relatively democratic allies like Japan and South Korea, it also has a nasty habit of arming both sides in a conflict, as well as countries with blighted democracy or human-rights records, like Indonesia, Colombia, and Saudi Arabia

http://www.motherjones.com/news/special_鈥?/a>Why Did Bill Clinton decide to sell arms to Our enimies as well as our friends? In spite of the Liberal rant?
LOL cmon Thorgirl, you can do better than this.

Reagan sold weapons to the VERY SAME PEOPLE BUSH WANTS TO NEXT INVADE. Ever hear of Oliver North and the Iran Contra Scandal? The CONTRAS are in control now!

What about Osama bin Laden? The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan (There was a ';Rambo'; movie about it, you may remember) and Reagan supplied arms to Osama's Muhajeddin ';freedom fighters'; to help get the Sovs out.

I have seen pictures of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein, concluding an arms deal which resulted directly in the gassing of thousands of Iraqi Kurds. Clinton (nor anyone in his Administration) never did that.

http://www.msnbc.com/news/1639839.jpgWhy Did Bill Clinton decide to sell arms to Our enimies as well as our friends? In spite of the Liberal rant?
Ihadnt seen anyone claim that Clinton didnt sell arms, of cours ehe did, but he had a Republican Congress to ratify all sales.

With Clinton we had oversight, with Bush and a Repub Congress, we had none for 6 years.

Are you EVER gonna email me?

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Clinton gets bashed daily by rightwing nuts screaming he's not ';military friendly'; and how he ';slashed'; the military budget while he was in office, etc., etc.

NOW you're going to scream that he's ';TOO'; military-oriented? TOO many guns? TOO much involved in defense issues?

Your party is psychotic.
...and this is all ';new'; because...?

Every single administration has, at one time or another, helped arm other nations in their conflicts.
for the same reason Republicans helped build chemcial weapons for saddam as well as millitray aid for Afghanistan
Why did the republican support Saddam when he was killing the kurds? Why did they support Osama?
Many presidents have allied or sold arms to countries that have later turned out to be our enemies. Take Saddam, Reagan armed him initially and he was an ally, it came full circle when he was declared an enemy and conquered.
Another high quality cut and paste without any comprehension of the issue.

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